Cheap batteries, coffee capsules & wildlife cameras – this week's MSE Forum highlights

Would you spend £100 on a pair of sunglasses that you might lose or break? Or do you get your sunnies from the pound shop? That's one of this week's talking points on the MSE Forum.

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Money Moral Dilemma

Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.

Should us bridesmaids have to pay for the bride to attend her own hen parties?

I've been asked to be a bridesmaid, which will include going to a dress fitting and two hen parties - one in the UK and one abroad. The bride's expecting the other bridesmaids and me to pay for these events ourselves, and also pay for her portion between us. Given that we've agreed to go to all these events for her, should we have to pay for her to attend them too?

See what our MSE Forumites had to say and add your own thoughts on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Do please stick to the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every dilemma.

Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at and it could be featured.

Photo of the week

Daisy_1571 used some scrap materials to make this little mouse, and shared the pic in one of our long-running crafting threads.

Please note: We love seeing your photos in the MSE Forum, but if you're uploading one, make sure it doesn't include any personally-identifiable information such as your face or address.

Latest comping wins

Lucky1983 is living up to their username and is celebrating winning a family theatre trip to London, whilst KJ1986 will soon be barbecue-ready with a 22" griddle worth £349. 

Check the I won! I won! I won! board to see other recent successes, and look at the Competitions time boards for many more chances to win.

Your two cents

SkydivingLeopard came to the forum this week for help with their GCSE design technology coursework – can you help them by answering a couple of simple questions about how your cooking habits have changed since the cost of living crisis? 

If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum