Martin Lewis: Student finance & financial education videos
Here we've collected together a host of videos, programmes and clips that founder Martin Lewis has put out on the crucial subjects of student finance or financial education. Crucial personal finances for children, students and adults. Young and old, have a watch of Martin…
Full one-hour Student Loans Decoded programme
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Martin Lewis: How to be successful
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There's a hidden parental contribution every student and parent needs to know...
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Parental contribution for Scotland, NI and Wales students explained
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Martin Lewis explains whether you should pay off your Plan 1 student loan
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Martin explains the real impact of higher education on both students’ and parents’ pockets.
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Martin Lewis: What is a credit card?
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Martin Lewis: What is a mortgage?
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Martin Lewis: What is a pension?
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Martin Lewis: What is tax?
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Free: Personal finance textbook
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Free Academoney: Financial education course
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Student Loans Decoded: Teacher guide
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The video page will be updated when new videos are available.