has teamed up with the Electoral Commission to encourage as many people as possible to register to vote, particularly as new research shows that only 40% of those who have moved house in the last year may have done so.
More than three million people fear they will miss their rent or mortgage payments this month as the cost of Christmas takes its toll, according to a charity.
Renters are only half as likely to switch energy supplier as homeowners, while one in five don't even know it's possible to switch, according to a new report by Ofgem.
More than £20 million meant to help people struggling with housing costs following benefit reforms wasn't spent by local councils last year, new figures reveal. But if you're affected, it's not too late to apply for help this year.
Tenants living in rented homes would have better access to bank accounts and credit if information about rent payments was added to their credit rating, says Experian.
Letting agents must be upfront about fees in their ads to stop renters being stung by unexpected costs, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has said.