The MSE Forum in 2024 from A to Z
The beauty of the MSE Forum is that practically every topic under the sun can be given a MoneySaving twist. We've taken a look back at 26 memorable moments from our online community during the past year.
A is for animals
Having a pet can be an expensive business and the Forum has plenty of MoneySaving wisdom whatever product you're looking for, whether it's an animal-friendly household cleaning spray, a cat tracker or a vacuum cleaner that's good for dealing with pet hair. This year we also discussed the best way to commemorate a beloved canine or feline companion after their death.
B is for budgeting for beginners
One of the most common questions we see is about how to get started with budgeting - and how to avoid falling off the wagon after the initial excitement of a new resolution? In February itsthelittlethings asked for tips on how to stay motivated and plenty of Forumites responded to say what had worked for them, from tracking spending on a spreadsheet to setting achievable savings goals.
Changing how you think about your budget can also make a difference. MEM62 noted that being on top of your budget can be liberating rather than limiting: "Know how much you have, know what your essential spends are, know what your discretionary spends are and plan to live on less than you make." Rich1976 agreed: "in reality it is basically deciding how to split up your monthly pay cheque or pension to live life as best you can without feeling restricted, unless your circumstances dictate otherwise".
C is for coffee
Many of us are partial to a coffee, but this year the price of a latte on the high street has moved sharply towards the £5 mark in some places. In February tiger135 invited Forumites to share their coffee habits, whether it be making their own carefully crafted brew at home or taking full advantage of vouchers and deals out and about. During the year we've also debated the merits of coffee pod machines and helped a MoneySaver who was looking to buy a coffee machine as a Christmas gift.
D is for Daphne the duck
The long-running thread about charity shop bargains took an unexpected diversion in April when Daphne the duck set up her nest outside Miró's house where she was provided with "bathing facilities, a snack bar and a fresh water supply" whilst she sat on her eggs.
E is for engagement rings
It's the season to sing about five gold rings and twice this year we've heard from Forumites looking for anonymous help picking the right engagement ring. In August AdmanPea sparked a debate on lab-grown vs natural diamonds. This month, Rtj123 wondered whether they'd be seen as a cheapskate for not buying a diamond ring.
F is for funerals
Bereavement is a stressful enough experience without added financial concerns. This summer Forumites discussed the pros and cons of very simple funerals and direct cremations, as well as how to respect the wishes of the deceased whilst also meeting the needs of mourners.
The gathering after a service or ceremony can also be an important time to share memories, and November's thread about the expected etiquette for post-funeral refreshments revealed the variety of personal preferences and regional customs, as well as providing practical tips for those tasked with organising a wake.
G is for blank canvas garden
In Forums like ours it can be frustrating when someone poses a dilemma but you never get to hear what happened next. So the regulars on our Gardening board were delighted with Working_Mum – who turned to the Forum in 2021 for tips on how to turn their new 'blank canvas' garden into something more characterful and wildlife-friendly – returned with a progress update. YoungBlueEyes summed up the reaction: "Blimey that's some difference! You really have created a little slice of heaven out of practically nothing at all."
H is for hybrid and electric cars
Car technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years and many motorists now find themselves facing a dilemma when the time comes to choose a new vehicle, balancing up short and long-term costs.
SylvanMoonscape's in the market for their last car before giving up driving and has been wonder whether to go petrol or hybrid.
If you live in or near a big city with congestion and emission charges you might need to weigh the factors differently, like Theresonly1 who was considering the most cost-effective options for driving in London.
I is for Interrail
As travellers become more environmentally conscious, long-distance European rail travel has enjoyed a renaissance. When smallzoo2 came to the Forum looking for ideas for a European adventure, Forumites suggested looking at Interrail passes. Gt568 requested family Interrailing tips and JustinTime19 asked 'if you had 10 days to take the train around Europe, where would you go?'
Pavlovs_dog said: "We too did 2 weeks of touring Italy via train last summer and had a great time. Trains in Europe put our rail network to shame. You'd be wise to pin down your rough itinerary so that you can price up whether the official Interrail pass is worth it. We decided against it in the end and paid as we went on the day. You want to travel as light as you can get away with."
J is for Japan
Paulfrombrum turned to the Forum for help to keep costs down on their "dream holiday" to Japan whilst carly was in the market for an escorted tour. Other destinations our community has helped MoneySavers with their travel plans include Venice and Vietnam.
K is for knitting
Our Crafting board is a fantastic supportive community of creative people. As Coxy11 declared, "All are welcome here – whether you stitch, knit, crochet, felt, tatt or machine sew. We love to see your makes and share in your successes, plus catch up on each other’s news." Some use their signatures to keep track of their knitting achievements; Katiehound has notched up "6 hottie covers, 4 hats,10 mitts and 1 bootee" in 2024. Ambassador Glad has just shared some snaps of the knitted garland that's part of their festive decorations.
L is for lunch
It's easy to get into a rut of eating the same things over and over again, especially during the working day. If you'd like to jazz up your midday meal in 2025, you could do worse than peruse the what's in your lunchbox? thread for inspiration. That thread was spawned by another Forumite's request for ideas for filling and cost-effective meals.
At the other end of the scale, Lindy_G came to the forum for tips for hosting lunch for 100 people whilst keeping it MoneySaving.
M is for Michael Jackson
As a result of a thread on the Forum, MSE's news team was able to report in March that a debt collection firm had been sending emails that appeared to be signed by the late pop star Michael Jackson asking for repayments owed to energy firms that have gone bust. The post by Everest88 triggered a sequence of events that led to MSE's founder Martin Lewis taking the issue up with the then cabinet minister responsible for energy, and a formal response from the Government.
N is for no-spend days
Every month cathybird presides over the no-spend day challenge which is all about cutting down on non-essential purchases. As they explain: "Over the short term, it can help you have a more frugal month. Over the long term, if you stick with it, it can help change your mindset because you get out of the habit of frittering money away and start automatically holding off from spending instead."
On New Year's Eve 2023, ChihiroSen announced they were taking the concept further and attempting to make 2024 a no-buy year. And just this month, PennysIntoPounds came up with the perfect counterbalance to those ever more expensive luxury Advent calendars, with a day-by-day December challenge to wear and enjoy those clothes and accessories that don't often make it out of the drawers.
O is for own brands that taste better than the big name
We all know someone who insists on eating brand-name breakfast cereal or ketchup, but sometimes the less pricey supermarket options are tastier. FlorayG invited Forumites to say which own-brands are better than known brands.
P is for pocket money
Did you get pocket money when you were a child? In April, TheBanker sparked a lively discussion about the merits of different approaches to pocket money for teenagers and the best way to teach life skills about money management from a young age, especially in a world where cash is no longer universally accepted.
Q is for questions for StepChange
For the most part the MSE Forum is about individual MoneySavers sharing their experiences with one another, but our community also benefits from the specialist input of official representatives from a handful of organisations. On the Debt-free wannabe board, there's a dedicated thread where anyone struggling with debt can pose a question to an advisor from the StepChange charity. It's a space where you can be anonymous and there's no such thing as a daft question.
R is for reading as a cheap hobby
In March MrsStepford started a thread about the MoneySaving joys of reading and more than 50 pages later it's still going strong with Forumites exchanging book recommendations and delighting in bargain tomes found in charity shops and free book exchanges.
S is for Saturday jobs
Inspired by a TV show, Floss invited Forumites to share stories of Saturday jobs the did as a teenager. Whether it was the classic paper round or a shift supervising the Pizza Hut salad bar, MoneySavers recounted their tales of earning their own money for the first time and what the experience taught them. We reckon quite a few will like the sound of annieb64's job working on a bakery van with unlimited access to cakes!
T is for testimonials
We love hearing how the MSE Forum has changed people's lives, and there are some brilliant testimonials in the Debt-free Roll of Honour and Mortgage-Free Roll of Honour threads. A recent comment from themadvix perfectly summed up what MSE is all about: "I couldn't count the number of ways we've used to earn pennies over the years that have come from this board. This ability to ensure every penny counts has absolutely enabled us to do so many things that we might not have been able to do otherwise."
In July, Prudent said: "The MSE forum saved me as a single parent many years ago. I learned so many skills and money saving strategies. The comps forum was a bonanza in the early days and I was able to give my daughter holidays and experiences well beyond my single household income."
U is for not buying unnecessary toiletries
Is your bathroom full of bottles, but you still find yourself adding more to the collection? This New Year is the 15th anniversary of the monthly no buying unnecessary toiletries challenge where Forumites hold each other accountable to use up all the toiletries, cosmetics and perfume they've already got before buying any more. If you receive some products this Christmas it could be a good time to take up the challenge.
V is for volunteer Forum Ambassadors
Our team of Ambassadors are part of the glue that binds the Forum together. Some of them have been with us since the earliest days of MSE and others are more recent recruits. They help keen the Forum's wheels turning, especially when the team at MSE Towers is not online. Meet our current Ambassadors and look out in Spring 2025 for opportunities to join next year's cohort.
W is for winners
The Competitions time section of the Forum is one of the most popular, and this year members of our community have had some spectacular wins. Megs151 scooped an amazing £171,000 in a radio competition in March – and they thanked their fellow compers on the MSE Forum for keeping them engaged in the hobby. The pics and story from LeeRit's once-in-a-lifetime Swiss holiday were also a highlight of the year.
X is for Xmas challenges and chat
Some people prefer not to think about Christmas until mid-December, whilst others enjoy making preparations many months ahead. We have two threads for year-round Christmas MoneySaving chatter, and some Forumites are already systematically saving for Christmas 2025 or aiming to achieve debt-free status.
Y is for yeast
Bouicca21 turned to the Forum for help to perfect their home-made bread. We also discussed making your own wine. As FlorayG said, "I grow my own soft fruit so six bottles of wine are the cost of one bag of sugar and a teaspoon of yeast - less than 30p a bottle".
Z is for zzzz...
A sound night's sleep makes all the difference to how we feel during the day. This year we've discussed the best duvets and bedding for overnight comfort and how to choose a smart device for tracking your sleep patterns.
And before we go ... thank you to all Forumites
From the whole Forum Team, a massive thank you to everyone who has taken part in our online community during the past year, whether seeking or sharing MoneySaving wisdom. We look forward to more MSE adventures together in 2025.