We've checked the line at your address and you should expect to receive this download speed. Though it can vary depending on factors such as the time of day or your Wi-Fi signal (if you use Wi-Fi).
Crackly and squeaky dial-up is all a thing of the past and you can now get online pretty instantly with lightning fast speeds. Super-fast fibre broadband delivers average speeds above 30Mb, about three times faster than its slower ADSL cousin by using more sophisticated glass or plastic wires.
How does superfast broadband work?
Fibre is a type of broadband which uses newer technology to connect your home to the internet which means it's able to offer super-fast speeds.
By contrast, standard ADSL connections are still made entirely through copper wires which were not designed for online gaming, lots of streaming, downloading or having multiple users in your home.
What superfast download speeds can I expect?
The speed you see advertised is the average received by at least 50% of providers' customers between 8pm and 10pm - when most people are online.
It's best to use it as an indication of the speeds you may get, and you'll usually be shown an estimate of the speed you're likely to actually get by the provider before committing - based on the speeds of other customers with a similar connection.