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Martin Lewis named 'most influential personal finance tweeter'

Paloma Kubiak
Paloma Kubiak
23 September 2014 founder and editor Martin Lewis has scooped the top spot in a study of the most influential personal finance tweeters in the UK.

According to a study of around 9,000 personal finance industry people, bloggers, journalists and members of the public, Martin, who can be found tweeting at@MartinSLewis, has been ranked as having the biggest voice on Twitter.

Martin has also previously twice been ranked as the most searched for British man by Google – the last time was in 2013.

Today's research, which was compiled by social analytics company PeerIndex, looked at which Twitter users were being talked about and retweeted and which were engaging with other influential tweeters.

The maths behind it means that a retweet from someone highly influential is worth more than a retweet from an average person. It adds that the number of followers someone had did not factor into the weighting.

The survey results also featured's consumer writer Rebecca Rutt (@rebecca_rutt) at number 21, while forum user Ricky Willis, aka SkintDad (@SkintDadUK), came in at number six.

In November last year we reported how Ricky won £10,000, which helped to set up his own business after entering a competition he was alerted to by the MSE Community Twitter account (see the £10k comping prize turns SkintDad into winning dad MSE News story).

So who are the top 10?

Most influential tweeters

Rank Twitter ID Name PFPi score (i) Followers Description
1 @MartinSLewis Martin Lewis 97 311k MoneySavingExpert
2 @paullewismoney Paul Lewis 96 76k Financial Journalist
3 @AThriftyMrsUK A Thrifty Mrs 92 13k Thrifty Blogger
4 @simonnread Simon Read 88 7k Personal Finance Editor – Independent
5 @Savvy_Woman Sarah Pennells 85 10k

Founder of

6 @SkintDadUK Ricky Willis 80 4k


7 @MerrynSW Merryn Somerset Webb 80 12k

Editor in Chief of Moneyweek

8 @KatieMorley_ Katie Morley 78 4k

Personal Finance Writer

9 @taraevans Tara Evans 76 7k

Money Editor @GoodToKnow

10 @emmalunn Emma Lunn 75 5k

Personal Finance Journalist

(i) PFPi score is a measure of influence among other people in the UK tweeting about money and personal finance

See the PeerIndex website for the full 50 most influential people tweeting about money, personal finance, banks and bargains.

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