Martin Lewis: A trick for Shell Energy (and Octopus) customers to make some money

If you're a Shell Energy (or Octopus) customer on a standard variable tariff (SVT), you could make £50 with an easy trick shared by founder Martin Lewis on the latest episode of ITV's The Martin Lewis Money Show Live.
Update: 4 December 2023: Octopus Energy completed its purchase of Shell Energy on 1 December 2023. Here are your key need-to-knows:
Shell Energy customers should not attempt to switch to Octopus Energy now that the migration is underway, as Octopus Energy says this could impact your transfer. This means you can no longer switch and get the £50 referral bonus detailed in the story below.
If you requested to switch before 1 December, this will go through as normal and you'll still get your £50 referral reward if you started your switch via this process.
If you requested to switch on or after 1 December 2023, the switch will be rejected (you'll be notified of this) and you won't get the £50 referral bonus.
The video clip and the transcript are below. For more ways to save money on your energy bill, see our key guides: Is it time to fix energy tariff?, 70+ energy saving tips and Get PAID to cut energy use.
ITV's The Martin Lewis Money Show Live – Tuesday 7 November 2023

From The Martin Lewis Money Show Live on Tuesday 7 November 2023, courtesy of ITV. All rights reserved. Watch the full episode on ITVX.
PS: Just to be clear, if you're on a fixed deal with Shell Energy you may have to pay an early exit fee to leave, so check this first before taking up the offer.
Transcript of what Martin Lewis said on the show…
Jeanette Kwakye (Martin's co-host): "We've got Michael, as well, another great success from him: 'Thank you, Martin. I saw your recommendation re: Shell Energy customers being switched to Octopus. My sister is affected so I referred her before the official switch date. Result! I received an email advising me that I'd get £50 credit on my energy account when the switch is completed.'
"So, well done to Michael. Brilliant."
Shell Energy customer? Get £50 by switching to Octopus early
Martin Lewis: "But that was – if you watched the show – that was my naughty little comment because Shell customers are being switched to Octopus. If you know someone on Octopus, they have a refer a friend scheme. So, before you're automatically moved over, just go and get your friend to give you a reference and move you over a bit earlier.
"And then he gets £50 and she'll get £50 as well. Octopus is going to hate me for that. I didn't say it. You didn't hear it here!"