'Road tax' rates are to be shaken up for new cars from 2017, while a new 'Roads Fund' is to be established so money raised in England will be spent on maintaining and upgrading roads in the country.
Motorists planning to hire a car in the UK or abroad will now have more time to get a 'check code', following criticism that the original 72 hours wasn't long enough.
Tesco shoppers have been left furious after the supermarket announced it will add a £4 charge to all grocery deliveries under £40 later this month. See below for how to beat it.
Parents and grandparents will be able to leave homes worth up to £850,000 to their children without them paying inheritance tax from 2017, rising to £1 million by 2020.
Millions get an income tax cut over the next few years as the Chancellor is to bring forward planned increases to both the personal allowance and the higher rate tax thresholds.
Millions of households and motorists face a steep rise in the cost of new insurance policies later this year due to an increase in the tax insurers are charged. Yet you may be able to beat the hikes by locking in quotes early.
8 July 2015
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