MoneySavingExpert Founder, Martin Lewis · Editor-in-Chief, Marcus Herbert Chair, Martin Lewis · Editor, Marcus Herbert

Sorry, we can't yet do a full comparison for all Hull postcodes.

This is because in some areas - though not all - there's only one provider of fixed landline and broadband services, which is KCOM. This makes it harder to do a full comparison.

We're working with our data provider to get a more accurate view of these boundaries but in the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience.

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What is web traffic management?

Some broadband providers deliberately slow down your download or upload speeds to ensure other customers have a stable connection - this is called web traffic management, throttling or traffic shaping.

It's less common than it used to be, but it's worth knowing what a firm's policy is before you sign up with it.

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What is broadband traffic management?

When you use the internet at peak times, you are adding to the strain on the broadband network as so many other people are doing the same. That can be made worse if some heavy users are downloading huge files, and as a result everyone's connection speed can be slowed right down.

In order to avoid this, some providers impose speed restrictions on particularly heavy users at peak times, typically in the evening. Not all firms do this, and if a provider does, its policy may depend on which package you have as well as your usage. But it's worth knowing if your speeds are likely to be restricted before you sign up for a broadband package.

Broadband providers are required to explain their approach to traffic management in your contract, and they must also publish this information. They have to tell you about any data caps and speed restrictions, and how their web traffic management policies could affect your internet service.

What's BT's traffic management policy?

BT says its broadband packages don't have any speed restrictions, even at peak times.

What's Plusnet's traffic management policy?

There is no traffic prioritisation on Plusnet's Unlimited, Unlimited Fibre or Unlimited Fibre Extra packages. However, on its business broadband packages and some of its older residential broadband packages Plusnet applies a "traffic prioritisation" policy.

This means some customers will see slower speeds when not doing 'time-sensitive' things such as using Skype or online gaming, eg, file sharing or downloading music.

What's Sky's traffic management policy?

Sky says its standard and fibre broadband packages aren't subject to traffic management. But if you have Sky Broadband Connect - a limited service for those outside its network area - speeds may be slower at peak times.

What's TalkTalk's traffic management policy?

TalkTalk says it doesn't have any speed restrictions on its broadband packages, even at peak times.

What's Virgin Media's traffic management policy?

Virgin Media no longer uses traffic management measures, but it does have a fair use policy. For more information, see Virgin Media.

What about other providers?

To see what other providers do, check their website - all should publish their web traffic management policies.

It's worth noting if you have a satellite broadband package you are likely to be subject to traffic management to ensure a stable connection for all customers.

How can I tell if I'm being affected by traffic management?

The easiest way to check is to do a broadband speed test - see our Broadband Speed Test guide for the full info and how to. If you find your connection is significantly slower than usual and it's at a peak time, you may be subject to web traffic management, though you'll need to check with your provider to be sure.

Our top need-to-knows

  • 1

    Who we do and don't compare

    This tool looks at 24 of the biggest providers, including the giants of BT, Sky and Virgin, plus special deals we've found or blagged which we believe are top picks. Yet there are also many small providers we can't list - which occasionally have cheap deals - so it's always worth checking direct with any local provider you know of.
    Let us know if you find a top deal we've missed and see which providers this tool covers.

  • 2

    Switching can save you £100s

    Many get a cheap promo deal for broadband, line rent and/or TV, and stick with it when it ends, usually paying £100s/year more than they started with. Don't let it be you - compare now and see if you could save.

  • 3

    Fast advertised speeds don't mean faster broadband

    Providers only have to advertise the average speed received by at least 50% of customers between 8pm and 10pm. Your actual speed can depend on a host of factors - see the full checklist of tips in broadband speed boosting.

  • 4

    Consider your need for speed

    If it's just you and the dog, you're likely to be fine with standard speeds averaging around 11Mb. If you share a house, or you use the web for movie downloads, streaming or gaming, you may want to opt for faster speeds in excess of 30Mb.

  • 5

    Beware of mid-contract switching costs

    Usually you'll pay for the rest of the contract plus termination fees if you want to switch mid-contract. If your provider increases prices mid-contract and didn't warn you before you signed up, you can switch penalty-free within 30 days of notification of the price hike.