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  • Milkshake birthday TV mention

    Milkshake birthday TV mention

    Send in your child's photo at least one month before their birthday


    If you go online to kids TV show Milkshake!, you can find information about how to send in a photograph of your child with birthday information which might be read out on air. Prior to 16 Mar 2020, you could send in birthday cards, but Milkshake have said emails to are the only option until further notice.

    You'll need to send it in at least one month before your child's birthday, with the subject line 'Birthday'. It should include a good photo of your child plus the date you'd like it read out on (this isn't guaranteed) as well as a guide on pronunciation (if necessary). 

  • Free Peppa Pig birthday pack

    Free Peppa Pig birthday pack

    When you sign up to the free 'Muddy Puddles Club'


    Peppa pig birthday pack hatIf you sign up to the free Peppa Pig 'Muddy Puddles Club', you'll be emailed a link to a free print-at-home birthday pack with cut out hats, party games, a cake recipe as well as colour-in decorations.

    You'll also be sent competitions and offers as well as information about news and events.