Stop cold callers
Stop spam calls & mail
It's possible to slam the metaphorical door in the face of junk mail, phone calls, texts and emails in minutes. Sadly there's no perfect route to stop intrusive sales garbage, yet you can minimise it with a few steps, including our Trading Standards-approved 'no cold callers' sign.
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Stop spam and silent calls
Cold callers who offer to help claim compensation if you've been injured in an accident are now banned from contacting anyone who has not previously opted in to receiving such calls (before, you had to opt out of receiving these calls). They'll need to check they have the recipient's consent before calling – and companies that break the rules can be fined up to £500,000.
And with regards to those other pesky spam calls (whether automated or live marketing calls), there are a few things you can do to stop them from reaching you.
How to stop unwanted mail

There are two different types of junk mail: letters with your name and address on, or those without but still distributed by Royal Mail. Both can be stopped, and if the letters have your name on it, you've got the right to tell the organisation to stop sending them to you.
If you write to the company, once they receive your letter, they must stop sending you the unwanted mail. There's other ways to stop junk mail too.
How to stop cold callers to your door
There's nothing more frustrating than people knocking on your door when you don't want to be sold things. Remember, you don't have to let them in.
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How to stop unwanted texts
Spam texts are a modern scourge, plaguing our mobile phones with unwanted adverts and offers, often from dodgy companies. But you can fight back, report them, and minimise the number you get.
There are three main types, and the way you deal with each is different. We've done some hardcore research into it, and have a seperate Stop Spam Texts guide to help.
How to stop spam emails
'How can I stop spam?' is a million-dollar question which, sadly, has no million-dollar answer. There isn't really a solution that works perfectly.
Blocking spam is a balance. There are many software packages that help to do it, but ultimately it's a trade off between losing legitimate emails (like MSE's weekly Money Tips Email) if they're incorrectly filtered, or getting more emails and manually deleting spam.
Spammers are often one step ahead of the game, making it very difficult to keep a lid on. Remember, spam works. Someone, somewhere is clicking on it – even if it's just one person in a million, it may mean a spammer makes money.
The best way to start deleting spam is by using the tools available from your own email provider; spam filters and rules are reasonably effective at blocking spam. You can discuss tips with other MoneySavers on the Techie Stuff forum board.
How to stop unwanted faxes
These are far less of a plague than they used to be as faxes aren't as common these days. But you can opt out of junk here yet again, with (you've probably guessed the name now) the Facsimile Preference Service register. It takes about 28 days after registering for all unwanted faxes to be stopped.
Web: The easiest way is via FPS Online.
Phone: 0345 070 0702
Try using a PC-based fax machine instead
Programs such as Faxtastic allow you to receive faxes via your PC. They give you a special number and your faxes are converted into emails, so if it's junk there's no need to print it out. These companies hope you'll upgrade to their paid software, which allow you to send faxes.
With the free version, the number people have to fax you on is an 0872 number, which can be costly from some providers. Normally we rail against these (see our Say No To 0870 guide), yet as this provides a service, it works well. However, do let non-junk sending people know the cost, as effectively they're subsidising your free fax machine.
Also, to keep Faxtastic active you must receive at least one fax every 90 days, or you'll lose your allocated fax number and will have to re-register.
Is it worth junking THEM?
Even if you do everything listed above, it won't be a foolproof solution to junk calls and mail. Yet it's still well worth trying – registering for these services should still reduce the calls and junk mail you receive and it definitely won't increase them.
One good thing: if you're still receiving junk after registering, you know these companies are breaking the law, so they're probably not worth dealing with anyway.
Do remember, though: if you've personally signed up to receive mailings via email or when buying something, you'll have to block these individually.
Stopping junk mail isn't necessarily MoneySaving
You may be surprised to read this, but it's important to say. Unlike phone messages where it's all a load of ridiculous nonsense, junk mail can sometimes work in your favour.
A lot of best buy financial products, such as credit cards, are often only available if you receive them as targeted direct mailings. Yet it's only worth keeping this channel open if you're money-savvy and can sort out the wheat from the chaff.
One final way to get your revenge on junk mailers is to rip up the letter, stuff it in the pre-paid reply envelope and send it back. That way, the sender will have to pay to get its junk back.
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