MoneySavingExpert Founder, Martin Lewis · Editor-in-Chief, Marcus Herbert Chair, Martin Lewis · Editor, Marcus Herbert

Sorry, we can't yet do a full comparison for all Hull postcodes.

This is because in some areas - though not all - there's only one provider of fixed landline and broadband services, which is KCOM. This makes it harder to do a full comparison.

We're working with our data provider to get a more accurate view of these boundaries but in the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience.

Fibre Broadband Deals

Includes 29 of the biggest firms, plus special deals we've found or arranged.
See who we do and don't compare.

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Here are similar deals that are available where you live.

results 38 results sorted by Equivalent monthly cost
38 results sorted by Equivalent monthly cost

Top fibre broadband results

● Here's a selection of the fibre broadband deals available for most. They are postcode dependent, so to see deals available in your area and across all speeds, enter your postcode in the box above.
● These are today's prices, but providers often increase prices in line with inflation or a set % during the contract.
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Virgin Media: New customers only
264Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
18 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(OK) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £24.99/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £28.49/mth on 1 Apr 2026
  • And then subtracts from the total cost...
  • ‐  £100 reward from Virgin Media
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Now Broadband: New customers only
100Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(OK) broadband customer service
Monthly cost
(Prices may change during contract)
  • Phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Sky: New customers only
150Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
Phone line rental No calls included
(OK) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  £28/mth payment
  • (Prices may change during contract)

  • And then subtracts from the total cost...
  • ‐  £50 reward from Sky
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Onestream: New customers only
200Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
Broadband customer service: No score
Not part of the Ofcom automatic compensation scheme
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £26.95/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £29.70/mth on 1 Apr 2026
  • ‐  £4.95 one-off installation cost
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Plusnet: New customers only
145Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(Good) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £26.99/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £29.99/mth on 31 Mar 2025
  • ‐  A price rise to £32.99/mth on 31 Mar 2026
  • And then subtracts from the total cost...
  • ‐  £50 reward from Plusnet
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Virgin Media: New customers only
516Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
18 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(OK) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £32.99/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £36.49/mth on 1 Apr 2026
  • And then subtracts from the total cost...
  • ‐  £80 reward from Virgin Media
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Now Broadband: New customers only
300Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(OK) broadband customer service
Monthly cost
(Prices may change during contract)
  • Phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Virgin Media: New customers only
132Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
18 month
Phone line rental Weekend calls included
(OK) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £29.99/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £33.49/mth on 1 Apr 2026
  • No phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Talktalk: New customers only
152Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
18 month
No phone line rental Broadband only (no line)
(OK) broadband customer service
Equivalent monthly cost
This equivalent monthly cost adds in...This equivalent monthly cost adds in...
  • Costs added up:
  • ‐  The current £28/mth price
  • ‐  A price rise to £31/mth on 1 Apr 2025
  • ‐  A price rise to £34/mth on 1 Apr 2026
  • Phone line rental
  • Broadband
  • Sky: New customers only
150Mb Expected speedExpected speed
Fibre broadband (FTTP)
Broadband Truly unlimited downloads 
24 month
Phone line rental No calls included
(OK) broadband customer service
Monthly cost
(Prices may change during contract)

Fibre broadband deals

What types of broadband are there?

Broadband is the standard way to connect to the internet, but the key differentiator is speed, measured in megabits per second (Mb) - and the faster the speed, generally the pricier it gets.

  • Standard - with average speeds of 10-11Mb. This is the basic level, sometimes called ADSL.
  • Fibre broadband - average speeds of 35-36Mb (though some offer 50Mb). This is delivered through more sophisticated glass or plastic wires before connecting to your home.
  • Fast fibre - with average speeds around 63Mb. Uses the same fibre wires, it's just faster.
  • Superfast broadband - with average speeds usually above 100Mb. This requires more sophisticated wiring usually direct to your home, and is only available from a limited number of suppliers. It's also referred to as Full Fibre or Fibre to the premises (FTTP), see our FTTP guide for more info.

What is the difference between broadband and fibre?

Speed and cabling, in a nutshell. Fibre is a type of broadband which uses newer technology to connect your home to the internet which means it is able to offer faster speeds while standard ADSL connections are still made entirely through copper wires which were not designed for speed.

What broadband speed do I need?

While a lightning-quick package may sound tempting, it'll come at a premium, so make sure you really need the extra speed. Fast fibre is best if you're a heavy user - so if you do lots of streaming, online gaming or downloading, or have multiple users in your home - you may find it's well worth it, as doing lots at the same time slows you down. If you just use the web for basic tasks such as emails and the odd bit of browsing then standard with average speeds of around 11Mb should be fine.

What's my current internet speed?

Try a free test for an indication of both your download speed (the rate at which you get data from the web) and upload speed (the rate at which you can send data to the web).

Use a couple from the list below to get a range of results, and perform the tests at different times to get an idea of how speeds fluctuate:

See our improve your broadband speed guide for more tips.

Can I get fibre broadband where I live?

Most households can get fibre broadband, but to check if it's available in your area, you can start by checking our Broadband Comparison tool. Enter your postcode and we'll show you what deals you can get in your area.

Keep in mind that broadband availability can vary within certain areas, so it's advisable to check with specific providers for the most accurate and current information.

Our top need-to-knows

  • 1

    Who we do and don't compare

    This tool looks at 24 of the biggest providers, including the giants of BT, Sky and Virgin, plus special deals we've found or blagged which we believe are top picks. Yet there are also many small providers we can't list - which occasionally have cheap deals - so it's always worth checking direct with any local provider you know of.
    Let us know if you find a top deal we've missed and see which providers this tool covers.

  • 2

    Switching can save you £100s

    Many get a cheap promo deal for broadband, line rent and/or TV, and stick with it when it ends, usually paying £100s/year more than they started with. Don't let it be you - compare now and see if you could save.

  • 3

    Fast advertised speeds don't mean faster broadband

    Providers only have to advertise the average speed received by at least 50% of customers between 8pm and 10pm. Your actual speed can depend on a host of factors - see the full checklist of tips in broadband speed boosting.

  • 4

    Consider your need for speed

    If it's just you and the dog, you're likely to be fine with standard speeds averaging around 11Mb. If you share a house, or you use the web for movie downloads, streaming or gaming, you may want to opt for faster speeds in excess of 30Mb.

  • 5

    Beware of mid-contract switching costs

    Usually you'll pay for the rest of the contract plus termination fees if you want to switch mid-contract. If your provider increases prices mid-contract and didn't warn you before you signed up, you can switch penalty-free within 30 days of notification of the price hike.