Shopping & Consumer Rights

Your consumer rights

Coronavirus life-in-lockdown help

Many lockdown restrictions have been lifted or eased across the UK, though some restrictions…

Reclaim & boost Tesco vouchers

Here's how to reclaim lost Clubcard vouchers, boost their value and add to your points haul…

Chargeback on Visa, Mastercard & Amex

There's valuable hidden protection on credit, debit and charge cards, called 'chargeback'.…

Reclaim unwanted Amazon Prime

Have you been hit by a £95 fee for unwittingly using Amazon Prime (or £79 before 15 September…

Copycat websites

Search Google or another internet seach engine for things like 'GHIC', 'EHIC', 'driving licence',…

Tap water rights

We've always said there's no shame in asking for a glass of tap water when out for a meal to…

How to complain

To stand your ground as a 21st century champion consumer, you need to be as smart and clever…

30+ ways to stop scams

Scams are rife and you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in the UK who hasn't been targeted.…

Administration help

Retailers and businesses struggling financially is a common news headline, be it about high-street…

Energy mis-selling: Get money back for mis-selling

If you've been mis-sold an energy contract or left majorly out of pocket due to an incorrect…

You are viewing of 14 guides

If you've ever paid for something on a credit card for £100 or more, then you have rights under Section 75. Our Section 75 refunds guide gives you all you need to know on how to maximise your protection, when Section 75 covers you and when it doesn't, and includes free template letters for making Section 75 claims to your credit provider. Plus we've got guides on your consumer rights, how to take someone to the small claims court, parcel delivery rights and much more.