Balance transfer credit cards

Shift existing card debt to 0% interest for up to 32 months

Paying credit card interest? STOP. A balance transfer credit card can save you £1,000s by slashing the interest you pay. Our guide has full info and top picks, plus our Balance Transfer Eligibility Calculator will reveal the cards you've the best odds of getting.

First, a quick overview of balance transfers...

If you've debt on a credit card, a 0% balance transfer card is a powerful tool to slash costs. It pays off the debt on your existing card(s) for you, so you owe it instead, but interest-free for a set time. That way, more of your repayments clear the debt, rather than just paying interest.... 

  • Don't just apply - go via an eligibility calc. Our 0% Balance Transfer Eligibility Checker speedily shows acceptance odds for top cards (some are 'pre-approved'), without affecting your creditworthiness.

·       Go for the LOWEST FEE within a 0% time long enough to clear the debt. Longer balance transfers usually have a bigger one-off fee to transfer. So if you've a choice and can clear debt quicker, go for a shorter deal to minimise fees. Unsure? Go long.

Top-pick newbies' 0% balance transfers (longest first)


Link goes via eligibility or read full HSBC review

- Up to 32mths 0%

- 3.49% fee
- 24.9% rep APR after


Link goes via eligibility or read full MBNA review

- Up to 32mths 0%

- 3.2% or 3.49% fee
- 24.9% rep APR after


Link goes via eligibility or read full Barclaycard review

- Up to 32mths 0%

- 3.45% fee (min £5)
- 24.9% rep APR after

New. Tesco Bank
Link goes via eligibility or read full Tesco Bank review
- 30mths 0%
- 2.95% fee

- 24.9% rep APR after
Tesco Bank
Link goes via eligibility or read full Tesco Bank review
- 18mths 0%
- 0.99% fee

- 24.9% rep APR after


Link goes via eligibility or read full Barclaycard review

- Up to 14mths 0%
- 24.9% rep APR after
  • If you do get a card, ALWAYS follow the Balance Transfer Golden Rules: 
    a) Never miss the minimum monthly repayment, or you could lose the 0% deal.
    b) Clear the card before the 0% ends, or the rate rockets to the higher APR.
    c) Don't spend or withdraw cash. It usually isn't at the cheap rate.
    d) If you don't transfer at application, you've usually only 60-90 days to get 0% deal.                              

The full balance transfer guide...

Now we've given you a brief overview and you understand the basics, let's take you through balance transfers in more detail...

What is a balance transfer card?

With a 0% balance transfer you get a new card to pay off debt on old credit and store cards, so you owe it instead, but at 0% interest. A card will have a 0% period, during which you pay no interest – for example, 28 months – and sometimes you'll pay a small fee. It means you become debt-free quicker, as more of your repayments reduce the debt, rather than pay off interest. 

How does a balance transfer work?

A balance transfer allows you to transfer debt from one credit card provider to another. To do this you must open a new balance transfer credit card, which are specifically designed for this process and often come with deals which mean you pay no interest on your debt for a set number of months. There's usually a one-off fee to transfer the balance across, though some cards offer both no transfer fee and a number of months at 0% interest – though these are rare.

Once you've successfully applied for the card, you can request a balance transfer of all or some of your debt from old credit cards and it will be transferred to your new card. You usually need to request this within the first 60 to 90 days – if you delay, you could lose the promotional 0% deals.

Watch: Martin Lewis explains balance transfer credit cards

A 0% balance transfer is where you get a new credit card to pay off debt on your existing card(s), so you owe it instead, but with no interest for a set period. That way, more of your payments reduce the actual debt – getting you debt-free quicker. Watch this video of Martin Lewis explaining how to effectively use a balance transfer credit card.

Embedded YouTube Video

From The Martin Lewis Money Show Live on Tuesday 21 January 2025, courtesy of ITV. All rights reserved. Watch the full episode on ITVX.

  • Transcript of what Martin said on the show

    "Okay, so what is a 0% balance transfer? This is for cutting the cost of existing debts. It's absolutely the crucial weapon. I want to really break it down for you. Let's imagine you have £2,300 worth of debt, one on a Stalecard and one on a Rottencard, both at relatively high rates of interest.

    "So what do you do? Well you apply for a new card that's got a specific balance transfer deal to shift the debt. Here we go. The new card. We'll call it the Martcard. Hey, why not? It's 31 months at 0%. You've got a £2,000 credit limit. So what do you do? Well, the first thing is you look at the most expensive debt. That's the one growing quickest.

    "That's the one you want to get rid of. And you say, “Please pay the debt off that one.” And that's what the balance transfer is. There we go. The new card pays off the debt on the old card. So you now no longer owe it. It's debts gone down to £0 and you now owe £1,400 pounds, but at 0% for 31 months.

    "But you've got a credit limit of £2,000. Now, in terms of balance transfers, they only let you balance transfer 90% of the credit limit. So that's £1,800 in this case. So we've got £400 left. Well you may as well do it again. There we go. Pay off the Stalecard. Now you've got £1,800 worth of debt here and only £500 worth of debt on the Stalecard.

    "So if we think of it, roughly your average before was around 23 or 24% APR on £2,300 debt, about £600 a year interest you were paying, now that's all interest-free. You got only £500 debt on there. So that's what, just over £100. That's £500 of interest saved, which means far more of your money is clearing the actual debt rather than just paying the interest. And that gets you debt free quicker. That's why balance transfers are so important.

    "You have something? [speaking to his co-host]. "Yeah I have. Anne’s been in touch [referring to user who has written in to the show], she wants to know on this one...

    “I have a £4,500 credit card debt, and I'm thinking of a 0% balance transfer. I've been offered a 13 month interest-free credit card for £2,750. Is it worth me doing this as doesn't cover the full amount?”

    "Yes yes yes yes yes. Okay. Right. You've made an application. It's gone on your credit file. Your credit file is already affected. You've already spent your creditworthiness and you spent it on a really good thing cutting the cost of your debt. People often get in touch and they say the credit limit they’ve given me is too low. What should I do?

    "Well, use it even if it's for £200. £200 at 0% is better than £200 at 25%. So if we talk about that £2,750, assuming you're on a typical APR is £700, £800 a year, you're paying and you could now be paying 0%, even though the rest of your debt you're still paying interest on.

    "It's quite like this scenario [referring to the Stalecard, Rottencard and Martcard from earlier]. It's still worth doing. Then once that money's been shifted across, then now get back onto an eligibility calculator, more on that in a moment, and let's see if you can get another balance transfer for the rest. It might be slightly more difficult. You might not be able to get it, but at least you're bringing your interest rate down. So if you get a low credit limit, still use it. You've spent it, back with the application, use it.

    [His co-host speaking] "Okay, now I think people want to know Martin about the best deals." [Martin replies] "And that’s my job, that’s what I do." [His co-host continues] "Lorna that's been in touch here. Lorna’s asking...

    “What is the best and cheapest way to get rid of credit card debt?”

    [Martin continues] "Well, let me carry on to my next page. Okay. So my big message to anyone who's paying interest on credit card debt. If you cannot afford to clear your credit card debt or your store card debt, you can't afford not to try to lower the interest rate, maybe to interest free.

    "So rule number one is protect your credit history. Use an eligibility calculator first. That is a tool. Better to do one where you get a comparison. It will tell you your odds of getting the top cards, and it does that before applying so you can see which [you] are most likely to get so you can home in and hopefully apply where you're going to be successful to minimise the impact on your credit file. So I'd always apply via an eligibility calculator. Some individual card firms have them, but I go for one that gives you a spread of different cards, so you can see what's most likely.

    "Rule number two. When you do a balance transfer there's usually a one-off fee, the amount you're shifting. So if you're shifting £1,000 and the fee is 3%, you pay £30 to do it. So, the longer the card, the bigger the fee. If you can repay more quickly and you're sure you can repay more quickly, go for a shorter card, lower the fee because it'll cost you less. But if you're not sure, just go long. Have a longer 0%, play safe.

The five golden rules

Get this wrong and it can cost you large, so please read the following.

  • Cheap balance transfer deals are designed to make lenders money when the 0% period is over, as interest rates jump massively (typically to between 18% and 40%). Yet this can be avoided...

    • Aim to clear the balance before the end of the 0% transfer period. Quite simply,  divide the amount you owe by the number of months at 0%, then pay at least this every month to pay it off in time.

    • If you can't clear it in time, balance-transfer again to another 0% offer. If you can't afford to repay in time, the next best bet is to shift the debt again, before the end of your 0% period. If you're not eligible for any cards, you could consider transferring back to the original card you shifted the debt from, if it's still open and cheaper than the interest rate on your current card.
  • Just because you grabbed a 0% deal DOESN'T mean you can get away with paying nothing – you must pay at least the minimum monthly payments, preferably more. Otherwise you will be hit with penalties and some card providers will withdraw the deal, leaving you on an expensive rate.

    How much should I aim to pay?

    Your aim should be to pay more than the minimum – unless you've pricey debts elsewhere, in which case focus max repayments on them. Minimum payments are designed to make debts last as long as possible, which you should try to avoid – see our Credit Card Minimum Repayment Calculator for tips to beat this.

  • While balance transfers made to the cards in this guide are interest-free for a number of months, other uses such as spending and cash withdrawals are usually not – and will incur charges and interest. 

    For cash, you'll usually pay any interest from the date of the withdrawal until it's paid off.

    This means you'll most probably see an interest charge on the first statement after the withdrawal, which is the interest charged from the date you made the withdrawal until the date the statement was issued.

    But you may also see interest charged on the following statement. There'll be a delay between your statement being drawn up, and you paying it. It may be a couple of days, it may be a couple of weeks. But interest will be charged on the withdrawal until you pay it off.

    There are special cards if you need to shift debt AND spend

    If you also need to spend on the card, it's best to get an all-rounder card, which has a 0% length for balance transfers AND spending, and means you only need to apply for one card. Check our 0% balance transfer & spending guide for full info, or alternatively you could try a separate 0% credit card for purchases.

  • For most cards, the 0% period is only reserved for balance transfers that are made within the first 60 or 90 days – though always check your card for its time limit, as it does vary. After this has passed, any transfers would incur expensive interest at the card's normal rate, unless it's paid off in full.

    This can sometimes apply to the one-off fee too, so it's likely you'd pay a higher fee on later transfers, in addition to interest.

    There are some notable exceptions to this though, with certain cards requiring you to request the balance transfer when you apply, and others allowing transfers at any point during the 0% period. But as the 0% period usually starts on the day the account is opened, you'd have less interest-free time if you waited.

    How to request a balance transfer

    When you apply for the new card, it will usually include a 'Do you want to transfer debts from other cards?' section. Here, put in the details of the other card(s). If you're successful in getting the new card, it will pay the other one(s) off. 

    If you don't do it at the initial application, you can usually submit the request via your card's online banking or by calling the lender. 

  • For balance transfers, one rule is clear – you can't transfer a balance between two cards issued by the same bank (for example, from one Barclaycard to another).

    However, for some cards it's a bit more complicated, as certain providers extend this to prevent transfers between cards from the same banking group:

    Banking group Credit cards you can't transfer a balance between
    Capital One Capital One, Littlewoods, Luma, Ocean, Post Office (cards issued after November 2019), Thinkmoney and Very
    HSBC First Direct, HSBC and M&S Bank. John Lewis cards applied for before 21 September 2022 are with HSBC group too. 
    NatWest NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank
    NewDay Amazon, Argos, Aqua, Fluid, John Lewis (if you applied for a card on or after 21 Sep 2022), Marbles and Opus. You're also unable to transfer a balance from a store card or American Express
    Santander Cahoot and Santander
    Virgin Money B, Clydesdale Bank, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Money and Yorkshire Bank. You're also unable to transfer a balance from a non-UK issued American Express (for example, British Airways Amex)

Which balance transfer card is best for me?

First up, you can't transfer a balance between cards from the same bank/group. So where you're transferring debt from will narrow down the choice. Of those left, which to go for will largely be determined by which cards you're eligible for, as you'll need to pass a credit check as part of any application.

Our eligibility calculator will show your chances of acceptance for most of the top interest-free balance transfer cards in this guide, with no impact on your credit score. If it shows you're eligible for many cards but you're unsure which to pick, follow this rule...

Go for the card with lowest fee in the 0% period you're sure you can repay it in. If unsure, play safe and long.

When making your choice, here are the key factors to look out for... 
  • The balance transfer period is how long you get at 0% interest. Different cards have different lengths at 0%, try to choose one that will give you enough time to pay back your debt.

  • The balance transfer fee is a one-off charge calculated as a percentage of the amount of debt you transfer to your new card. Typically, the longer the period, the higher the fee. Some credit cards offer shorter periods where you pay no fee, though these are rare.

  • The APR is the rate of interest at which you will be charged after the 0% period ends, should you have debt remaining on the card. The higher the APR, the more you'll be charged on any outstanding balance. The APRs providers advertise are representative examples, meaning only 51% of applicants have to get that rate (so up to 49% could be accepted and be charged a higher rate of interest).

Best 0% balance transfer cards

We've highlighted the standout cards here, yet our eligibility calculator has many more, so it's best to use that to get your personalised best-buy table. The calculator also shows if you're 'pre-approved' for any cards, and for a few can even show a guaranteed credit limit.

Top-pick 0% balance transfer cards for new cardholders



Joint-longest 0%. If you're pre-approved in our eligibility calc you'll get the full 32mths. If not, it could be 26mths – still decent, but check to see if you'd get longer with any of the cards below.

- Up to 32 months 0%

- 3.49% fee

- 24.9% rep APR




Joint-longest 0%. Apply via our eligibility calc and, if eligible for the card, you'll be pre-approved for either 32mths with a 3.2% fee or 14mths with a 3.49% fee (if the latter, try for one of the cards below).

- Up to 32 months 0%

- 3.2% OR 3.49% fee

- 24.9% rep APR



Joint-longest 0%. If pre-approved in our eligibility calc you'll get the full 32mths. If not, it could be a much shorter 16mths, so try for another card.

- Up to 32 months 0%

- 3.45% fee (min £5)

- 24.9% rep APR


New. Tesco Bank
Longest definite 0%. If you've decent acceptance odds for this card, its advantage is everyone accepted will definitely get the full 30mths. If you can repay in that time, combined with the lower fee, it beats the cards above.

- 30 months 0%

- 2.95% fee

- 24.9% rep APR


Tesco Bank

Definite 0% with very low fee. If you can repay quite a bit quicker, this 18mth card is in a sweet spot as it's still pretty long but the fee is just £10 per £1,000 shifted, and all accepted get the full 18mths.

- 18 months 0%

- 0.99% fee

- 24.9% rep APR



Longest NO FEE 0% card. If pre-approved in our eligibility calc, you'll get the full 14mths at 0%, if not you may get just 7mths, so then also check NatWest's NO-FEE card, as if eligible, you'll be pre-approved for 12 or 10mths 0%.

- Up to 14 months 0%
- 24.9% rep APR


The next best 0% balance transfer cards. Here are quick details of decent alternatives.

- Up to 31 months 0%

- 3.49% fee

- 24.9% rep APR


- Up to 29 months 0%

- 2.49% OR 3.49% fee

- 24.9% rep APR

New. Santander

- 29 months 0%

- £20 Amazon voucher

- 3.4% fee (min £5)

- 24.9% rep APR


- Up to 12 months 0%


- 24.9% rep APR


Important: Balance transfer fees are a percentage of debt shifted. To get the 0% and fee, you must usually do the balance transfer within 60 or 90 days of opening. You can't balance-transfer between cards from the same bank/group.|Representative APR (variable) after the 0% period is stated above – your balance transfer interest may be different. (i) These providers have asked us to only link to our eligibility calculator.|See all official APR examples.

Top-pick  0% balance transfer cards for new cardholders
Longest 0% period of 29 months, plus £25 cashback if transferring over £2,500 – but if you're not pre-approved in our eligibility calculator you could get just 14 months at 0%.
Apply via our links by Thurs 8 Feb and transfer £2,500+ within 60 days and you'll get £25 cashback. You won't qualify for the cashback if you've had a Barclaycard within the last six months.
0% period
Up to 29 months (some could get 14 months)
Another long 0% period of 28 months, though, again, if you're not pre-approved you could get just 20 months at 0%.
This could be a good option if you're not pre-approved for the Barclaycard above, as although the fee is a smidge higher, the worst-case acceptance scenario is better.
0% period
Up to 28 months (some could get 20 months)
3.49% (min £5)
Longest definite 0% period – all accepted get the full 26 months at 0%.
Slightly shorter interest-free period than the above cards, but you'll definitely get the full 26 months if accepted. This could be a good option if you're not pre-approved for the above cards and you don't want to risk being offered fewer interest-free months
0% period
26 months
3% (min £5)
Longest 0% period with NO FEE – all accepted get the full 13 months at 0%. A winner if you can repay before the 0% ends, as this transfer will cost you absolutely nothing.
Plus, our eligibility calculator will tell you if you're pre-approved for a guaranteed minimum limit. This card is also offered by sister banks RBS and Ulster Bank, though these do not feature in our eligibility calculator.
0% period
13 months

The next best 0% balance transfer cards

A good option if you've poor acceptance odds for the above cards. A slightly shorter 27 months at 0%, though if you're not pre-approved you could get just 20 or 14 months.
0% period
Up to 27 months (some could get 20 or 14 months)
3.49% fee (min £5)
A shorter 0% period than the above cards – 20 months at 0% – but a lower 2% fee. All accepted get the full 20 interest-free months.
0% period
20 months
0% period
Up to 12 months

Important: The fee is a percentage of debt shifted. To get the 0% and fee, you must usually do the balance transfer within 60 or 90 days of opening. You can't balance-transfer between cards from the same bank/group.|Representative APR (variable) after the 0% period is stated above – your balance transfer interest may be different. See all official APR examples.

Best balance transfer cards for bad credit

To be accepted for most of the deals above, you need a decent credit score. If that's not you, there's still hope, as a few providers offer cards for those with a patchy credit past – though the 0% transfer periods are usually much shorter. Some will accept you even with past defaults or county court judgments (CCJs). For more info on cards for those with bad credit, see our full guide.

The cards below are all included in our eligibility calculator, but they're worth highlighting because of one big difference...

The interest rates after the 0% periods end are VERY expensive, so plan how much to shift. All the cards below charge up to 34.9% rep APR after the 0% periods end, so compare that against your current card's interest rate. If your current card's rate is higher, then shift as much debt as possible. If it's lower, then only shift the amount of debt you're sure you can clear within the 0% period.

Top poor credit balance transfer cards for new cardholders


Virgin Money

Long 0%, accepts some past credit issues. All accepted get the full 16 months at 0%. Even if you've had CCJs or defaults in the past, you may still be accepted if you have a recent history of managing credit, a UK bank account, and a yearly personal income of £7,000 or a household income of £15,000 (including non-salary income such as pensions).

- 16 months 0%
3% fee

- 29.9% rep APR


Lower minimum income needed on shorter 0% period. You may still be accepted if you've been declared bankrupt, had a CCJ, or an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) as long as it's more than three years old. You need £5,000/year min income, 12 months' UK address history and a UK bank account.

- 9 months 0%

- 3% fee

- 34.9% rep APR

(not in our eligibility calc)

Important: Balance transfer fees are a percentage of debt shifted. To get the 0% and fee, you must usually do the balance transfer within 60 or 90 days of opening. You can't balance-transfer between cards from the same bank/group. (i) These providers have asked us to link only to our eligibility calculator. | See all official APR examples.

Top  poor credit balance transfer cards for new cardholders (i)
Longest 0% period for poorer credit scorers – 16 months at 0%. All accepted will get the full 16 interest-free months.
You must have a history of managing credit, even if you've had CCJs or defaults in the past, and a yearly £15,000+ personal income (including non-salary income such as pensions).
0% period
16 months
Not available direct
Longest 0% period with NO FEE for poorer credit scorers – 6 months at 0%. All accepted will get this deal.
You must have a minimum personal income of £10,000, plus two active lines of credit such as a phone contract or overdraft.
0% period
6 months

The next best poor-credit balance transfer cards

Not in our eligibility calculator
A decent 0% period of 9 months, which all accepted will get.
You can't have been declared bankrupt in the last 18 months or have had any CCJs in the past 12 months.
0% period
9 months
Visit provider
Capital One
Not available direct
A good option if you've poor acceptance odds of the above cards – all accepted get six months at 0%.
You must have a recent history of managing credit, even if you've had past CCJs or defaults.
0% period
6 months

Important: Fee is a percentage of debt shifted. To get the 0% and fee, you must usually do the balance transfer within 60 or 90 days of opening. You can't balance-transfer between cards from the same bank/group. | Representative APR (variable) after the 0% period is stated above – your balance transfer interest may be different. See all official APR examples.

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Cashback sites may pay you for signing up

As an extra boon, members of specialist cashback websites can be paid when they sign up to some financial products. Do check that it's exactly the same deal though, as terms can be different. And remember that the cashback is never 100% guaranteed until it's in your account. 

There is full help to take advantage of this and pros and cons in our Top cashback sites guide.

If you can't get a new 0% card, try the credit card shuffle to cut interest

If you're unable to get any of the cards above (use our eligibility calculator to check), you may still be able to slash the interest and save money by asking for a low-rate or 0% deal on the card you already have.

If you've more than one credit card, you can then shift debt to the card which offers the lowest rate, though you'll need to factor in any one-off transfer fees.

Here's how to do it step by step:

  1. List all your debts. Take stock of your current situation and note down all your existing debts, including an overdraft if you have one. Our credit card shuffle worksheet may help.

  2. Check your account(s) for existing-customer offers. Lenders sometimes offer special deals (either a lower rate or 0% for a set period) for transferring new debt to your existing cards, though usually for a one-off fee. You can usually find these on your online account or by calling your card provider.

    If you're paying debts at 18.9% APR on a credit card, and you can get a low-rate deal for 6.9% APR on another card you have, you could save about £120 interest in a year on a £1,000 debt.

  3. Shift debts to the cheapest card. Do a balance transfer to shift your debt from the card(s) charging the most interest to the one charging the least (or the cheapest ones, if your credit limit isn't big enough to allow you to move it to just one card). You could even consider shifting debt away from any card that will offer you a 0% deal for transferred balances. You can then transfer it back along with debt from other cards to get the 0%. Though be aware of balance transfer fees that could wipe out the gain.

  4. Repay the most expensive debts first – the most crucial part. Once all your debt's as cheap as possible, relist them in the credit card shuffle worksheet. Then, focus as much cash as possible on the most expensive debt first and just pay the minimum repayments on any less expensive debts. Once that's repaid, shift focus to the next highest-rate debt... continue this until you're debt-free.

Quick credit card shuffle questions

  • What if I've debts at different rates on one card?

    If you balance-transfer to a card at a special cheap rate, but already hold debts on it with a higher interest rate, the provider biases your repayments towards the higher rate debts first. This is good, as it means the most expensive balance disappears first (it used to be the other way around).

    However, it means to get the absolute most out of the shuffle, there's an extra step to follow:

    Only focus repayments until the expensive debt's repaid. 
    Once you've done the shuffle, and you know the priority with which you should pay off each lump of debt, make sure you stop once all the expensive layer is gone. For example, if you had

    Card A. £1,000 balance: £700 at 6%, £300 at 25% interest.
    Card B. £400 balance at 18% interest. 

    You'd want to pay enough to clear the high-interest £300 first and then switch to clearing the £400, before finally paying off the £700. Though remember to always pay at least the minimum on the card you're not focusing on. 

  • How much could I save doing the credit card shuffle?

    The credit card shuffle needs careful management but if you follow the steps above, you could cut the total amount you have to repay by thousands.

    Here's an example, showing the interest you'd pay doing a credit card shuffle vs not doing the shuffle:

    £7,000 debts repaying £100/month on each card until repaid in full

    Card & assumed credit limit WITHOUT SHUFFLE
    Interest rate
    Debt Total interest (1)
    Interest rate Debt (2)
    Total interest (3)
    Card A  £3,000
    14.9% on existing debt,
    6.9% on new debt

    Card B


    0% for four months then 16.9% £3,000 £235
    Card C £2,000
    19.9% £0 £0
    Card D £5,000
    17.9% £1,000 £31
    Total Avg rate = 17.4%
    Avg rate = 14.1%
    (1) £100 monthly repayments on each card until card fully repaid. (2) All debt now balance-transferred; to do this, it was moved off the card and returned. (3) Repaying most expensive debt prioritised while paying minimum on other cards.

    With normal debts of £1,500 on Card A, £500 on Card C and £5,000 on Card D, the average interest rate is 17.4%. Repay £100/month on each card and by the time you've cleared the cards in full, the interest totals £1,948.

    Yet shuffle as much as possible on to Card A's 6.9% existing-customer offer for new debt and the rest to Card B at four months 0% then 16.9%, and then repay the most expensive debts first. This way the average interest rate is reduced to just over 14%, meaning the interest is only £792, less than half the cost – meaning a massive saving of £1,156.

Balance transfer FAQs

  • Should I apply if my eligibility odds are, say, only 20%?

    Don't worry if your eligibility chances don't look great. It can still be worth applying, as Martin explains...

    Remember percentages are a clinical measure. A 50% chance means half those in your situation will be accepted. And while 95% seems almost certain, you can still be the 1 in 20 who doesn't get it.

    My worry is many are wrongly put off by low odds. I often tell a tale of something that happened a few years ago, which may help...  

    I sat with a MoneySaver who had large, costly card debt and a poor credit history. Her eligibility showed zero chance of all balance transfers, except a 20% chance with Halifax. She looked despondent and asked me: "Is there any point?"

    I explained that as it was the only credit she needed - there was no mortgage application or similar due - it didn't overly matter that a rejection would mark her file. The reason to protect your credit history is so you can get maximum use from it when needed. 

    This was her most pressing financial need, so a 20% chance was better than nowt. The worst that could happen was a rejection. She applied and got a 26mth 0% card with a £1,500 limit.

    For more on this, and what you can do to improve things, see my related blog: Why you shouldn't worry too much about your credit score - it's not actually a real thing.

  • What if my credit limit isn't big enough?

    Here's Martin's view...

    The application is now on your credit file anyway, so make use of it. Use the new card to shift as much debt as you can to cut costs.

    Once that's sorted, you can use our 0% Balance Transfer Eligibility Calculator again to see your chances of acceptance for other providers' cards. Though try to spread future applications out, as too many in a short space of time can hurt.

  • Can I shift debt to my existing cards too?

    If you have spare credit limit, this is usually allowed, as Martin explains...

    Yes and it's worth looking at. Some cards will give existing cardholders special offers (eg, 12mths 0% for a 3% fee), not as good as new customer deals, but useful, especially as it won't usually go on your credit file.

    Even if you don't get a special rate, try and move all your debt to where it's cheapest. For example, if one is 18% APR, another 30%, ask the 18% card if you can shift debt from the other to it, it'll help. For a full step-by-step, see the credit card shuffle for how this all works.

  • Should I try and pay off my biggest debts first?

    It's all about interest rates here. Over to Martin...

    The best thing to do is list all of your debts in order of the interest rate (APR) with the highest first.

    Then focus all spare cash on clearing that highest APR debt – as that's growing most quickly – and just pay the minimum on all others. For many people this will be the overdraft at first, as at 40% it's often more than double a high street credit card. So reducing your debt on it is the priority.

    Once you’ve cleared the costliest debt, shift your spare cash to the next highest APR, and so on. This way you’ll pay less interest and more of your money will be clearing the actual debt.

  • Will transferring a balance close my old card for me?

    No. When you transfer debt from one card to another the old card stays open, and you're able to use it if you wish – although if you're trying to pay debt off, it's usually not wise to keep spending on credit.

    If you want to close your old card, you will have to let your old card provider know. Just not using the card or cutting it up doesn't close the account. Read full pros and cons of closing old credit card accounts in Should I cancel old cards?

  • Can a balance transfer hurt my credit score?

    Shifting a balance from one card to another isn't recorded on your credit file, so you're free to balance transfer as many times as you like. However, a footprint is added to your file every time you apply for a new credit card. 

    Multiple applications, especially close together, and high outstanding debts, even at 0%, can affect your ability to get further credit. See our Credit scores guide for full information.

    The most important preventative measures are to spread card applications out and use our eligibility calculator to check your chances of acceptance, before applying blind.

    If you've a current 0% deal that's ending and you've a need to transfer the balance again, the best time to apply is roughly six weeks before. Use our eligibility calculator to see which card you've the best chance of getting. This gives you enough time to apply, find out if you've got the card, and shift the debt, while your other card is still at 0%.

  • Can I transfer my partner's debt on to my 0% card?

    Before you think about doing this, be aware that the debt then becomes yours. Even if you have an informal agreement between you that they will make the payments, the credit has been provided to you, so it's your responsibility to pay it off.

    Make sure you think carefully before taking on your partner's debt – especially if you're feeling pressured to do it – as while you may be in a trusted relationship now, there's always a risk things could go wrong in future.

    But if you're sure, some lenders allow you to transfer a balance from a card that's in someone else's name (as long as it's not with the same provider). 

    Here are the policies of several major lenders:

    Bank of Scotland
    Barclaycard ✔️
    First Direct ✔️
    HSBC ✔️
    New Day
    Sainsbury's Bank ✔️
    Tesco Bank
    Virgin Money
    Last updated: Jan 2024.

    If your lender doesn't allow this, and you can't get a card from one that does, there is a slightly trickier option of taking out a 0% money transfer credit card. These cards give the option of moving money to your current account, which you can use to pay off your partner's card. You'll then owe the amount on the new card.

    You'll pay a one-off fee to do it (often higher than a balance transfer fee) and while it will have a 0% period, these are shorter than the top balance transfer offers. For full help and top picks, see 0% money transfer credit cards.

  • I'm worried about debt. Is a balance transfer card right for me?

    Getting a credit card is not always the right thing to do, and if you have a poor credit history or too much debt already, you might be rejected for one (or more) cards anyway.

    If you're struggling to pay for your outgoings or meet your debt repayments, or are building up more debt just to pay for day-to-day living, getting another credit card could just add to any debt problems in the longer term. Our full debt help guide runs through the practical steps you can take if you're struggling with debt, including specialist resources and charities you can contact for free one-on-one debt counselling and advice. 

  • Can I transfer a balance from an American Express (Amex)?

    Yes, in most cases – though you may have to call the new card provider if it can't process the transfer request online. American Express usually has 15-digit card numbers, rather than the standard 16, so some systems are unable to process the shorter number (for example, Santander, Tesco Bank and TSB have told us this is the case for most requests).

    If this happens, calling the provider is your best bet or you could try adding a '0' to the beginning or end of the card number to 'trick' the system. 

    There are some notable exceptions though, as cards issued by NewDay such as Aqua, Fluid and Marbles above won't accept any transfer from an Amex. Equally, Sainsbury's Bank advises to call to check the Amex card(s) you hold can be accepted in advance and Virgin Money will only accept UK-issued Amex cards.

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