Parking Tickets & Transport

Information on parking tickets, transport delays and reclaiming

Fight unfair private parking tickets: Tickets are often invalid

If you get an unfair ticket in a private car park, don't automatically pay it. These supposed…

Pothole claims

You hit a pothole and hear a horrible clunk – your car's been crocked and it's going to…

Train delays

Train delays and cancellations are all too common on our railways, making them an occupational…

Tube delays

If you're a regular commuter, you'll know travelling on the London Underground is often fraught…

Holiday rights

Your holiday's booked, you're counting down the days. But what happens if something goes wrong? Here…

Snow day

Winter has now properly arrived, with heavy snowfall and plunging temperatures across the country,…

Has your airline changed your flight time?

The hotel's booked, the suitcase is packed and you're all set to go on holiday, but the airline…

TfL overcharge refunds

In 2018, Transport for London charged passengers a total of £60 million after they failed to…

You are viewing of 10 guides

We've got a handy free online tool and step-by-step guide to help anyone who thinks they might be due money back from a delayed flight. Check out our Flight delay compensation guide, you could be due up to £510 back in compensation. If you get an unfair ticket in a private car park, don't automatically pay it. Our Fight unfair private parking tickets guide gives the lowdown on these supposed 'fines' and how to fight unfair tickets. Plus we've got guides on pothole claims, parking ticket appeals, train delays, oyster card refunds and many more.