Gardening Express deals

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  • Pack of 25 lily OR 100 gladioli bulbs for £10 delivered (norm £26-£36)

    Pack of 25 lily OR 100 gladioli bulbs for £10 delivered (norm £26-£36)

    Via MSE Blagged code. Ready to plant and can grow up to 120cm


    With so many of us discovering our green fingers during lockdown, we've a way to add a splash of colour to your garden.

    If you go via our link to Gardening Express* you can get either a pack of 25 lily bulbs or a pack of 100 gladioli bulbs for £10 plus free delivery when you enter the Blagged code MSEFLOWER at the checkout. The lilies are normally £26.98 all-in, and the gladioli £35.98.

    Warning: These plants are toxic to cats and dogs, so they are not suitable if you have a pet. For more information, see the PDSA veterinary charity website.

    The offer ends at 11.59pm on Mon 1 June or when all 25,000 packs (10,000 lilies and 15,000 gladioli) have been claimed, whichever's sooner.

    Pack of 25 lily bulbs need-to-knows

    • Mixed colours.
    • If planted in the right conditions, they should grow back each year.
    • Plant in clumps in well-drained soil where they are not exposed to wind and can get plenty of sunlight.
    • Can grow up to 120cms.

    Pack of 100 gladioli need-to-knows

    • Mixed colours with varieties including Espresso, Rood, Peter Pears, Blackjack, Princess Margaret, Zizanie, Rhapsody in Blue, Traderhorn, Jester, Purple Flora and Florentina.
    • Can be cut for inside the house when in tight bud or used to brighten garden beds and borders.
    • Can grow up to 120cms.

    How long does delivery take?

    Gardening Express says delivery should take about two weeks. However, as the postal service is under pressure at the moment, you should take this as a rough guide and be aware that there could be delays.

    MSE LAURA F says:

    Gardening Express has been around for over two decades and this is the second time we've done a deal with it. We've heard some positive feedback from the previous deal but also the odd complaint about delays in delivery (though mine arrived in 14 days), so it's worth bearing that in mind.

    Last year I ordered a pair of indoor dwarf banana trees from the website and they're still thriving today.

    • Gardening Express delivers to all of mainland UK and Northern Ireland. For details of the precautions it's taking during the current pandemic, see Gardening Express' Covid-19 FAQs

      What if I have a problem with my order?

      If you need to get in touch with Gardening Express about a particular issue with your order, select 'New Support Ticket' at its website. It's worth noting that the company does not have a customer services phone number – it communicates online only.

  • ALL GONE: 10 dahlia plants for £10 delivered

    ALL GONE: 10 dahlia plants for £10 delivered

    Via Blagged code. Normally £41 all-in. Produces colourful flowers after planting


    MSE Update, Wed 22 Apr at 9.39am: This deal proved very popular after we featured it in today's MSE Money Tips email, and all 4,000 plants have now gone.

    With so many of us discovering our green fingers during lockdown, we've a way to add a splash of colour to your garden or window box. If you go via our MSE Blagged Gardening Express* link and enter the code MSE25OFF you can get a pack of 10 dahlia plants for £9.99 delivered to your door (norm £34.99 plus £5.99 delivery).

    The dahlias will arrive as tubers which will bear flowers after being planted in soil – see example images below. The offer ends at 11.59pm on Tue 5 May or when all 4,000 packs have been claimed, whichever's sooner.

    Left – the dahlias will arrive as tubers, looking bare and vegetable-like. Right – example of how they'll flower after being planted in soil

    The pack of ten comprises a mixture of dahlia varieties which may even include as-yet-unnamed hybrids. Expect a variety of different colours and patterns.

    Plant outdoors – whether that's in large pots and planters or straight into the ground. Dahlias like sunshine but can thrive in partial shade. Your flowers could grow up to 10 inches across and a maximum of four foot high.

    How long does delivery take?

    Gardening Express says delivery should take 10-15 working days. However, as the postal service is under pressure at the moment, you should take this as a rough guide and be aware that there could be delays.

    If you've room outside for more plants, you can get £18ish of seeds for free with the May 2020 issue of Gardeners' World magazine for £8 delivered.

    MSE LAURA F says:

    This is the first time we've done a deal with Gardening Express, but it has been around for over two decades and has a 'Great' 3.9/5 Trustpilot rating. Last year I ordered a pair of indoor dwarf banana trees from the website and they're still thriving today.

    • Gardening Express delivers to all of mainland UK and Northern Ireland. For details of the precautions it's taking during the current pandemic, see Gardening Express' Covid-19 FAQs

      What if I have a problem with my order?

      If you need to get in touch with Gardening Express about a particular issue with your order, select 'New Support Ticket' at its website. It's worth noting that the company does not have a customer services phone number – it communicates online only.

      Gardening Express operates a full refund guarantee if you're not happy with your plants - just make sure to send them back within 14 days.