MSE Towers has six staff members attempting this year’s Virgin London Marathon, myself included and it’s both exciting and terrifying. Having spent most of my adult life stood on cold fields kicking an inflated bladder around, running is something I’ve only recently become interested in. To my name, I’ve done a 10K, the southern Hell Run and the Reading Half Marathon but the full marathon is a different kettle of cod (especially with these wooden knees). MSE Archna and MSE Neil already have the accolade under their belts and are both running again, but along with (MSE) Guy, Dan and Adam, I will be a first timer.
You’d think that running is easy – turn up, do it. But these days there is such an amount of tech and kit to choose from. I’m currently favouring a very clever iPhone app called RunKeeper which I’ve been very impressed with. Arch and Nelly are both Garmin fans, whilst Dan goes for Nike+ tech and Adam uses his Nokia GPS software. We aren’t sure what Guy uses, current thinking is he has a portable sundial.
Along with these tech items, we are all big advocates of proper running shoes, but the cost can seem prohibitive. As a loyal MSE’er, I used the to find the best price for my trainers and kit and found it knocked a fair amount off what I’d seen elsewhere. The downside to all this cost cutting is there is now a comedy delay of about 5 minutes before the start of every run whilst everyone sets up their kit! If you want to spot us on marathon day, we’ll be the ones still on the start line looking for GPS signals….
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