If you want to save money at Audible, here are some tips and tricks:
Free audiobook. If you're new to Audible, you can take advantage of its 30-day free trial to get a free audiobook (which you can keep). Make sure you mark in your diary to cancel if you don't want to continue with your subscription, otherwise you'll be charged £7.99/month.
Consider buying a membership. If you listen to a lot of audiobooks, consider whether subscribing to a membership plan is worth it for you. The cheapest plan is £7.99/month, and gets you one credit each month, which you can exchange for any single-volume audiobook. As some audiobooks cost up to £30, this could be a decent saving.
Listen to free samples. Before you commit to buying an audiobook, listen to a free sample online at Audible. If you've bought a book and not enjoyed it, you can also return it for a refund up to 12 months afterwards.
If you spot any hot deals we've missed (we're only human!), let us know on Twitter @MSE_Deals, or by emailing us at msedeals@moneysavingexpert.com.
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