Moving home checklist
Slash costs & make moving house or flat easier
It's just before you move home. You're frantically packing boxes, sorting final bills and booking removal vans. But what else do you need to know and do? Our moving home checklist is here to help, offering everything from moving day tips to ways to save on your new household bills. We've split our checklist into three parts:
Part 1: Before moving day
Our moving home checklist opens with all you need to know BEFORE you go. We've full help to get you prepped and ready for the big day, taking in everything from ensuring you'll have food in the cupboards of your new home and a broadband connection, to lining up removals help and selling any unwanted items for an extra bit of cash.
Compare removal costs ✅

- TravelSupermarket (select 'car hire' field)
- Enterprise Car Club
- Zipcar
If you ARE taking property and furniture with you, it's more likely you'll need to enlist the help of a removal company. To get a handful of local quotes in a few minutes, head to or Compare My Move.
Check that the removal firm you're considering belongs to the British Association of Removers, which'll give you extra protection (including access to a free ombudsman service if you've got a complaint and, in some cases, insurance cover).
Quick questions

Although your removal company will almost certainly provide a packing service and any packaging if you were to use one, these will likely come at a cost.
Instead, consider opting for free or cheap packing supplies and boxing your stuff yourself to save money.
Here's what you might need and where to find it:
- Boxes. Websites such as Freecycle, Freegle and Gumtree are a goldmine for used boxes. Also see if your friends and family have any. Supermarkets are another place to check. It's worth grabbing a range of sizes.
- Bubble wrap. Bubble wrap will help keep items from breaking during your move. Try building up your own stash from any deliveries you get in the weeks/months ahead of your move. You might also find leftover bubble wrap for free on sites such as Facebook Marketplace. If not, you can buy it from Amazon or a local DIY shop for cheap.
Other items you may need for your move include:
- Packing paper for fragile items
- Marker pens for labelling boxes
- Bin bags for anything you want to throw out
- Sellotape/gaffer tape to seal boxes
- Vacuum bags for clothes
If you're using a professional removals firm, it might be easier to leave the packing of large and more valuable items, such as beds, TVs and furniture, and any disassembly, to them.
Sort out your broadband ✅
It's sensible to arrange broadband for your new home as soon as you have a moving-in date, preferably a few weeks beforehand, as it can take up to a month to set up. Leave it too late and you might be without broadband initially.
Most broadband providers let you stay with them when you move, so long as their service is available in the area you're moving to (enter your new postcode on our broadband comparison tool to check). Some providers charge a small fee to move, while others will require you to take out a new contract, though the latter means there's scope to haggle for a better deal.

You might consider staying with your current provider if:
- There's coverage in your new area.
- You're happy with your current deal.
- You're mid-contract and would pay cancellation fees.
Otherwise, you may want (or in some cases, have) to switch providers – learn how to do so in our guide to cheap broadband deals.
Quick questions
What about your gas and electric supply?
See our 'Do I have to pay energy exit fees if I move house?' FAQ below for more.
Take stock of food stashed away ✅
Moving home is an opportunity to take stock of how much food you have hidden away at the back of cupboards, and loitering in your fridge and freezer. To ensure you're not having to transport anything you don't have to, try to eat as much of this as possible before moving day (not necessarily in one sitting!) – particularly frozen food that's difficult to transport and heavy tins that will weigh you down.
Eating yourself empty means fewer boxes to pack and less waste, while helping you to save on food costs.
If you do have unwanted food, consider giving it to neighbours and/or family and friends. Another option is to use Olio, an app where you can pass on food to strangers.
Sell unwanted items ✅
A good way to reduce how much stuff you take on moving day AND boost your finances is to sell anything you're unlikely to use anymore.
Just like moving home will highlight how much food you've got, the same goes for belongings in general. Whether it's clothes, electronics or even household waste (yes, you read that right – see our guide on flogging your rubbish), moving is the perfect time to streamline your stuff.
A panicked trip down the supermarket aisles is the last thing you'll want to do on or around your moving day. So ordering a food shop in advance to be delivered on the day of your move makes a lot of sense. You'll have grub ready to cook from day one, plus you'll have your food shop for the week ahead sorted.
Just make sure you book a slot a bit later on in the day to account for any moving-day delays!
However, while it's not particularly MoneySaving, you may want to treat yourself to a first-night takeaway after a stressful day of loading, unloading and unpacking.
See our Restaurant Deals & Vouchers page for ways to save on everything from Nando's and McDonald's to Domino's Pizza.
And finally... 10 last-minute questions to ask sellers ✅
To make your life easier when moving house, it helps to learn as much as possible about your new home in advance – the kind of stuff you may not have learned when viewing the property.
Remember to find out the answers to the following questions:
1. Where's the main stopcock (to shut off the water)?
2. Where are the gas and electricity meters?
3. Do any surfaces need special cleaning products, such as wooden floors?
4. What day are the bins collected?
5. Are there any old tins of paint in the same colour as the walls?

6. Are there any instruction manuals or warranties to be passed on, for items or fixtures such as electronics, fireplaces or anything recently installed?
7. Where did the kitchen and bathroom tiles come from?
8. Which companies supply the energy and broadband?
9. Where is the thermostat?
10. Are there any pest control measures in place?
Having the answers to these to hand will help smooth your move into your new home.
Part 2: On moving day
Today's the day. You've successfully navigated most of the admin and scaled mountains of paperwork, so you're now very close to moving in. BUT you've not quite reached the summit. Now, in this short section, we'll give our tips to help make moving day go as well as possible.
Top tips to make moving day go smoothly ✅
The physical process of actually moving home can be very stressful. However, a little planning can help ensure you're not tearing your hair out on the day:
- Label your boxes. Note down which room the box should go in and a description of what's inside, on the top AND side of the box.
- Put screws and bolts in freezer bags. Such as those from large furniture or your bed. Then stick the bag to the relevant bit of furniture with masking tape.
- Flatten some cardboard boxes. Lay these down to protect your flooring.
- Have cleaning products, bin bags and old towels to hand. You may be expected to clean the property you're moving from, while old towels will stop things getting messy if it rains and bin bags will be handy for collecting rubbish.
- Move large furniture into your new pad FIRST. Otherwise, you'll end up moving boxes around again to make room.
- Check there are lightbulbs (which work). It's best to avoid going to the shops mid-move or only noticing the lights don't work when it's dark.
- Take meter readings. Note down meter readings at your previous property, for gas, electric and water if applicable (and do the same at your new home). Take a photo of the meters for extra peace of mind.
It might seem like extra work right now, but you'll be thankful when it comes to unpacking at the other end.
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Part 3: After moving day
Congratulations! You've completed your big move. Take a moment to relax and bask in the relief. But don't break for too long – it's now time to finish off those final few jobs.
Redirect your post ✅
It might be a tall order to remember to change your address with every single company, organisation or other group you're associated with. In which case, you can use Royal Mail's postal redirection service to ensure any bills or other post still makes its way to you.

You can get post redirected for three, six or 12 months – longer if you're still getting lots of post through after your initial period is up. It costs from £39.50 (for three months), but the price is greater if more than one person needs their mail redirecting.
Updating your address is very important. For instance, any bills that end up at the wrong address increase the likelihood of you missing a repayment, something that can damage your credit score and, where repayments are continually missed, cause you significant issues.
Stray letters can also increase the risk of you being hit by ID fraud. For help beating different types of fraud, see our 30+ ways to stop scams.
Important – deal with former residents' post the right way. You open the front door on moving day and there's a pile of post that isn't yours on the doormat. You can't open it (legally) and shouldn't chuck it.
Your best bet is to write on it 'return to sender, not known at this address' and pop it back in the post. Where possible Royal Mail will then return the item to the sender, and the expectation is for it to update its records to prevent a mis-delivery from happening again.

What's the catch? There isn't one. Instead of dumping goods or eBaying them, people harness the web's power to offer them to their local communities. So as well as you kitting up for nowt, the environment benefits as unwanted items aren't flung into landfills.
Of course, there is some moth-bitten tat. But there's also top-tier stuff too. Bagging the best is all about the etiquette – you need to give yourself time to do your research and keep your eyes peeled. For a full step-by-step guide, see Freecycle & Freegle tips.
Register to vote ✅
When moving home, you don't automatically get registered to vote at your new address. If you're not registered, you don't get a say on who represents you at both a local and national level.
Not being registered also means it'll be harder for you to get accepted for credit. This is because credit reference agencies use the electoral register to confirm where you live, in order to counteract fraud.
Each person in a household needs to individually register themselves (one person can't register on behalf of a whole household). The age at which you can register to vote depends on where you live in the UK – for more on this, and to see how to register, see the website.
Clean your new pad ✅
While generally people clean their homes when moving out, there is a chance the property might be manky when you arrive, so tackling the grime will probably be an early task. MoneySaver mrs_montgomery says:
When you move in, the place will be FILTHY. If you buy it new it will be full of chips of plaster and dust.
If you buy it from someone else, the cupboards will be grubby and the walls covered in big dirty moving-men fingermarks and scrapes from where they've carried their furniture down the stairs.
- mrs_montgomery
While there's no legal obligation to leave your home clean for the new occupants, out of courtesy many will tidy up before moving out (see more on whether sellers have to clean the house before moving).
And for loads of MoneySaving cleaning tips, see the Old-style MoneySaving forum.

Don't automatically stick with the property's existing energy supplier. It's always worth checking whether there's a better deal for you. Those on providers' standard tariffs may be able to save by switching – even a small monthly saving will make a big difference in the long run.
If you don't have previous bills from your new home, you can still compare. Just tell our Cheap Energy Club some info about it and we can estimate your usage based on those details. It'll then give you an idea of whether it's worth switching – and you can even get cashback with some deals. The potential savings won't be 100% accurate as it makes some assumptions, but it's better than nothing.
Finally, don't forget to take meter readings when you move in (take a photo to be sure). Then you'll know you're not being billed for the previous owner's usage.
Up to 400,000 homes in England and Scotland may have been in the wrong Council Tax band since the early 1990s. If you live in one of these homes, you can get your band lowered and a backdated payout – often worth £1,000s (if you've been living there many years).
First you'll have to see whether your neighbours in identical or similar properties are in lower bands. Then you can use the web to value your home for free, and convert it back to its price in 1991, when homes in England and Scotland were first valued. We've got the full step-by-step process in our Council Tax bands guide.
Do note that getting your band lowered can be much tougher once you've lived in your home for longer than six months. So if you've got the feeling you might be overpaying, it's best to start investigating sooner rather than later.
Slash your boiler cover costs ✅

If there's a central heating boiler in your new home, then consider getting cover for it. There's nothing worse than arriving home when it's cold to discover the central heating's packed up and there's no hot water. Everything else flies out the window while you frantically search for someone who'll fix it – and it won't be cheap.
Companies play on this fear by charging serious money for boiler and heating cover, but you can avoid paying big bucks. And don't automatically go to your energy provider for this – our Cheap boiler cover guide may save you £100s.

If you receive certain benefits, there are wads of free cash on offer to install loft or cavity wall insulation. This can cut bills by £100s a year. Combined, these types of insulation can cost up to £2,500, but to fulfil energy efficiency obligations, some firms do it for free.
You usually have to own your home and be receiving certain benefits, such as Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Child Benefit, Carer's Allowance or Disability Living Allowance. For the full lowdown on what's available and to check providers' eligibility criteria, have a read of our Great British Insulation Scheme guide, which details any free insulation (and boilers) available.
Another quick way to check whether you qualify is to call Find Ways to Save Energy in Your Home (for those in England) on 0800 098 7950, Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282, or Nest (for those in Wales) on 0808 808 2244.

If you have a spare room and fancy making some extra income, you could always rent it out. If you do, you've two options to legitimately reduce tax, but you must choose one of them:
- The Rent a Room Scheme. The Rent a Room Scheme has a special exemption which means you can take in a lodger to live in a furnished room in your home and not have to pay tax on the first £7,500 you make each year. This is a huge tax break for most people and really ups the gain. Better still, as a landlord you'll be expected to ask for a month in advance, which means ready income comes in quickly.
- Deducting expenses. HM Revenue & Customs also allows landlords to deduct certain expenses from any rental income, such as property maintenance costs. This can be a bigger saving in some cases. See the website for full info.
If you don't want to rent out a room full-time, you can play guesthouse. Airbnb and Wimdu let you list your spare room online, and take in travellers looking for a cheap place to stay. You can set the nightly cost, undercutting hotels, and you might just get to work on your language skills too.
For 60+ other ways to bring in extra money, see our full Boost your income guide.
Protect your property against scammers ✅

It might sound unlikely, but one homeowner had a nasty surprise after his property in Luton was sold by scammers without his knowledge (he was living elsewhere at the time). He only made the discovery when neighbours noticed movement inside the property, which turned out to be the new 'owners'.
While such incidents aren't common, it's a warning of what could happen if you fall victim to identity fraud. Fortunately, you can simply sign up to an alert service to mitigate the risk:
Can you buy the freehold to your place? ✅
Just moved into a leasehold flat? Some freeholders charge £10,000s in management fees for work such as maintenance or upgrades which you could do for a fraction of that. Luckily, in England and Wales, owners are often entitled to buy freeholds at a fair price – reducing outgoings and potentially adding to the sale value.
Buying your freehold, if you can, costs about the same as extending your lease by 90 years and you can usually then extend the lease for free, just paying legal fees.
It's a complex process though, plus you'll need to be willing to take on responsibility for maintenance of your block, so it's not one to take on lightly. For a full how-to, see our Buy your freehold guide.
As inspiration, here's MoneySaver westernpromise's experience:
We saved £700 on insurance in the first year. We bought a share of the freehold because the freeholder was charging us £1,000 a year for buildings insurance. When we bought our own, it fell to £300 a year. The freehold cost £1,500 per flat, including legal fees.
We also gained control over maintenance expenses. Before this, the freeholder would dismiss suggestions that she was forcing us to overpay and just hand us a huge bill.
- westernpromise

Moving home is the perfect time to assess your finances. You'll be signing up to new services anyway, so could save £1,000s on your previous bills by ensuring you grab everything cheapest.
For starters, have a read of our cheap broadband guide, then try haggling with Sky or with Virgin Media, and cutting your water bills. Those are just for starters. For a detailed checklist of more than 30 quick ways to cut bills, see our full money makeover guide.
Moving home FAQs
Looking for more moving-house tips?
As well as our moving home checklist, we've got lots of other helpful relocation guides:
- How to sell your property. Tips to help guide your sale.
- Free house valuations. How to get your home valued.
- Boost your mortgage chances. Get mortgage ready.
- Buying a new-build home. Top tips and what to look out for.
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