Online payday lenders will be forced to publish details of their products on at least one price comparison website – a move which has been branded "flaccid" by
Payday lenders will have to provide details of their loans to comparison websites in order to operate, under new proposals set out by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) today.
It should soon be easier to compare current accounts and to switch to the best bank for your spending habits after major providers have confirmed they'll provide customer's data in a uniformed format.
Energy firms can no longer give cashback to customers who switch tariffs – but comparison sites have been given a last-minute reprieve from the ban after campaigning by
The Financial Conduct Authority is to investigate price comparison websites to find out if they are misleading customers by promoting deals they want them to buy.
There's still no joy for drivers as the cost of car insurance continues to soar at record rates, with home premium prices also rising to their highest ever levels.