The only way to find out if you'll be accepted for a credit card or loan is to apply. Yet that leaves a footprint on your credit file affecting your ability to get future credit. So in a perfect world you'd home in on the top card or loan you've the best chance of getting first, and that's what this tool lets you do.
- 1. We analyse your data
Your profile will be matched at the credit bureau.
- 2. Protect your credit file
Lenders won't see your search, so it won't affect your credit worthiness.
- 3. Show your chances
We'll tell you your chances of getting the products before applying.
How does it work?
The calculators use what's known as 'soft' searches on your credit file - you'll see the search if you check your file, but lenders won't. To do this we work with HD Decisions, a data company owned by Experian. For the 'soft' search we first have to find your details at the credit bureau (Experian).
To find your details we need your name, address, date of birth, postcode and main bank account details. In addition we need your employment information, income, dependents (for loans) and residential status, which can all have an impact on the lending available to you. HD Decisions process the data, but we're in control, this means your data is never passed on or used by HD itself.
Sometimes HD Decisions has enough information to give certainty that you'll be accepted for a credit card or loan from a credit perspective (still subject to fraud checks and whatnot), but currently that's only provided from your main bank and a few smaller niche lenders.
Unfortunately we can't always give you an eligibility score as not every lender has been willing, or able to share its credit policies with HD Decisions yet. Rest assured, we're working hard to get everyone in as soon as possible.