£28k Ideal Home Show savings and probably much more!

People trying out our Ideal Home Show app

MoneySavingExpert.com currently has a stand at the Ideal Home Show – something we’ve done in past years too. (If you haven’t been and want to go, the show’s on until 6 April and you can still grab the Ideal Home Show 2 for 1 deal.)

This year the stand’s next to the super theatre and on the days MoneySavingExpert.com creator Martin is appearing he answers questions there afterwards (see the link above for the dates and times).

Members of the MSE Team are also there to help you, as are representatives from Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust. See MSE Wendy’s guest post on Citizens Advice for more on how we worked together at the show.

The stand also has a bank of iPads with our specially designed quick quiz on to see which areas of your day-to-day life you could save money on, or are due money from, and how much.

For example it looks at water bills, gas/electricity bills, motor insurance costs, council tax bills, mobile phone contracts, checking if you’re eligible for flight delay compensation and PPI reclaiming.

I’ve worked on the stand for the last few years and each year what I really love is finding out how much we’ve managed to save people.

I was on the stand this past Saturday and thought this year, as a very unscientific experiment, I’d ask people if they minded telling me how much we could save them.

Several people thought that as they already use our site and are signed up to get our weekly email, the quiz wouldn’t be able to find them anything they could save on. But for me that’s the MoneySaving equivalent of a red flag to a bull – the challenge was on!

In total I asked 12 people how much the quiz told them they could save. Of the 12, the smallest possible saving was £350 and the biggest £6,650. In total the maximum saving from my random sample was £28,400!

Many, many more people than that did the quiz in the four hours we were on the stand and of course people will have used it in the hours before I arrived and after too. So the savings people are making are likely to be far greater than even £28k.

MSE’s stand at the Ideal Home Show

Hopefully the majority of people who take the quiz choose to get the results emailed to them so they can follow up on it by taking the next step to actually save that much.

Have you visited the Ideal Home Show stand and completed the quiz? If you have, let us know what it said you can save, and whether or not you’ve acted upon its help, via the comments section below or on the forum.