Sharesave schemes
What they are, how they work and the pros and cons
Sharesave schemes let you save directly from your paypacket, then give you the option to buy shares in your employer at the end of the scheme. The idea is that you get the opportunity to take part in the success of the company you work for. Best of all, there's no risk to your cash as you can get every penny saved back if you don't end up buying the shares. Yet, sharesave isn't right for everyone – this guide helps you decide if it's for you.
What is a sharesave scheme?

Sharesave schemes, often known as Save As You Earn (SAYE) or employee share ownership schemes, were first introduced in the UK in 1980. They let you save regularly through your employer's payroll over a three or five-year period, and then give you the choice of taking every penny of your savings back, plus interest, or using the cash you've put aside to buy shares in your employer.
To take part in a sharesave scheme, your company needs to be a public company listed on a stock exchange, such as the FTSE, or needs to be owned by a public company that's listed on a stock exchange.
More than 14,000 companies in the UK, such as Asda, Next and Tesco operate a sharesave scheme, and latest figures show more than one million people in the UK are part of one of these schemes.
What are the advantages of joining a sharesave scheme?
The main advantages include:
- Saving is risk free – at a minimum you get back every penny you put in. At the end of the scheme, you have a choice of what to do with the cash. If it wouldn't make financial sense to buy the shares (more on this later) then you can just take your savings back as cash.
Yet, while you can't lose money in a sharesave scheme, and you do (currently) get a small bonus at the end of the scheme based on a multiplication of your monthly contribution, it's not a great rate, so you'd have missed out on better interest elsewhere.
- Savings are taken directly from your paypacket. This is an advantage if you find it difficult to save, as the money never goes in to your bank account, so you can't be tempted to spend it rather than save it.
- You could make a profit in the £1,000s or even £10,000s. While most companies won't experience rapid growth in their share price during the period of the sharesave scheme, there's always a chance that your company will. Even doubling your money in these schemes isn't unheard of.
Are there any reasons I shouldn't join a sharesave scheme?
These are best if you're on a financially secure footing and have disposable income to spare. So, it may be best to focus cash elsewhere in a few circumstances:
- You have expensive debts. If you're paying interest on credit cards, loans or overdrafts, for example, then it'll usually be better to focus your spare cash at paying those off, rather than saving in to a sharesave scheme.
- You don't have any spare income at the end of the month. If you spend everything you earn, then devoting cash to a sharesave scheme may mean you need to turn to credit to make ends meet. If you do want to join your employers scheme, see if you can do a Money Makeover to cut your spending.
- These would be your only savings. While you can choose to stop paying in to the scheme, or leave the scheme and get your money back at any point, you may want to keep a certain level of emergency savings more accessible, as it can sometimes take a few days to get your cash returned to you.
However, if you're debt free apart from your mortgage, or your debts are at 0% interest and are manageable, you have spare cash at the end of the month and you have a separate emergency fund, then you may want to consider joining your employer's sharesave scheme – though, as always, weigh it up against saving or investing elsewhere.
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How do I join my employer's sharesave scheme?

Your employer's process will vary, but to join, you will have to follow the instructions it sets out.
Usually your employer, or the bank, building society or share administrator it organises the scheme with, will contact you a couple of months before the sharesave scheme starts with an invitation for you to join the scheme. This will usually be an email to your work email address, but could be through other internal comms, such as an intranet.
It's completely voluntary whether you want to join or not.
What information will my employer give me to help me decide whether to take part in sharesave?
The invitation to join the scheme should have details of:
- How long the scheme runs for. Schemes run for either a three-year period or a five-year period. Some employers will decide this for you, others will offer both and let you choose.
- How much you can save each month. Sharesave scheme rules let you save any amount between £5 and £500 per month (though your employer can specify a larger minimum or smaller maximum).
Do note the £500 maximum applies across all sharesave schemes you are currently paying in to, so if you choose to contribute £500 per month when you first join a sharesave scheme, you won't be able to contribute to the next year's scheme.
- The price you'll be able to buy shares for at the end of the scheme. This is set at the start of the scheme and is how much you'll pay per share if you choose to buy shares when the scheme ends. Sharesave schemes allow employers to discount shares by up to 20% off the market price on a set day before the start of the scheme. An example may help here...
Company X runs a sharesave scheme. Shortly before the scheme is due to start, its shares are worth £3 each. Company X chooses to discount its shares by 20% for employees taking part in sharesave, so it sets that year's 'option price' at £2.40.
- The deadline to sign up. Don't miss this deadline or you won't be able to sign up to that year's scheme.
You'll pay the same amount each month, and the idea here is that you're building up the savings that you can choose to use to buy shares once the scheme period is over. Here's how much you could have saved at different levels of monthly savings over three and five-year schemes:
Amount you'd have saved at the end of the scheme
Monthly saving | Total after 3-year scheme | Total after 5-year scheme |
£25 | £900 | £1,500 |
£100 | £3,600 | £6,000 |
£500 | £18,000 | £30,000 |
It's worth noting you can't add more cash in to the scheme than the monthly amount you opted for when you signed up (though you can choose to also take part in sharesave schemes in future years, if your employer offers them – provided you're not already saving the maximum £500 per month).
What happens at the end of the sharesave scheme?

In more normal times, you'd get a tax-free bonus at the end of the scheme (or interest added to your savings in your sharesave account if you had to leave the scheme early). However, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) sets both the tax-free bonus rate and the early-closure interest rate and both are currently zero (HMRC can change these rates, but it's the rate that applies at the start of your sharesave scheme that counts).
So, while you will only have the exact amount you've saved in to the sharesave scheme, you can choose how you want to use that money. The email you get from the sharesave scheme administrator will usually give you several choices around taking the money, which we run through below
Whether to buy (or keep) the shares is a personal decision. Be guided by your attitude to risk, how much of your total wealth would be tied up in the shares, as well as the general market outlook for your company.
Here are the main options you'll be able to choose from:
Choice 1: take the cash and don't buy any shares

This is more likely to be your chosen course if your company's share price has dropped below the option price you were given at the start.
Here, you'll get back every penny you saved, plus a small bonus, so it's effectively risk-free. You could then move the cash to a Top Savings Account.
However, the bonus rate you get is currently 1.1 x your monthly contribution for three-year schemes, and 3.2 x your monthly contribution for five-year schemes (and 1.42% if you leave a scheme early). This means if your monthly contribution was £100, you'd get a bonus of £110 at the end of a three-year scheme or £320 at the end of a five-year scheme. This is far below the equivalent rate you could get on easy-access or fixed-rate savings.
Choice 2: buy and sell the shares in the same transaction
This is more likely to be your choice if your company's share price is higher than the option price you were given at the start and you want to cash in on your profit immediately, or you think there could be a rocky road ahead for your company and its share price is likely to fall from its level at the end of the scheme.
Generally, the buying and selling is done in one transaction and your provider should tell you how much you'll get at the end (though this might be an estimate if the market's not open when you're making the decision). There may also be a small fee to pay to the scheme administrator, or the stockbroker it uses, for buying and selling the shares for you.
Do note that if your company's share price has risen sharply, and you stand to make a profit of more than £3,000 when you sell the shares, you could be liable to pay capital gains tax. See our tax FAQ for more info.
Choice 3: buy the shares and keep them

If you buy the shares, you can keep them for as long as you like. You may choose to do this if you think your company's share price is going to go up and you could sell the shares later at a higher price.
This approach isn't risk free though...
- Your shares could drop in value, potentially even to zero. This is the age-old warning when you invest. Only ever invest what you can afford to lose. While it's unlikely big, public companies will go bust, it does happen. By all means assume it's unlikely to happen to your company, but don't ever assume it CAN'T happen to your company.
- Too much of your wealth is tied up in your company's shares. It's possible to save up to £500 per month in to sharesave schemes. Do this over a three-year period and you'll have £18,000 saved, and may have bought shares worth a lot more than that. If the shares you've bought represent a large portion of your total wealth then if the worst were to happen - your company goes bust and your shares are worthless - you'd lose a large portion of that wealth.
It's usually better to have lots of different investments, then if one is doing poorly, you hope that other investments are doing well to compensate for it – this is known as "diversifying your risk".
- You may have to pay (more) tax when you do sell. This is only likely if your shares have done really well and continue to do so after you buy them, but it's worth being aware of. See our tax FAQ for more info.
If you want to keep the shares, it's likely you can do that in an account with your company's sharesave scheme provider. If you can't, or you want to move the shares to an existing investment account, or a stocks & shares ISA, ask the scheme provider about how to do this.
Choice 4: buy the shares and sell some of them
Just because you've bought the shares doesn't mean you have to sell them all. You can sell some, and keep some for later. You might want to do this if you have an immediate need for some cash, but you also think that your employers shares will (continue to) rise in value in the future.
Do be aware of the risks we cover in choice 3 above, which will also apply to the shares you've chosen to keep.
Choice 5: buy some shares and leave some savings as cash

You have six months to make your decision(s) about whether you want to buy shares at the option price.
You can choose to buy some shares immediately, and leave the rest of your sharesave savings as cash. You may want to do this if you think your company's share price will rise, but want to hedge your bets a little by buying some shares now.
And if your company's share price falls, you may choose to take the remaining savings as cash - especially if the share price falls below the option price.
However, some companies will try to limit the administration involved for employees buying shares at the end of the scheme, and may only allow the purchase of shares on certain days during this six month period. If you're planning to wait, or to do more than one share transaction in that time, check with your company or scheme administrator if this applies to you.
Choice 6: do nothing (for now)

As we say above, you have six months to make a decision about whether you want to buy shares at the option price. So, you could do nothing immediately after the scheme ends and wait and see what happens with your company's share price during that time. Waiting like this is completely risk free as your savings are protected.
If your company's share price rises while you wait, you will be getting (even more of) a bargain buying the shares. But if the share price falls during that time, you need to be okay with the fact that if you do then decide to buy the shares, you'll make less of a profit - assuming you sell them - than you would have done having acted promptly at the end of the sharesave scheme. Sadly, this is just the nature of investing.
Again, do check whether you're limited to buying the shares on certain days in the six month period, or whether your employer and sharesave administrator allow you to buy whenever you want to in that time.
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