My name’s Becca and I’m an eBay addict

I'm so sad... I look at eBay logos all day

I'm so sad... I look at eBay logos all day

My name’s Becca and I’m an addict, an eBay addict.

Like many of my MoneySaving comrades at MSE Towers, I’m partial to a bit of eBay action.

Actually, that’s probably a bit of an understatement.

I’ll rephrase: I am a self-confessed addict.

Though I’ve been a member of the online auction site since about 2005, it was only recently that I got bitten by the eBay selling bug. But boy, have I been bitten bad.

Yes, the great spring clearout is underway at Casa de Becca, and with the amount of stuff I’ve been selling, pretty soon I may have to move to a smaller flat, or face living like Old Mother Hubbard.

This is how bad it’s got…

I have spent whole evenings photographing and writing up item lots, patiently waiting for eBay to announce a free listing day.

I weigh all my items carefully, to ensure I charge the correct postage (there’s nothing more disheartening than undercharging someone postage and then having to dip into your profits to pay for your own mistake.

Unfortunately, I learned the hard way, and then invested in a pair of scales).

Once the items are on the site, I draw up Excel spreadsheets to monitor the number of watchers, bids and my total sales.

I get excited when I see an item has a new watcher, and even more excited when someone actually bids.

The buzz I get from an ending eBay auction is indescribable.

So bad is my eBay illness that I’ve even been known to shove off home early when out with friends, just so I can sit in front of the laptop and watch as my items end and the PayPal emails start to flood in.

I know this has got to stop. Summer is nearly here, and I should be spending my evenings and weekends out in the fresh air, not hunched over my laptop, watching eBay bids like a hawk.

I need help.

Please use the comments below or the MSE forum discussion to help cure my eBaddiction.