Redundancy help
Step-by-step guide to redundancy
Losing your job can be a huge financial hit, affecting your ability to pay bills and keep afloat. Whether redundancy is long anticipated or comes out of the blue, it's an uncomfortable situation to be in. But there are ways you can protect yourself by planning ahead. This guide shows you how.
Thanks to Max Winthrop, partner at Short Richardson & Forth and the chair of the Law Society's employment law committee, for fact-checking this guide.
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Don't let the prospect of redundancy overwhelm you
Losing your job brings many pressures: worries over mortgage payments, fears of finances falling apart, the stress of job-finding or strain on a relationship (though some may feel the joy of release from a miserable job).
However, it's important that you don't let this take hold and stop you moving on to another job, career change, training or even taking time out if you can afford it.
By preparing beforehand, you can batten down the hatches and hopefully bounce back quicker and stronger.
I had the unexpected news that a well-known bank I've worked at for 10 years are making me redundant. Thanks to your campaigning, I've got savings prepared for this. I thought I was being crazy as never in a million years did I think I'd lose my job from such a reputable company. I can't imagine not having that money on top of the stress of this situation.
Emma, via email
At risk of redundancy? Here's how to prepare
If you've been told it's a possibility or think it might be heading your way, then you're in a much better position if you take action before it happens.
Sort your finances NOW
Nervous about losing your job but not in any immediate danger? Think as if it's about to happen, in order to protect yourself as best you can.
- Do a debt audit. Your credit score while working will usually be much better than if you lose your job, as the loss of income means lenders will be less keen to give you credit.
Therefore, if your existing debts aren't at cheap rates, it's best to apply sooner to try to cut their costs. See the Best balance transfers, Best bank account, Cheap loans and Mortgage finding guides for more info.
Pay off debts. If you've any spare savings, use them to clear outstanding credit cards or loans. Having debts hanging over you during redundancy is a nightmare. The cost of most debts vastly exceeds the interest earned on savings.
Yet, don't use all your money paying off debts. It's important you keep access to emergency funds if you need them. If you decide to repay debts, but it takes longer than planned to find a new job, you may need money later on for day-to-day living.
More info in Should I repay my debts?
Check out mortgage help schemes. If you have a mortgage, work out what level of protection you have if you were to lose your job. Both private, work-based and government schemes may help. See the Mortgage arrears guide for more info, plus check if your mortgage lender can offer you tailored support.
Boost your income. There are a host of things you can do to bring in cash in the short term, from mystery shopping to flogging your CD collection. See the Boost your income guide for ideas.
Do a budget & money makeover. There's nothing more important than running through all your finances to see what bills you can cut (see the Money makeover guide) and doing a full budget to ensure you're spending within your means (see the Free budget planner). The Stop spending guide will also show you lots of little ways to cut back.
To be truly prepared, if losing your job's likely, start living now as if you'd already lost it. Cut back on everything, and put spare cash away to help you live when there's less income. This way while you're living tighter for longer, the depths won't be as deep.
Join a trade union
If your company or industry has a union and you're not a member, it's worth considering joining. Most will be able to advise on, and barter for, better redundancy packages on your behalf and provide free advice and guidance on your rights. Find the appropriate union and what it provides using the TUC's union finder tool.
Network and build contacts
While now might not be the ideal time to look for a new job, always keep your ear to the ground and see what else is available; whether it's openings elsewhere in your company or at a rival. Many job positions become available long before they're advertised publicly, so be prepared to pounce.
Now could also be the time to push your luck where you might not have had the confidence before. Don't be afraid to ask if work's available even if you're not sure you have the relevant experience – if you don't ask, you don't get.
Remember, while 'last in, first out' no longer applies, you have fewer employment rights in the early stages of a new job than you do later on. So if you move to a new job, then redundancy hits, there is a bigger risk to your security than if you'd stayed put.
Plus if you're likely to be offered voluntary redundancy and a big payout, or have long service at a company, jumping ship may mean you lose all that. Weigh it up carefully.
If you are serious about moving jobs beforehand, the Department for Work and Pensions has launched a job help portal. This includes advice for jobseekers and those facing redundancy, and lists 10,000s available jobs.
There are several types of insurance that would usually cover you for redundancy: mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI), payment protection insurance (PPI), accident, sickness and/or unemployment (ASU) as well as standalone unemployment cover.
All work similarly, where the cover will pay out an agreed sum for a set period in the event of an accident, sickness or unemployment. In short:
- Mortgage payment protection insurance. This is designed to cover your mortgage repayments and related home costs.
- Payment protection insurance. These policies cover repayments of other debts, such as a credit card or loan.
- Accident, sickness and/or unemployment cover/income protection. As it says on the tin – but the amount is paid to you, so you can decide what to spend it on.
At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, many providers withdrew unemployment cover from their insurance policies. While some are now beginning to offer this cover again, make sure you check whether any new policy you're considering includes unemployment protection.
Customers who took out a policy prior to the pandemic shouldn't have been affected by this.
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Already been made redundant? Know your rights when it comes to pay, notice & holiday
Whether you've just been given your notice, or you've already left work, it's important to keep in mind the old adage...
“It's your job that's been made redundant, not you.”
If you're selected, the first thing to remember is that your employer must treat you fairly. There are laws to protect you from being simply tossed aside, so it's important to double-check that your employer has played it fair. If not, you could be in line for compensation. There's more info on unfair dismissal on the website.
The situation is different if your company has gone bust – see full details below.
What redundancy payout are you entitled to?
There are three main types of payout you can expect:
Payment in lieu of notice
Your employer should give you between one and 12 weeks' notice of your redundancy (depending on how long you've been at the company), during which you are entitled to be paid. However, your employer may pay you instead of giving the proper notice, or simply pay you with no need for you to go in to work.
Holiday pay
If you have accrued but not used holiday days, you are entitled to be paid for these (or given the option to use them in your final weeks).
Redundancy pay
A redundancy payout is essentially compensation for your loss of work. Here's how it works:
- You get statutory redundancy pay as a minimum, provided you've worked for your employer for two years or more. The limit is currently £700 a week if you've were made redundant on or after 6 April 2024. This has gradually increased from £350 in 2009.
Exactly what you get depends on how long you've been in your job, with length of service capped at 20 years (so any extra years don't count). The maximum amount of statutory redundancy pay you can get is £21,000. We've full details on it in the questions below.
- Many firms have their own policies that are more generous. Check your contract or staff handbook and see what it says. If it's not specified then it will usually follow the legal minimum, as above.
- The first £30,000 is tax-free. Anything above this is taxed at your marginal rate of income tax.
Quick questions
If the company has no money left to offer redundancy pay, then you'll need to claim your statutory redundancy pay from the Redundancy Payments Service (part of the Insolvency Service).
The money you get will come from the National Insurance Fund, a giant Government insurance scheme set up after World War Two into which we all pay as we work. Once that's done, this fund will try to reclaim the cash from the company's assets.
You may also be entitled to other pay too...
If you're owed wages or holiday pay from a firm that's gone bust, you can also claim the following from the National Insurance Fund via the Redundancy Payments Service. Unlike redundancy pay, this is taxed, though it does use the same ‘maximum’ rule of no more than £700 a week.
- Wages. Up to eight weeks' unpaid wages can be claimed including a payment for a protective award for failing to consult collectively.
- Holiday pay. Up to six weeks' unpaid wages can be claimed.
- Compensatory notice pay. One week's pay after one calendar month's service, and then one week's pay per year of service up to a maximum of twelve weeks.
- Pension. Any unpaid pension contributions, though you'll need to contact the insolvency practitioner to help you claim.
Any further holiday pay and wages owed will be billed as 'preferential debt'. This means they'll be paid before other debts if – and only if – there's enough money when the eventual assets of your employer are totted up and divided out.
How to claim and where to get help when your company's gone bust
To apply for statutory redundancy pay, you'll need to get a claim number from the insolvency practitioner, with which you will then need to make a claim on the Insolvency Service's website. It usually takes about three to six weeks for you to receive your payment.
If you've doubts about the way your employer may have calculated your statutory redundancy pay, you can email the Redundancy Payments Service.
Check your legal rights
The legal rules surrounding redundancy are complex, and this is a MoneySaving, not an employment site, but in general terms the following should take place:
- Before redundancy you should've been consulted.
- You should be given the correct amount of notice.
- All untaken holidays should be paid.
- The company should have considered whether there was an alternative to redundancy. Is there another job in the firm you've the skills to do?
- The process for picking who is redundant should be fair. If the company decided to choose you on a discriminatory basis, then your redundancy is unfair, giving you grounds to complain and even sue.
Additionally, if more than 20 staff are to be let go, the law says there should be a period of collective consultation between the employer and ‘appropriate’ employee representatives (usually a union).
Further reading: For more on the legal issues surrounding redundancy read the Citizens Advice redundancy section.
Quick questions
Those in Northern Ireland can call the LRA Workplace Information Service for free advice on all employment issues. Call it on 03300 555 300 (9am to 5pm Mon to Fri).
Your local bureau can give free employment advice.
Find your nearest Citizens Advice.
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The redundancy checklist
This checklist is full of options to sort your finances and help you get back on track if you've been made redundant.
Which will work depends on your circumstances.
Contact the Jobcentre ASAP as payments are often delayed; the sooner you start, the better.
Thanks to the MoneySavers who contributed to the Great 'What to do in the event of redundancy' Hunt, which has contributed to this checklist.
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