The Government's Green Deal Home Improvement Fund, which offers households money to make their homes more energy-efficient, closed last night after the £120m allocated for it ran out.
If you're one of the 58,000 former students who received the wrong correspondence about their loans, look out for packs containing the right paperwork coming in the post.
If you're affected by a lengthy power cut after next April, you'll get more compensation under a crackdown on the way energy companies deal with electricity failures.
The personal current account market could face a full-scale investigation by the competition watchdog after its preliminary probe found it "lacks effective competition" and "does not meet the needs of customers".
NatWest and Halifax are the latest firms we've found to have sent misleading payment demands purporting to be from independent debt collection agencies.
High cost short-term lender Provident is the latest firm has found using dubious 'legal' tactics to pressurise customers into repaying their debts.