Banking hubs, the Bard & garden borders – this week's MSE Forum highlights
Is it possible to enjoy Shakespeare on a shoestring budget? That's one of the questions we're asking this week as we round up some of the latest MSE Forum highlights.
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A few of this week's top threads
Here's a selection of what caught our eye recently:
Is Interrailing around Europe a viable plan for a family holiday with older kids?
When I receive a robot junk call I just reply 'potato' to their prompts
Is there a banking hub in your neighbourhood? Does it work well?
How can I define the border around my lawn without spending over the odds?

The Bernina Express is one of the scenic routes that can be explored with Interrail
How useful do you find online reviews when planning a holiday?
What's the best tool to ensure I plant my new tree neatly in the centre of my lawn?
How can I choose garden furniture which will last a long time?
What's the best tech for listening to podcasts whilst pootling around in a potting shed?
Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should I tell the previous owner of my home he's due a council tax refund?
I recently bought a house, and during the sale process the previous owner made various promises he didn't keep, leaving me around £2,000 out of pocket. After moving in, I followed Martin's guide on challenging your council tax band, and was successful, so I'll save £550 a year. This means the previous owner's likely owed around £8,000 as he'd been paying the wrong rate for years. While it'll be his with one phone call, he probably won't know about it unless I tell him. I've no goodwill towards him because of the broken promises... should I let him know anyway?
See what our MSE Forumites had to say and add your own thoughts on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Do please stick to the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at MMD@moneysavingexpert.com and it could be featured.
Photo of the week
Followers of our long-running thread about charity shop bargains have been loving Miró's updates about Daphne the duck who has set up her nest outside their house and been provided with "bathing facilities, a snack bar and a fresh water supply" whilst she sits on her eggs.

Thank you to goldfinches for suggesting that Daphne deserved a place in this week's blog. If you see something on the Forum that you think merits a wider audience, let us know here.
Please note: We love seeing your photos in the MSE Forum, but if you're uploading one, make sure it doesn't include any personally-identifiable information such as your face or address.
Latest comping wins
New Forumite Cottoneyejoke only took up comping in February this year and has just had their first win - a holiday in Spain. ¡Buen viaje!
Check out our Competitions Time boards for many more opportunities to win.

Cottoneyejoke's first-ever competition win is a trip to Spain
Want to peek at some MSE Forum highlights from recent weeks?
Mixers, moths & music (12 April 2024)
Patches of woodland, pet tortoises & punctures (5 April 2024)
Carpets, cats & custard (28 March 2024)
Valencia, vegetables & very big wins (22 March 2024)
Hens, hobs & housewarming gifts (15 March 2024)
Your two cents
MSE_Sally from our campaigns team has shared details of how you can take part in Evidence Week, encouraging politicians to make evidence-based decisions.
It's Shakespeare's birthday this week, and we'd love to hear your tips for enjoying the Bard on a budget.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.