Plans to slash the tax-free dividend allowance from £5,000 to £2,000 in April 2018 have been dropped, but could be resurrected after the general election.
The Government faces having to find time after the general election to discuss the need to recall all Whirlpool UK fire-risk tumble dryers, after a petition on the subject surpassed 100,000 signatures.
Sainsbury's shoppers have been left disappointed by the supermarket's decision to can its long-running 'My Coupons' trial - but there's a silver lining in the form of a 'Nectar 10x Point' event over the upcoming bank holiday weekend.
The Conservative general election manifesto is likely to include a pledge to cap prices for households overpaying on their energy bills, a senior minister has signalled.
Car insurance premiums could be put into overdrive following a Government decision to scrap plans to introduce 'whiplash reforms', the insurance industry has warned. But you might be able to lock in a cheap renewal quote if you act ASAP.
Proposals to drastically raise the cost of sorting out someone's property, money and possessions after they've died have been ditched - but the controversial plans could resurface after the general election.
Yorkshire Building Society has taken the lead in the race to offer the lowest mortgage rate after cutting its two-year deal to a head-turning 0.89% – but you'll need a hefty deposit to qualify and the lender could decide to increase the rate during the term.
Motorists caught driving well over the speed limit will be slapped with fines of up to 175% of their weekly income once new sentencing guidelines are rolled out next week.