Student loan interest rates will rise for many university leavers next month. But this WON'T make a difference to your monthly repayments. Here's what you need to know.
More than 100,000 university leavers in the last three years alone have begun repaying their student loan earlier than needed, can reveal – and if you have, you may be able to reclaim £100s.
Labour peers have joined the battle against the retrospective hike in student loan repayments, with the Higher Education and Research Bill going through its second reading in the House of Lords this afternoon.
Embattled student loans administrator Erudio has failed to provide deferment application forms to thousands of graduates on time, which may leave them wrongly having to make repayments from next month if not resolved.
Worried former graduates whose loans are owned by Erudio have taken to our forum to raise questions about when their loans will be wiped, whether they can pay them off early, and the impact this will have on their credit files. We answer these questions below.
Tens of thousands of graduates have overpaid their student loans by a collective £45.4 million, new data reveals. We explain how you can get your money back below.
Millions of g raduates will pay less interest on their student loans from September, while more people with a pre-1998 mortgage-style loan will qualify to defer theirs from then too.
Millions of g raduates will pay less interest on their student loans from September, while more people with a pre-1998 mortgage-style loan will qualify to defer theirs from then too.
If you're one of the 58,000 former students who received the wrong correspondence about their loans, look out for packs containing the right paperwork coming in the post.
24 July 2014
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