Government figures released today show that up to an estimated £10.1 billion of pension credit, housing benefit and income support were left unclaimed in a single year.
A new initiative is being trialled to help workers build emergency savings for unexpected bills and events, in the same way they add to their pension pots.
An online tool which checks how much state pension you're likely to get – also known as your 'state pension forecast' – has now been used 10 million times, new figures show. Here's how to check your forecast.
Two regulators have warned that pension scam victims lost £91,000 each on average in 2017, leaving them struggling to make ends meet during retirement.
Over 50s are to be sent retirement 'wake-up' packs to give them more help and guidance on how to access their pension savings, following changes that were introduced in 2015.
Millions of people in their early-40s face having to wait an extra year to collect their state pension after the Government announced plans to bring forward a change to the retirement age.
19 July 2017
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