A man hit with a shock £10,500 bill for exceeding his dongle's data allowance has won a partial reprieve from the Ombudsman after MoneySavingExpert.com highlighted his case.
MoneySavingExpert.com has been asked to write a report on the effectiveness of ombudsmen by a group of cross-party MPs seeking recommendations on how consumers' rights could be better served.
Embattled energy supplier Extra Energy has once again been ranked bottom of the Citizens Advice performance table after receiving a record number of complaints.
Vodafone customers mugged on holiday have been pursued for more than a year by the mobile operator after thieves ran up £1,000s in premium-rate call charges on their stolen phones.
A former financial services ombudsman is launching an unprecedented legal bid to secure £19 billion compensation from Mastercard over charges that were passed on to shoppers, claiming some 40 million UK consumers could each receive hundreds of pounds in damages.
An investigation into energy supplier Extra Energy has been launched by regulator Ofgem after a record number of complaints were lodged with Citizens Advice.
If you're switching between many of the big energy providers you'll now benefit from 10 'commitments' guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free transition – but if suppliers fail to deliver, you may still need to get the Ombudsman involved.
Customer complaints about energy firms increased by a quarter last year, according to the Energy Ombudsman. But whether you've had cause to complain about your provider or not, you can save £100s by switching now.
Passengers flying with Ryanair will soon be able to get a legally-binding decision on gripes such as flight delay and cancellation claims, as the budget airline has become the first to sign up to the Ombudsman Services' airline complaints arbitration scheme.
Co-operative Energy has blamed ongoing problems with its new IT system as the reason why it was the most complained about energy provider in the third quarter of the year.
11 November 2015
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