Renters are only half as likely to switch energy supplier as homeowners, while one in five don't even know it's possible to switch, according to a new report by Ofgem.
Over 6,000 borrowers who were lent more than they could afford are to be refunded a combined total of more than £700,000 by payday lender The Money Shop.
500,000 customers with a reward credit card from the likes of BHS, Orange and Thomas Cook have all been moved to the Barclaycard Freedom Rewards card, but you can earn more cashback with other providers.
New rules should be brought in to help customers renewing their car and home insurance policies get a better deal, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) has told the regulator.
If you've taken advantage of your tax-free ISA allowance every year since the accounts were introduced in 1999, you should check how much you've saved as you may now have breached the UK's £85,000 safe savings limit.