PPI: Can I still reclaim?
The reclaim deadline has now passed, but there may be some exceptions
The PPI deadline passed on 29 August 2019, so the normal reclaim route is now no longer open, be that direct to a bank, using our free reclaim tool, or via a claims firm. However, it is still possible to bring a legal claim individually or join a group legal claim. Plus, many can still claim £100s in tax deducted from payouts.
We explain below what options are left – while below that, we've kept the majority of our original PPI guide to explain what it was and how it was mis-sold.
New PPI legal action: could you reclaim £1,000s?
Now that the PPI reclaim window has closed, lenders and the Financial Ombudsman will only consider a PPI complaint if you've got a serious, exceptional reason for not doing so before the deadline.
Effectively this means the only way to start a new claim is to go through legal channels: either on your own or as part of a group.
Launching an individual legal claim over PPI is typically complex, slow and difficult, something not made any easier by the financial might of lenders. So, if you were to try to bring a claim yourself, the costs could easily dwarf any damages – plus you'd risk having to pay the other side's legal costs.
So your best bet is to join a group legal action, where you'd be helped by a legal firm that does the heavy lifting for you. One such large group action was launched in 2023 by Harcus Parker – see our New PPI legal action: can you reclaim £1,000s? guide.
Already had a PPI payout? Check if you can reclaim the tax too
Most people who've had a PPI payout in the past can also reclaim the tax, which would have been automatically deducted. See how in Reclaiming PPI tax.
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PPI reclaiming: The 10 need-to-knows
PPI was an insurance policy sold (or forced upon you) when you got a loan, credit or store card, catalogue account, overdraft or car finance
Payment protection insurance (commonly referred to as PPI) was designed to cover your loan or credit card repayments for a year in the event of an accident, sickness or, in some cases, unemployment. About 64 million policies were sold, mainly between 1990 and 2010.
In itself, PPI isn't a bad product. But it's been widely mis-sold and now, because of a ruling called Plevin (see below), even just having had it means you're likely due some cash back.
The original mis-selling left many paying thousands for potentially worthless cover – and you could even have it without knowing (see the mis-selling checklist, which includes Plevin too). A major problem was that sales staff were hugely incentivised to sell PPI whenever possible.
Many were under so much pressure, they strayed far from the truth. The sellers were often trusted financial institutions, so sadly, many were left with mis-sold PPI. The mis-selling's scale has meant that many have no idea how much they're owed – and are often staggered by the sums, often £1,000s, they get back.
'I successfully claimed £247,000' – is this the biggest PPI payout yet?
Mike Weaver founded a radio and communications business in 1991. But when he took out multiple large loans – ranging from £40,000 and £80,000 – he was told PPI had to be added. After complaining about being mis-sold, Mike received a payout of £247,000 – the biggest sum reported to MSE yet.
We'd had some big business loans, these were going back to the early 2000s and maybe 1990s, and we'd been told you don't get the loans without the PPI. I've got very little paperwork, but I filled in their online claims form as best as I could – mainly just putting in our business account details. I was going to borrow more money for some contracts, but I won't need to now. We're going to have a party and I've given all the staff a bonus too!
- MikeWe had another cracker in May, when one couple got in touch to tell us about their whopping PPI claim. Bob and Jane, from Swindon, claimed for mis-sold PPI on a number of credit cards and loans, getting back a total of £175,000.
We originally thought about applying but didn't. Then we read all the information on MSE and gave it a go. The banks made it difficult but we kept on going and succeeded in getting £175,000. Getting this money has given us peace of mind as we can look forward to retirement debt-free.
- Bob and JaneIf you've never tried before and don't think this affects you, you're possibly wrong. One of the ways PPI was mis-sold was by being added without you being told.
Take this case study from John for inspiration...
I took your advice and have claimed PPI from all the companies we had loans with. The result has been overwhelming: approximately £19,000 back... thank you.
- JohnIf you've had a huge success after using this guide, we want to hear from you. Share your experiences in the PPI forum discussion.
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Have you been Plevined? A recent ruling means just having had PPI means most were mis-sold
'Plevin' is a mis-selling category of PPI. It essentially means that if you got PPI with a loan or credit card from a bank or building society, you were mis-sold.
For years, we've been shouting: "Have you been mis-sold PPI?" But now – with this rule – we're yelling: "Have you simply had PPI?" Even if you knew what you were doing, it's likely you were mis-sold it.
'Plevin' has opened up a new claiming route for millions of people who didn't think they had been mis-sold PPI, or who have had claims rejected. The PPI will have to have been active after April 2008, though there can be exceptions.
So who or what is Plevin? Well, in 2014 a court ruling held that customer Susan Plevin had been treated unfairly because she wasn't told about the large amount of commission (71.8%) taken from her PPI payment.
The Plevin rule means if more than 50% of your PPI's cost went as commission to the lender (or the lender and the broker/adviser together), and that wasn't explained to you, you are due back the extra above that. It is for the lender to pay you this and it doesn't matter if you paid for your PPI as one lump sum or monthly.
Staggeringly, with loan PPI, on average 67% of what you paid was pocketed by banks as commission from insurers, and banks almost never mentioned it – so millions more people are owed possibly billions more pounds. On a £10,000 loan over five years, your Plevin compensation would typically be in the £500 ballpark.New PPI claims are normally automatically checked for Plevin
Following the Plevin case, new rules on commission came into force on 29 August 2017, so any PPI claims since then should have been automatically checked for Plevin eligibility as well.
If you've previously been rejected, you're likely still due a Plevin payout
Plevin could work for you if you've had a claim rejected from a bank, building society or other big financial institution (even if the ombudsman agreed with the rejection). There were 1.2 million whose claims had been turned down (as of 29 August 2017) who were then eligible under Plevin. If you were one of these, you should have been notified of this by your bank by now, but if not, claim anyway.
In February 2019, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) also ordered firms to contact around 150,000 rejected claimants whose policies were active before April 2007 to inform them they can now make a new complaint.
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Have you been plevinedEmbedded YouTube VideoSome Plevin-only cases get ALL their money back going to court
Judges needn't follow the regulator's guidelines. On 2 July 2018, Manchester County Court ruled that Christopher and Joanne Doran should get all of their PPI premium back plus interest, totalling £17,345. This is four times what would've been paid out under the regulator's rules of only commission over 50% being repaid.
However, as it's a lower court, it doesn't yet set a legal precedent for others to follow (if it did, it could cost the banks £18 billion more). Our view is for all but the most militant to follow the normal bank and ombudsman complaint route, as you may still be able to go on to court later once, or if, a precedent is set.
The deadline to reclaim PPI has now passed
NOTE - The deadline to submit a PPI claim has passed, with the reclaim window shutting at 11.59pm on 29 August 2019.
Missed the deadline? See our post-PPI deadline kit above for more info on what your options are, including reclaiming PPI through a small claims court.
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If you don't know if you had PPI, who your lender was, are missing info or lack paperwork, don't worry – it's easy to find out
Lots of people are put off reclaiming PPI because they don't have full details or can't remember them, but don't let this stop you – act now to get in before the dealine.
It's dead simple if your loan was active up to six years ago. The bank will have all the details, but while banks aren't required to keep records that are over six years old, there are still ways to try to find out if you had PPI. Here's what you need to do...
Don't know if you even took out PPI?
Don't feel silly if you don't know – this is the number one question we get. First, you can try finding out by going back through all your old loan and mortgage statements and checking for any mention of an insurance fee or product to cover your payments if you lost your job through accident, sickness or unemployment.
Look for something that may be called 'payment cover', 'protection plan', 'ASU', 'loan protection', 'retail payment protection', 'loan care' or similar.
Can't remember who your lender was? Check your credit report
If you don't have documentation or simply can't remember which lenders you've borrowed from, don't worry – you can check your credit report. It lists loans, mortgages or other debts that were live within the last six years, even if they're now closed.
Sadly, though, it's not quite that simple – while you'll be able to see which lenders you've had accounts with, your credit report WON'T tell you if the accounts had PPI or not. But at least you'll know which lenders to check with.
Check your credit report for free at our MSE Credit Club.
Don't think it's unlikely – take the following success as a brilliant example:
I never thought I would be eligible for any PPI refunds especially as I had claimed on one of them. I saw Martin on TV discussing Plevin and put in a claim with literally no idea of loan account numbers or dates. The application took me five minutes and the money started flooding in. I am currently up to £26,000. Thank you so much.
- Cath- Think you had PPI and know the lender but don't have the paperwork? Contact 'em for details
If you've thrown away your paperwork, don't panic – there are a couple of options available to you. This applies even if your insurance ended more than six years ago.
The first is to ask your lender whether you had PPI. Some lenders have online forms which require basic information about yourself and when approximately you had your loan or credit product. Once you have an answer (which should arrive within 40 days) you will need to decide whether you want to proceed and, if you do, then submit an actual complaint.
Alternatively, if this service to check for PPI isn't available, you can ask the lender for the original paperwork and T&Cs from your product. Even if your account is now closed, you can ask for the paperwork via the lender's 'subject access request' form.
- If your loan was active in the last six years, it's easy as the bank must have all of your information under the 'statute of limitations'.
- If it ended more than six years ago, while it may be harder for the lender to provide the information required, do still request the details from your lender as the Financial Conduct Authority says it should assist with any PPI enquiries.
Here's a template letter to send off to your bank.
- Got your old bank paperwork but not sure if you had PPI? Call 'em to ask
The easiest way to check is to contact your lender. Most will be able to tell you whether you've had PPI, now or at some point in the past. For example, Nationwide has an enquiry form you can complete to find out.
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There's no limit on how far back you can go to make a claim
You can complain about a product sold at any time, and it doesn't matter how far back this goes. Most policies were sold between 1990 and 2010, though some stretch as far back as the 1970s (see point 4 above if you don't have the paperwork).
However, if you're claiming under the Plevin rule, often your policy has to have been active since April 2008. There are exceptions, and the rules are complex, so make a claim and leave it to the firms and the ombudsman to fathom out the regulations.
For some who, pre-2005, were subject to mis-selling that wasn't by banks, the Financial Ombudsman Service can't adjudicate, which makes reclaiming trickier. An example would be PPI on a car finance deal. In that case, if the provider doesn't play ball, you'll need to go to court, which is where no-win, no-fee claims firms could be useful.
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PPI reclaim been rejected? If you believe you were mis-sold, try AGAIN
The PPI story is always changing and we hear new stories of bad practice all the time – many banks have been fined for fobbing customers off and shoddy handling of their complaints.
- Rejected in the last six months? If so, you've got a right to take your case straight to the ombudsman. Follow the steps below to carry on.
- Been rejected but MORE than six months ago? If it's been more than six months since your complaint was rejected and you didn't go to the ombudsman, you may find it might not be as easy so what you'll have to do is restart your claim – unless, for example, a severe illness may have prevented you from being able to write to the ombudsman or you couldn't find original documents as part of a claim – and later found some.
So, for most, your only choice is to restart your case. Whether you're allowed to do that or not is complicated – generally, as stated above, you'll need a major reason why you didn't – but the Plevin case (see point 2) may help you here. If you're not sure whether you can restart, the best thing to do is contact the ombudsman on 0800 121 6222 or email.
Don't give up – the fact you were rejected in the past does NOT mean you weren't mis-sold. Our Plevin PPI Reclaim tool will help.
Quick questions
You can still reclaim if your lender/broker has been taken over or gone bust
Don't be put off if this is the case. Original lender taken over? When buying another company, new owners are usually liable for its debts and for paying customers.
Sometimes the liability stays with the old provider, but complain to the new firm and it'll let you know if that's the case. As an example, Egg's credit cards have now been taken over by Barclaycard, so Barclaycard is liable for Egg's past PPI mis-selling.
If your lender's gone bust and you were mis-sold, you'll need to contact the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (the lender must have been FSA/FCA-regulated for you to do this). This is the official body which ensures the liabilities of finance companies are met. See Safe Savings for more info – the process is very similar.
Following your tips I claimed PPI against an old protection policy pushed by a now defunct provider – a 'mean to' job which took me months to get around to. About three hours' work resulted in a £4,000 return which included refund of premiums plus interest. Enough to say yes to a family wedding invitation to Florida.
- Mr C.GQuick questions
You CAN reclaim PPI for a deceased relative or if you live abroad
Many families only discover a parent or family member had taken out PPI when he or she dies, during the onerous task of sorting through paperwork and their affairs – but their death doesn't mean the end of the compensation they're owed.
Any monies owed become part of their estate, so the person who inherits is entitled to reclaim (let the executor know too). If there's no will this follows the rules of intestacy – see Gov.uk for more info. Yet it's worth noting there may be problems proving what happened at the time of the sale if only the policyholder was present. Read Martin's blog on how to reclaim PPI for a deceased relative.
And if you live overseas, the fact you now live abroad is neither here nor there – you can reclaim. See the mis-selling checklist to find out if you were mis-sold.
I found several old loan statements showing PPI in my late husband's paperwork. The loan company no longer exists so I had to google the parent company for an address. Then, six weeks later, the bank behind it wrote back saying they would be paying me £33,000 as PPI repayment plus accrued interest! Thank you a million times.
- Mrs M. CorkQuick questions
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You do NOT need to pay a company to reclaim your PPI
How loudly can I say this? You do NOT need to pay, no way, absolutely not, never! (Well, almost never. See 'Quick questions' below for the rare occasions when it's worth it.)
Companies known as claims handlers do very little that we don't already do for you below in our reclaiming tools. They used to take about 25% of the proceeds, plus VAT, but the Financial Guidance and Claims Act now provides a 20% cap plus VAT. This cap'll remain in place until the Financial Conduct Authority uses its own powers to impose a cap, although we don't yet know exactly when this will be.
Even with this cap, using a claims firm is still costly, whereas claiming is easy to do yourself to avoid being charged. Many people give away £1,000s unnecessarily when they could keep all the reclaimed cash themselves.
Just got a PPI payout this week – £1,800 going back over 10 years – and I did it all on my own without having to pay someone else. It was so easy.
- Ms L.GIf you're thinking it'll simply be easier to use a claims company, don't – you're still going to have to provide them with the same information you put in the form here. However, in certain circumstances – see below – you should go ahead and do it.
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RECLAIM tax on your PPI payout and get £100s back
If you've been successful and your PPI payout came on or after 6 April 2016, you can reclaim the tax paid on your payout, which could be worth £100s, or even £1,000s in some cases.
For those who are in the process of claiming, or plan to do so before the August deadline, it is likely any payout will be taxed, meaning you would probably have to make a reclaim.
This is because most savings interest (including interest on PPI refunds) now falls under the personal savings allowance (PSA), which allows basic-rate taxpayers to earn up to £1,000 tax free (higher rate £500, additional rate £0) in interest income each tax year.
While most savings interest is paid without tax being taken off, with PPI payouts, the statutory interest compensation usually has 20% automatically deducted – and as most don't hit the threshold so needn't pay tax, you can reclaim it.
Read more about this and how to reclaim the money in Martin's blog.
Quick questions
The mis-selling checklist: How do YOU know if it was mis-sold?
Don't start this thinking: "Do I have evidence?" Instead, ask yourself: "Did this happen to me?" If it did, the likelihood is it happened to other people as well.
The way providers decide, based on the balance of evidence they've got, is "Was this likely to be correct?" All you need do is answer the question about whether it happened to you, NOT "Can I prove that it happened to me?"
All policies will have exclusions, and you should have been told about them. As most policies are bought alongside a financial product rather than on their own, the key issue is:
...what was said at the point you were sold the product.
Here are the key mis-selling categories in our checklist. If you fit one or more of these, you probably have a case. And with the introduction of the new Plevin rule, even just having had PPI now means you could be entitled to a payout...
A. Were you told it was compulsory?

It's a common complaint that consumers are told they must buy a policy from the same provider as the loan to be accepted for the product. This is mis-selling.
C. Were you told or sold the wrong thing?

This covers anything from the fact you were already covered through work or your partner, the policy was not what you agreed to, the insurance term was shorter than your loan and you didn't realise, or if you thought it was a joint policy but in fact it was only in one person's name.

If you were unemployed or retired when you were sold the policy, check if it included unemployment cover. If it did, the unemployment cover's worthless – this should've been pointed out.
If you were self-employed at the time, check whether you were eligible for a payout if your business went bust (usually not) – if not, and it wasn't pointed out, you may have a case.
E. Had any medical problems in the past?

Most policies exclude existing medical conditions, meaning you're unlikely to be covered for any medical problems you've had in the past. You should've been asked about this, and informed the policy could be affected.
G. Just having had PPI means you were mis-sold and are likely due a payout

There are now grounds to make a complaint about a PPI policy based on the Plevin case. Technically, this isn't mis-selling – it's a breach of rules regarding fairness relating to the Consumer Credit Act – but the effect is the same.
The Plevin case suggests almost anyone who has simply had a PPI policy was likely mis-sold, and could be due money back. Financial Conduct Authority rules say firms should generally consider a complaint on the grounds of an unfair relationship between lender and borrower if commission was above 50%. With PPI sales, typical commission stood at 67% so most people who took out PPI are likely owed.
Help as your case progresses
Whether you apply using our new free tool or the template, it's crucial that you keep a close eye on the progress of your complaint. These are the key stages you must keep track of, and take action once you reach each one.
Received a mis-selling offer from your bank? Make sure it's fair
If you're making a mis-selling claim (not Plevin) then at this stage you could hear back from your bank with an offer to refund your PPI premiums. Some that offer letters may also include a leaflet from MSE and Which? to help you check your PPI offer is fair, and know your rights if you feel it isn't.
Here's a copy of the leaflet – let us know if you received it and whether you found it useful in the MSE Forum. But wait... before you jump for joy, be sure you've received the full sum you're entitled to...
If you're rejected during the reclaim stage, whether it's from an old mis-selling claim or Plevin claim using our Resolver tool, you'll automatically receive a trigger reminder to take your complaint to the ombudsman. There'll be a few brief details to fill in and then our tool will send on the details of your original complaint to the ombudsman. Otherwise, if you're using our template letter, it'll be up to you to escalate it.
The ombudsman is the official, independent service for settling disputes between financial companies and their customers. It is completely free to use, and will adjudicate on whether your complaint should be paid out.
It'll decide whether your policy was sold unfairly or unreasonably (see some examples). It can only do so once eight weeks have passed from the date of your first complaint letter, unless your bank sends a final letter within the eight-week period.
While the process of using the ombudsman PPI claim form is simple, and the amount of money you could receive is massive, it's not usually quick. Your case may take a couple of years to be settled, so don't count on the cash now.
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