Tax Reclaiming

Information on income tax, council tax and more

Free tax code calculator

Free tax code calculator

Check if you're owed a rebate

FREE uniform tax refund

If you wear a uniform at work and have to wash, repair or replace it yourself, you may be able…

Council tax bands

Hundreds of thousands of homes across England and Scotland are thought to be in the wrong council…

How to claim the 'severely mentally impaired' council tax discount

Hundreds of thousands of people considered to be 'severely mentally impaired' in England, Scotland…

NHS tax reclaim

We've been contacted by scores of current and former NHS workers who are trying to reclaim…

Marriage tax allowance

If you're married or in a civil partnership and under 89 years old, you may be entitled to…

Council tax discounts

Many people are eligible for a council tax discount or reduction of between 25% and 100%, saving…

You are viewing of 9 guides

If you're married, you could get a tax break worth up to £1,150. Our Marriage tax allowance guide has everything you need to know about who qualifies and how to claim the money. If you've moved home since 1993, you could be due £100+ back from being in credit when you moved – we can help you claim this back with our Reclaim overpaid council tax guide. Plus we've got help with free uniform tax refunds, how to lower your council tax bands and how to claim the 'severely mentally impaired' council tax discount.