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  • £3 Grow Your Own Veg book & seeds

    £3 Grow Your Own Veg book & seeds

    Via Blagged code. Norm £12 delivered. Eg, tomato and chilli


    If you go online to British seed company Unwins* (Marshalls is part of the same company) and enter the code FBMSE1 you can get the book Grow Your Own Vegetables by Andrew McIndoe and six 'lucky dip' packets of seeds for £2.98 delivered (99p plus £1.99 postage). The book and seeds would normally cost about £10, plus £1.99 delivery. There are 2,500 sets available.

    The book includes sections on container, allotment, patio, small plot and greenhouse gardening with a list of key crops you might like to grow, including the types of seeds you'll be sent alongside the book.

    The seeds will include one packet of each of the following types of seed (see 'more info' for 45 potential varieties within those types of seed - there's no way of knowing exactly what you'll get):

    • Tomato, pepper or pea
    • Salad leaves or celery
    • Cabbage, cauliflower or chilli
    • Herb or bean
    • Microleaf or root vegetable
    • Onion or leek

    Unwins told us these seeds have been packed this year so may be past their sow-by date, but you should be able to get about 85%+ of them to germinate when sown according to instructions next year, fewer if you wait longer to plant. A good tip to help your seeds along is to soak them for 12-24 hours before planting - but do check the packet to see if the variety you receive is suitable for this.

    • One per household.

      List of lucky-dip seed varieties:

      Tomato Super Marmande

      Tomato Attraction

      Tomato Alicante

      Pea Twin Set

      Grean Manure Phacelia

      Pepper Hot Thai

      Pepper Joe's Long

      Leaves Baby Leaf Mix

      Salad Leaves Herb Mix

      Pak Choi Summer Breeze

      Celery Blush

      Celery Granada

      Cabbage Holland Winter XL

      Cabbage Kalibos

      Cabbage Savoy Serpentine F1

      Cauliflower White Step

      Cauliflower Mayflower

      Cauliflower Trevi

      Chilli Pepper Caldero

      Beetroot Solo

      Calabrese Kabuki

      Calabrese Zen

      Herb Mint

      Herb Thyme

      Herb Sage

      Spring Onion White Lisbon Winter Hardy

      Wild Rocket Voyager

      French Bean Golddukat

      Runner Bean Bench Master

      Micro Leaf Amaranth Red Army

      Micro Leaf Coriander

      Micro Leaf Kale Red Russian

      Swede Marian

      Carrot Artico

      Lettuce Webbs Wonderful


      Onion Ailsa Craig

      Onion Barletta (Silverskin)

      Onion Giant Zittau

      Onion Long Red Florence

      Onion Marco

      Salsify 'Scorzobianca'

      Eschalot Roderique

      Leek Terminal

      Leek Autumn Walton Mammoth