Amy Roberts

Senior Money Writer

Latest from Amy Roberts

'I got my neighbours a £5,000 rebate on their council tax'

'I got my neighbours a £5,000 rebate on their council tax'

Retiree Marjorie Cannadine helped four of her neighbours who were on the wrong council tax band each get a £5,000 rebate

18 November 2014

Customers being 'ripped off' by banks on Faster Payments limits

Customers being 'ripped off' by banks on Faster Payments limits

The limit for transferring money by Faster Payments with your bank is £100,000, yet many banks set the limit much lower

10 November 2014

Regulator rejects our calls to reopen CPP redress scheme

Regulator rejects our calls to reopen CPP redress scheme

The FCA has disappointingly rejected's calls to re-open the CPP redress scheme

20 October 2014

MSE calls on the regulator to extend CPP reclaim deadline

MSE calls on the regulator to extend CPP reclaim deadline is campaigning for the financial regulator to extend the deadline for the CPP redress scheme

19 August 2014

Are you throwing £100s in the bin by dumping CPP reclaim forms?

Are you throwing £100s in the bin by dumping CPP reclaim forms?

Over five million people could be missing out on £100s by chucking away their CPP reminder letters

27 June 2014

Had a CPP mis-selling reminder? Don't ignore it - it could be worth £100s

Had a CPP mis-selling reminder? Don't ignore it - it could be worth £100s

Reminder letters are being sent out this month to some who were mis-sold card and identity theft policies from CPP

3 June 2014

Beware - Payday loan brokers posing as credit unions online

Beware - Payday loan brokers posing as credit unions online

Payday loan brokers are posing as credit unions in an attempt to lure new customers, a real credit union is warning

15 May 2014

Shopping online at Next? It could hurt your credit rating

Shopping online at Next? It could hurt your credit rating

If you're buying online from Next for the first time, beware a threat to your chances of getting a loan or mortgage

2 May 2014

CPP reclaims: Cheques for big money being sent NOW

CPP reclaims: Cheques for big money being sent NOW

Customers who've claimed for mis-sold card and identity theft policies from CPP are being sent cheques thick and fast

16 April 2014

Find the cheapest stocks & shares ISAs

Find the cheapest stocks & shares ISAs

It's a new tax year and everyone has a new ISA allowance to use. Here's how to take advantage of stocks and shares ISAs

16 April 2014

Budget 2014: Radical reforms to give greater access to pensions savings

Budget 2014: Radical reforms to give greater access to pensions savings

Pension savers will have the option to gain immediate access to their pot at non-punitive rates from age 55

19 March 2014

Mis-sold CPP card protection? Watch for a claim form in the post this month

Mis-sold CPP card protection? Watch for a claim form in the post this month

Card Protection Plan card insurance customers can start claiming compensation from mid-February, says the FCA

3 February 2014

Cancelled Direct Line car insurance? You could be due a refund

Cancelled Direct Line car insurance? You could be due a refund

Past and present Direct Line customers who've cancelled car insurance mid-term could be in line for a refund

3 February 2014

Self-assessment Q&A: Fill in tax return now or face fines

Self-assessment Q&A: Fill in tax return now or face fines

If you're self-employed and haven't already filed a self-assessment tax return, do it now to avoid a hefty fine

14 January 2014

Mis-sold CPP card protection insurance? Court rules you can get money back

Mis-sold CPP card protection insurance? Court rules you can get money back

If you were mis-sold CPP card insurance, you're in line for a payout after the High Court approved a redress deal

14 January 2014

Mis-sold CPP card protection customers back redress scheme

Mis-sold CPP card protection customers back redress scheme

A CPP redress scheme gets the green light from customers - it now just needs to be approved by the High Court

9 January 2014