Get unlimited £6 baby gift sets for £1

This is an amazing little trick if you can find it. The Cussons & Me gift set is only £1 at Tesco but £7 elsewhere. HOWEVER, it’s got a voucher for £1 off in it, which means  UNLIMITED free gift sets. Yep, you read right! 

Today, I’ve been on an epic Lord of The Rings-style journey. It included a lot of walking, searching and a fair bit of getting lost. But I wasn’t accompanied by any hot elves trying to take the ring to Mordor – no, I was doing a tour of west London’s Tesco stores.

What was ‘the ring’, I hear you ask? A Cussons Mum & Me Congratulations Gift Pack. It’s a toiletries bag with some bath soak (50ml), baby bath (50ml), hand gel (50ml) and some muslin cloth. And it’s a bargain at £1 both in-store and online at Tesco.

The gift pack, which costs £7 elsewhere, is for expectant mothers. But who couldn’t use baby bath, bath soak and hand gel – pregnant or not? What’s even better, it doesn’t seem to be on offer – it’s just the price (although it seems to be mis-priced, so you never know how long it will last for).

Cussons Mum & Me gift set

So it’s cracking deal, but here’s what makes it even more magical. Inside the gift pack are three vouchers, including one offering “£1 off any product in the Cussons Mum & Me Bump range”, valid until Thursday 31 July (the other two include 50p off any product in the New Mum range, and 30p off any product in the Baby range).

This means you can buy one gift set for £1 and then use the £1 off voucher inside to get the next pack free. Then in that free pack, you can use the £1 off voucher inside, to get another free pack… and so on and so on until 31 July. That’s a lot of bubble bath for £1!

I asked Cussons if you could definitely use the £1 off voucher on ANYTHING in the range and it said yes. So as far as I can see, you should be able to get as many gift packs for £1 as you like.

But there’s a bit of a snag.

While it’s easy enough to buy the kit online initially (and have it delivered to a store for free), it’s a bit trickier getting the free gift set as the vouchers can only be used in a store, and many don’t stock them.

So back to my epic Lord of the Rings journey. I couldn’t find a single Tesco store near me that had the kit. So I rang Tesco customer services (0800 50 55 55) and was told the closest was in Woolwich, the other side of London from me, so always call before making a trip. You’ll need to give customer services this barcode: 5000101119835.

But if you happen to be in Tesco and don’t spot any on the shelf, take this advice from our forum user Diamond Mon:
“Two of the stores in my area had none on the shelves, but I asked the sales assistant and both times they went to the stock room and got them for me. So if you don’t see any, it’s always worth asking.”