Thousands of single parents have been sent letters that some say are "threatening" telling them their benefit payments will stop unless they prove they're not living with a partner - then when they try to call, they're faced with long waits.
Axa is the first major insurer to announce that it will start telling customers how much they paid for their insurance premium in the previous year when sending out renewal notices.
Workers will be able to carry small pension pots with them from job to job from next year onwards under plans outlined by Pensions Minister Steve Webb.
Hundreds of thousands of cash-strapped customers who buy TVs and washing machines through rent-to-own (RTO) schemes are paying up to three times more than the high street cost, a report published today has found.
A mum-of-two says she's won a staggering £50,000 worth of prizes in five years using MoneySavingExpert's 'comping' forum board, and that entering competitions has changed her life.
Shoppers tempted by 'free trials' of miracle youth cream and weight loss pills are being warned by the Royal Bank of Scotland to read ts&cs carefully after the bank reported its customers lost a combined £3 million in just six months after signing up to such schemes.
Savers aged 65 and over now have until 15 May to deposit money into Pensioner Bonds, as the Government has announced it's extending the scheme past its original £10 billion allocation.
Some households that received vouchers to redeem cash from the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) now have longer to use them, the Government has announced today.
Everyone aged 55 and over will now be entitled to a free state pension statement the Government has announced today, but it's not automatic so you'll need to request a copy.
7 February 2015
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