EE unveils portable smartphone chargers to replace 'Orange Wednesdays'

Update: 14 April 2015: EE has today told us the power bars will be available from Thursday 16 April. At the time of writing it had yet to release the launch date.
EE customers will soon be able to charge their mobiles on the go as the provider's second reward deal sees it launch EE Power – a free, portable smartphone charger.
Last month the telecoms provider revealed that all new and existing EE, Orange and T-Mobile mobile and broadband customers will have access to a blockbuster film rental every week for £1 from streaming service (see the EE reveals online streaming offer to replace 'Orange Wednesdays' MSE News story).
At the time it said a second deal would also be unveiled, both of which are to replace its decade-long running 'Orange Wednesday' 2for1 cinema deal and 2for1 offer on both mains and dough balls at most Pizza Express restaurants.
See our Cheap Cinema Deals guide, which includes information on Compare the Market's new 2for1 cinema offer, and our Watch TV and Movies Online guide, to cut costs.
But EE has today confirmed that its follow-up offer will see all of its mobile and broadband customers, including T-Mobile and Orange users, able to request a free power bar to charge up their phones without having to be connected to any mains electricity.

EE unveils portable smartphone chargers to replace 'Orange Wednesdays'
Once the power bar has been used to charge a device, customers can then recharge the portable battery themselves or, if out and about, they can swap it for a fully-charged replacement bar at any EE store nationwide – for free and as many times as they like.
EE says its research shows that nearly 60% of UK smartphone users claim their battery doesn't last a full day, while over half of all smartphone users wish there were more ways to charge their phone in public places – this rises to over 70% of 18-24 year olds.
Is the power bar any good?
EE says the power bar has enough life to charge a typical smartphone once before it needs to be recharged itself. It takes around four hours to recharge and EE says it has a guaranteed life of 500 charges.
That said, EE customers can swap power bars for free in EE stores whenever theirs runs out.
The power bar includes a micro USB lead which is used to charge the bar but also to charge the phone from the bar. The bar itself will indicate how much charge it has left in it so you know when to recharge it.
How do I get the power bar?
The power bar isn't available yet, it's being launched in the "coming weeks".
Once it is available, all EE, Orange and T-Mobile customers with a 30 day, 12 month, 18 month or 24 month mobile, tablet or broadband plan can get it for free.
Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) customers can also get the deal but only when they've been with EE for at least three months.
To get it:
Mobile customers have to text POWER to 365 (texts cost 35p) when the promotion launches in the coming weeks (it won't work if you text the number now).
Broadband customers have to text JOIN plus their EE landline number to 60005 (texts cost 35p).
Tablet customers can also get the deal, although EE has yet to confirm how they can do so. We will update this story as soon as we get confirmation.
You'll then be sent a code, which you need to show in an EE store to get the power bar. You can't get the power bars in third party stores such as Carphone Warehouse.
Can I get the power bar if I'm not an EE customer?
Non-EE customers can get a power bar but it will cost them £20. So compare prices online first as it's likely you can get get a similar charger cheaper elsewhere.