MoneySavingExpert News Irish banks Irish banks: are your savings protected?Almost two million UK savers with cash in an Irish bank may be nervous about the safety of their money due to the crisis facing the country's economy.16 November 2010 Post Office savings to get UK protectionPost Office savers will no longer rely on the Irish government to protect their cash from tomorrow.31 October 2010 Post Office savers to get full UK protectionPost Office savers will soon no longer rely on the Irish government to protect their cash.2 September 2010 Icesave compensation and Isa deadlines loomSavers who had money in collapsed Icelandic bank Icesave have just over two weeks to claim compensation or risk losing their money for good.30 September 2009 Fixed savings rates continue to climbFixed savings rates have risen further despite the Bank of England base rate being held today at 0.5% for the fifth consecutive month.6 August 2009 Post Office savings to come under UK safety protection? Post Office savers could have their protection moved from the troubled Irish economy to the UK. 22 June 2009 Concerns continue to mount for Irish banksIrish banks have once again had their financial strength called into question by an influential ratings agency last night.5 June 2009 Lib Dems warn over Irish banks' safetySavers with money in the Post Office and Bank of Ireland have been warned by the Liberal Democrats that their money may not be completely safe.8 April 2009 Suggest a story Got a money-related news story that affects you? Email us