The DVD Dilemma

To aid a relaxing Sunday afternoon, I decided to believe the hype and check what all the Star Trek fuss is about. It’s fair to say that after 25 years, the extent of my Trekkie knowledge extends to the chorus line of “Staaaaar-Trekkin across the universe, On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk”. And that’s it….

Anyway, I thought it was great ‘popcorn-movie’ entertainment and heartily recommend it to anyone (especially those fearing being mobbed by fancy dress Klingons – there were no Galaxy Quest-style fans, desperate to touch Mr Sulu, to be seen). Yet despite the explosive attacks on planet Vulcan, the two biggest shockwaves as we walked home were…

1) My lovely girlfriend apparently finds the new Mr Spock – he of the pointy ears! – ‘incredibly attractive’.

2) The trailer for Terminator: Salvation (the 4th, and first post-Arnie film in the series) left me wanting to watch all the previous ones IMMEDIATELY.

A quick look at the Megashopbot told me I could get all three for just £11, and probably some extra cashback besides, an absolute bargain. But with shopping metropolis on our doorstep at MoneySaving Towers, I couldn’t resist a lunchtime foray to HMV.

After hiking to the far corner of Westfield, I found all three original Terminator films for £13. As a dedicated, long-serving MoneySaver, this gave me a horrible dilemma. I could overpay by nearly 20%, but get instant Arnie-based gratification this evening; or order online and bask in the glow of my inflated MoneySaving pride, but be left with only repeats of Friends to keep me entertained this evening. A tough call….

I’m afraid to say, I caved in. Hasta la Vista, MoneySavers.