The death of the high street, and the rise of the £1 shop

It’s nearly the end of 2012, and for shoppers and their high streets, what a year it’s been. We’ve seen the departure of Peacocks, the demise of Game and the downfall of Comet. We’ve said adios to JJB Sports, Past Times and Ethel Austin. And we’ve seen Clinton Cards, Jane Norman and Blacks face difficult and uncertain...

MoneySaving for Doomsday

I’ve discovered Doomsday Preppers, a programme about American families so concerned the world is going to end at any moment, they are preparing now to survive the fallout. But while most of their actions are utterly incomprehensible, a lot of what they do is MoneySaving. They concentrate on being self-sufficient and preserve what they get, which makes...

Christmas present cost-cutting: the Talbot way

When it comes to Christmas, I like to consider myself pretty MoneySaving. I build up a steady stockpile of presents throughout the year, so I don’t have to buy too much in December, and I set myself a budget. Shopping around for the cheapest prices is easy thanks to the MegaShopBot, and I always check for discount...