Campaign to protect consumers from rogue doorstep sellers

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has today launched its annual doorstep selling campaign, which aims to help elderly or vulnerable consumers know their rights.
It hopes the campaign, which adds to our crusade to help protect consumers from rogue salesmen, will help consumers fend off dodgy traders.
The OFT is working with local authority Trading Standards Services, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Direct Selling Association and other key players.
It will distribute leaflets, run adverts and add to its online guides.
A poll carried out by in May found many organisations ignore 'no cold callers' signs, even though this is a criminal offence for traders.
You can download our free 'no cold callers' sign to do your best to keep companies at bay.
Our top tips to protect against door-to-door sellers
Remember, you don't have to let them in.
Ask to see the salesperson's official ID and find out exactly where they're from.
If in doubt, don't sign anything.
A trader must advise you in writing you can cancel any contract. If they don't, they can't hold you to anything in the contract.
If you buy something when a salesperson calls at home, the Doorstep Selling Regulations give you a seven-day cooling off period on all goods over £35. To cancel, and get a refund, return any goods in reasonable condition (you may need to pay for delivery).
In 2010, the big six energy companies agreed their salespeople would not knock on doors with 'no cold callers' signs. Last October this officially became part of the EnergySure code of practice. Traders also shouldn't ignore these signs.