It's Meter Reading Week
Over 50 ways to save, incl... Savers alert, free Greggs, £300 off Vax, Meter Reading Week, free £210 bank switch, 2x specs £25, 17-month FREE travel + mobile + breakdown insurance, £35 air fryer, stamp deadline, 30% off posh coffee
Martin's car & home insurance alert
Over 50 ways to save, incl... Cheapest iPhone, car insurance UP 41%, 30% off No7 trick, free National Trust, 243 spring bulbs £15, 12 grocery savers, free insulation, £25 cashback on £5, FREE £210, £3,200 council tax back
Ho, ho, oh no! 100 days till Chr******
Over 50 ways to save, incl... URGENT top 5.2% savings ending, 100 days to Christmas, 0% debt shift warning, 3mths' Disney+ £6, £135 specs £37, unlimited Sim '£11/mth', student squeeze – Martin's help, £93 Boots beauty £32, Cheap elec?, 7.5% off at the pub
Urgent savings update
Over 50 ways to save, incl... 6.2% SAFE savings, Amazon £5 off, Martin's flight delay/cancel need-to-knows, £170 off Dyson, 30mth 0% debt shift, NHS discounts, stamps price hike, 50p train tix, £11/mth unltd data Sim, Energy Price Cap Calc