Half a million people will join a workplace pension for the first time by Christmas once employees start being automatically enrolled into schemes, the Government predicts.
Students are highly confused by the new university tuition fees and loans system which begins this month, research published today by the Independent Taskforce on Student Finance Information reveals.
A Government scheme aiming to help people with smaller deposits buy a new-build home has been scuppered by lenders' high rates, a major builder said today.
Financial education should be taught in every further education and sixth form college, a report from the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Financial Education for Young People says.
The retail prices index (RPI) rate of inflation fell to 2.9% in August, down from 3.2% in July, new figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal today.
Households will see an increase in real income next year for the first time since the credit crunch struck, with middle-income earners and poorer families benefiting the most, according to research.
17 September 2012
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