MoneySavingExpert News
Post Office

You've now got less than six months to use any non-barcoded everyday stamps – those with the Queen's profile on – before they become worthless. Alternatively, you can swap them for barcoded versions for free through the Royal Mail scheme. We take you through what you need to know below.
11 January 2023

Certain Post Office savings accounts will no longer accept payments into them from 1 March 2022 unless they're from a linked current account (or if they're via cheque or cash). has learnt that 150,000 Post Office savers still need to set-up a linked account before the deadline.
9 March 2022

If you have old Christmas stamps you CAN continue to use them after 31 January 2023 following a Royal Mail U-turn. The postal service had initially announced, as part of a wider shake-up, that Christmas stamps would be replaced by new barcoded versions from 31 January 2023. This would have rendered old festive stamps useless unless swapped.
4 March 2022

Customers of the majority of the UK's biggest banks and building societies will be able to continue to use Post Office counters for basic banking until at least the end of 2025, as part of a new agreement announced today (Monday 31 January), making life easier for those who rely on cash.
31 January 2022
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