Fame at last!

Last night, ITV1’s Tonight programme included a special première – screen time for the MSE team (special for us anyway!). Martin’s done fantastic TV Money Makeovers for years now, but on this occasion he was only given 24 hours by the ITV producers to save a lovely family – the Scotts – as much money as possible....

How to enjoy the commute to London

It takes me two hours to get to London on the train and tube, so I have plenty of time to ponder and think about the day ahead. But with the journey being quite monotonous I’ve had to find something to stop me falling asleep. As I carry a laptop around with me I have the perfect...

Cheap thrills… but at what cost?

I recently decided to put my much-loved, moth-eaten MP3 player out of its misery and jump on Apple’s shiny consumer bandwagon, opting for a 16GB iPod Touch. Determined not to pay full price, a quick MegaShopBot search found I could knock £15 off Apple’s £220 by shopping around. After some (slightly obsessive) further Googling, one advert caught...

What’s the point in good rates if you can’t get the product?

Santander may be the newest name on high street after becoming the new face of Abbey this month but, in my experience, the shiny new façade has not been met with shiny new service – far from it. In this internet age, with (sometimes) slick money transfers and account openings, it’s not often the computer generation need...