If you're calling a financial service firm's customer service helplines to ask for assistance or to complain, you soon won't have to use a costly premium rate number under a crackdown by the regulator.
Savers may be able to switch cash savings to a new account quicker in future, while providers may also be forced to alert customers to changes in interest rates – something which MoneySavingExpert.com has argued for over the last decade.
The chairman of the influential Treasury Committee has called on the Chancellor to prevent an "absurd" cut to the amount of savings protected if your bank, building society or credit union goes bust.
More than five million BT Sport customers have either been automatically opted into paying up to £141/year when they previously got it 'free', or they face a steep price rise. We explain how you can beat the hikes.
Price promises made by broadband providers are misleading customers and costing them up to six and a half times more than adverts imply, new research from Citizens Advice reveals.
The pound's hit it's best rate against the euro for eight years, meaning holidaymakers tripping to Europe find it far cheaper than in recent memory. Currently it's hovering around £1 buys €1.43 - €1.44, a year ago it would've bought you just €1.24.
Approximately 1,000 former and existing Npower customers will have debts written off and be given free energy, after the big six energy provider has been found guilty of failing to implement Ombudsman rulings on complaints within the required 28 days.
Car insurance prices have seen a "sharp increase" in the second quarter of the year, while home insurance costs have also risen, says the AA. But it adds that prices are likely to continue rising this year.
21 July 2015
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