50+ tips for renters

Rental rights, energy tips, letting fees & more

A fifth of households in the UK are privately rented and the costs can be staggering. The average rent's now £1,293/month, and an eye-watering £2,000/month in London. We've 50+ tips to help you rent a home cheaply and safely – including how to check your deposit's protected, furnish your flat for free and more. 

Can you challenge rent rises? Plus renters' rights, from repairs and damp, to pets & disputes

This is outside our expertise, but don’t worry, MSE’s founder & chair has got it covered, via his spin-off BBC Not The Martin Lewis Podcast, where he takes on subjects he doesn’t cover, by putting your questions to a team of specialists.

Listen to 'Renters' rights June 2024' for free via 
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(transcript available below)
or elsewhere they let you play good (or mediocre) podcasts

It includes details on key topics, with specific information for all four UK nations, including… 

- Can you challenge a rent rise? 
- What if your property needs repairs or is damp?
- Can your request for a pet be rejected? 
- How to deal with letting agents & council landlords

  • Read a transcript of Martin's renting podcast...

    Martin Lewis: "Today's pod is all about renters' rights. Some meaty need-to-knows, including your rights if they try to put the rent up, what you can do if the property needs repairs or is damp, can they reject your request for a pet, how to deal with letting agents and council landlords and lots, lots more. We're going to deal first with questions all about England and Scotland. Then, at the end, some special notes for those of you in Wales and Northern Ireland to point out where your rights differ.

    "I'm delighted that joining me are Ben Leonard, who is a policy officer at Acorn, Julie Ford, former Housing and Homeless Law specialist advisor for Citizens Advice and founder of Gothard Rowe Landlord Services, which mediates disputes, and Emma Jackson from Citizens Advice Scotland to help us try and navigate the differences between the situation in Scotland and the rest of the UK."

    ‘Can a private landlord hike rent by 10% a year?’

    Martin: "So let's start with @anowlcalledsage on Twitter: “Please confirm that there is absolutely nothing a renter can do to stop their private landlord hiking their rent by 10% a year like mine did, other than move from the place they've lived in for 10 years.” Ben, why don't you start?"

    Ben Leonard (Acorn policy officer): “Yeah, so there's not quite nothing that can be done. You can challenge rent rises by a tribunal. So that's the good news. The bad news is that the system really doesn't work that well for renters, for two reasons, really: first is it takes a long time, and landlords can basically evict you using Section 21 before you actually get through the process.”

    Martin: “Section 21. That's ‘no fault’ evictions, so you don't have to do anything, they just don't want you anymore – go.”

    Ben: “Yeah, so that's one thing. And then the other problem is that it's not risk free for the tenant either. So, the tribunal can say, 'actually, having looked at the other market rents available, we think that the landlord hasn't risen your rent enough', and they can actually increase the amount by which the rent is risen. So consequently, I know of nobody who's even really gone down this route, because either they get evicted before they get a chance to, or they're too worried that their rent will go up even more than the landlord."

    Martin: "So, you could go and argue that 'my rent rise is unfair', but it doesn’t really matter. Because if you’re going to lose it, and the landlord doesn’t want it, they’ll kick you out. Julie, anything else to add on that really?"

    Julie Ford (founder of Gothard Rowe Landlord Services): “Yeah, I agree completely with what Ben said. And it is just one of those systems where it just doesn’t really work. It’s great on paper, but the system doesn’t work. I do know of tenants that have challenged it. And unfortunately, they’ve had the same outcome that Ben just said there – they have actually had their rent increased higher than what the landlord put it up to.”

    ‘No fault’ evictions are banned in Scotland

    Martin: “Emma, any hope for those in Scotland. Is it different?”

    Emma Jackson (Citizens Advice Scotland): “Yeah, definitely a few differences here. So first off, ‘no fault’ evictions are banned here in Scotland. So I think that's an important thing to note. And we've just had some recent changes come in, from the 1st of April, we had this temporary rent increase rent caps as emergency cost of living protections to really help tenants. But as of 1 April, that temporary cap on rent increases no longer applies. So, same as you guys in England, landlords do have the ability to increase rents. They've got to give tenants notice; they can only do that once every 12 months.

    "But we have seen some strengthening for at least the next 12 months on the rent adjudication process. So, a bit similar to what Ben was talking about, there's an independent process for tenants to get that rent reviewed. And that's been sort of tightened up over the next 12 months so that hopefully, as few people have that very steep increase as possible. One difference is when it goes to that review, they guarantee that they will not increase it from the amount that the landlord is suggesting. So that's a little bit of protection…”

    Martin: “So, it means there’s less risk going to review at least?”

    Emma: “But what we're hearing from advisors in our CAB bureaus across Scotland is it's looking really complicated, and they're finding it hard to get their heads around exactly what this process means. So, if they can’t understand it, what hope is that for tenants? And we are a bit worried that then that means there's going to be an additional barrier. And we know that people can be really scared about approaching redress processes, because they think the ultimate outcome is going to be well, I'm going to lose my home so I may as well stay put and potentially suck this up. So maybe some bits that are a bit better, but a lot of people are really concerned about rent hikes here, too.”

    Martin: “So we've got the concerns in Scotland there, of course, I mean, there's also a reflection for the rest of the UK because there is the discussion of banning Section 21, the discussion of banning ‘no fault’ evictions here. So, I mean, by the sound of that, it wouldn't be a panacea, it wouldn't cure everything, would it?”

    Ben: “No, it would help I think swing the balance of power a little bit in the other direction, though, I think at the moment, it's not just with rent rises, so many things like repairs, as well, tenants are too scared to exercise the rights that they do have, because there's so much leverage on the other side i.e. the threat of homelessness, or even at least having to move house. So, it wouldn't fix everything, but it would help almost every aspect of renting, frankly, if landlords didn't just have that big red button, they can push.”

    Martin: “And of course, at the time that we're recording this, we simply don't know if the promised end to ‘no fault’ evictions is going to come or not. It is a political hot potato. We are a practical programme, so we're not going to go into that."

    The bill to ban ‘no fault’ evictions in England has had a setback

    Martin: “Just a quick update on this. Now the general election has been called the bill that was to ban Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions has not been put through parliament before Parliament was disbanded. So it's all going to have to restart again once a new government gets in place, and it will depend on the views of that new government as to what happens."

    ‘Do I have any control over how much my landlord can increase my rent?’

    “This question is very similar, but we'll do it anyway. Graham Wheaton: “As a renter do I have any control over how much my landlord can increase my rent by? They've just come out of a fixed rate mortgage and because they asked me to open their post as they're in Australia I know what their new monthly mortgage payments are. However, I'm expecting them to increase the rent by an additional £300 to £400 over and above their £400 mortgage increase. They were already charging £300 above the original fixed rate. Do I have any right or redress?”

    That I suppose there is de jure and de facto isn’t there? By law, what I’m hearing the answer's ‘no’.

    Julie: “That's correct.”

    Martin: “But not all landlords are horrible. I mean, there are many reasonable nice people who want to keep good long-term tenants and look after them and help them and they're trying to do their best to work within the situation that they're in. So, you’d always talk to them wouldn’t you?”

    Julie: “Yeah, absolutely. I mean, a good tenant is worth their weight in gold, you know, if they look after the property, they get on with the neighbours, that is worth everything to a landlord. Increasing the rent is something that is going to come, it comes with inflation, it comes with any type of industry…”

    Martin: “Mortgage rates have gone up. So many, many landlords are paying mortgages on their properties, their costs have gone up, like most firms do, they're going to pass it on to the customer.”

    Julie: “Absolutely. But it's how you pass it on. And you need to also make sure that it's affordable for the tenant to maintain. Because even though the landlord's costs have gone up, the tenant’s wages may not have gone up, obviously they've got other costs - council tax, their electricity, gas, that's all going up. So, you still have to do those affordability checks with tenants to make sure they can afford the rent increase that you're putting forward.

    Martin: “When you say you have to, what do you mean by that?”

    Julie: “Well, it's more of a best practice than an actual set-in-stone mandatory thing to do. And most landlords out there that are increasing the rent are having that conversation with tenants because they want to keep a good tenant in."

    Ben: “Even if your landlord isn't the nicest person in the world, there are still things you can do without having to go to the tribunal. So, we at Acorn have successfully fought rent rises or renegotiated rent rises up and down the country. And a lot of that is just bringing to light what's going on. The media are very interested in rent rises at the moment. So it's getting in touch with local journalists if your rent’s doubled, they'll want to run it. Getting in touch with the local politicians, and crucially is all joining a renters’ union so that you can use the solidarity of the people in your community and also use their experience and bring to light what's going on, you can pressure landlords into something more reasonable because nobody likes to be the villainous landlord in the local press.”

    Martin: "And the same way as any employer. Assuming that the landlord is going to rent the property out again, there are costs to bringing in a new tenant that an ongoing tenant doesn't have; you've got the onboarding costs. It doesn't match up on the seesaw very well against Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions, but you do have a little bit of weight that if you can make yourself a relatively attractive tenant and say to them, 'but I can't afford that much but I can afford this much, and that way, you don't have to do a recruitment. So for you, it would actually see you'd still get more money in in total because you're not doing the recruitment, but you're keeping me and you want it to go up 7% I'm asking for five and a half because I've worked out I can do five and a half percent'.

    "I mean, don't be scared to have those conversations. Hopefully if it's a good landlord, they'll work it out. They want a good tenant and they're not trying to hurt you. There are some horrible landlords out there as well as there are some nice ones. So, you never know what attitude you're gonna get.

    "The interesting thing for me – you’re all the specialists, that’s why we're doing this Not the Martin Lewis Podcast today – but in many of the reasons people say to me, why do you always talk about mortgages, and you don't talk about rents when I went and tried to get the government to help on mortgages? It's simple, because when you're talking about mortgages, there are what 10 players out there? I can sit in a room with 10 people and the Chancellor - and we did, we had a mortgage Summit - and you can try and negotiate an improved situation for people who are making serious decisions. You can't do that with landlords, because, okay, there are some big conglomerates out there doing it. But often it's a one-on-one relationship with an individual. And that means it's a much more bespoke relationship that is far more difficult to get through. And that's sort of half the joy and half the problem, isn't it?”

    Emma: “I was just going to come up with maybe another bit of a difference that we've got here in Scotland. So we've got a landlord registration scheme, which I think has helped to go some of the way in this direction. But one of the things that we're acutely aware of is that we need more data, we need more insight on who landlords are, on the private rented sector in general to be able to do exactly what you're talking about Martin, to have that insight and intelligence so that we can give people the right advice and through our network of bureaus not just in Scotland, but all the way across England and Wales, local bureaus do provide advice to landlords as well.

    "And we know here in Scotland, landlords have been struggling with some of the changes and we'd actually argue that there's a need for more training and more education so that landlords can fulfil the duties that they have. So, they can deliver on their rights and responsibilities. Because I think we all know that there is such a high demand for housing all across the United Kingdom and that means we need to think about all of the different aspects of the housing ecosystem that we have and that means keeping landlords in the housing system, who want to fulfil their duties, who want to fulfil their responsibilities and have good tenants and have a good relationship. So, we need to think about what support they need in this as well.”

    In London, you could be owed thousands in back rent if your home isn’t properly licensed

    Martin: “It’s worth noting in London you should check your home is properly licensed - you can go to london.gov.uk. to the property license checker. If the landlord hasn't followed the rules for licensing, you could be owed £1000s of back rent. But that's only London. And Scotland has its system too. Is there anywhere else?”

    Ben: “Yeah, absolutely. So, I actually took my landlord to court, because I was living in an unlicensed HMO. This was a few years ago now.”

    Martin: “HMO: Home of Multiple Occupancy.”

    Ben: “Exactly, so it varies from council to council but usually five or six or more sometimes London and places like that it’s three or more. It’s an extra set of licensing that’s needed to meet certain minimum standards. And my landlord didn't have a license, so we got 80% of our rent back. There are also other selective licensing schemes around the country. So, it's always worth checking what the regulations are, where you live, and see if your landlord’s in violation of those. And it's not just about getting the rent back and get that nice payday. It's also about making sure that the home you live in is safe to live in.”

    Martin: “There isn't a such a thing as a fair rent, is there?”

    Julie: “There isn't. There used to be and some of those old tenancies do still exist, but they're very, very rare. But no, there isn't anything such as a fair rent, when we're looking at market value, that’s really what people are willing to pay. And if we've got people coming overseas, students that have got more money in the bank, that helps push rents up as well.

    “The only thing I'd say Graham is I wouldn't make the assumption that they're going to continue the same margins as before, they may have looked at their total costs, and they may just be adding your mortgage on top. So, it may not be as bad as you think.”

    ‘Can my landlord take me to court for rent arrears I wasn’t aware of?’

    Martin: "Let's go into the next question here. This is Dawn Spooner. “In August last year, my agent increased my rent by 7%. However, I didn't receive the letter notifying me of this. In November, I received a letter notifying me of action to pursue rent arrears. I've challenged this on the basis that I wasn't aware of the increase. Can they take me to court?” Well, the answer to that is always ‘yes’. But you don't know what the court will do. “I increased my rent standing order in November for the new amount.” So, this is primarily a question about communication of rent arrears as opposed to the rent arrear itself."

    Julie: "Yeah, absolutely. And given that situation there. No, they can't take her to court is the answer to that question."

    Martin: “Mine was slightly flippant in that you can always take somebody to court whether you win or not is the issue, you can take someone to court for being a poo face, but it doesn't mean your case isn't gonna be thrown out by a judge. But you're right, yours is a better way to do it.”

    Julie: “No, absolutely. So, the whole point of serving a notice with regards to rent increase, which is usually done under Section 13 of the Housing Act, it's a prescribed form that the tenant must receive. And the whole point is the tenant must receive it. And it's from the date of receipt that's important. So when we're looking at how this tenant’s notice was served to them, when they've received it, that’s extremely relevant to the point of how someone's then going to proceed with that. If they haven't received that notice, they're not expected to be liable for the rent arrears."

    Martin: "How do you prove you haven’t received it? It’s a bit of a difficult one, isn’t it?"

    Julie: "The onus is always going to be on the landlord or the agent to prove that the notice was served. So, you'd have to get proof of posting, certificate of service, proof of an email that's been opened, acknowledged, for example, all of those are the ways that a landlord and agent can prove the notice has been served, but also the tenant’s action. Now this tenant actioned it as soon as she was made aware, which means she then started paying her rent from the November. That's the point of action. So, we will then take the fact that she's paid the new rent, she's accepted the new rent, but only from that November. So, it'd be very, very difficult for the agent or landlord to prove anything behind that."

    Martin: “I mean, it's also two months at 7%. It seems a little bit, because it hasn't been communicated, it would be quite a heavy action to go to court on the back of it. So practical terms. What does Dawn do? How does she communicate? Would you do it by letter? Would you do it by phone? How would you communicate with the landlord? To try and stave this off? No one wants a big hassle here."

    Julie: “No, absolutely, I would always say pick up the phone first, very simply because everybody reads an email or a text message in the frame of mind that they're in, not the frame of mind it was sent. So if you've got the hump and you receive something, that's how you read it: with the hump. So, I say pick up the phone, you can hear someone's tone of voice, you can work with them better in regards to how that's going to move forward.”

    Martin: "A smile in your voice helps. 'I'm so sorry. I just want to understand…I don't want to be in rent arrears. I didn't get the letter. I've started paying months ago. Can we just get on with this?'"

    Julie: “Yeah, absolutely. And ultimately, for the landlord as well, he's still got to wait for that tenant to be two clear months in arrears before he can action anything. That's not going to happen when there’s only 7% difference between the rent that they have paid, and the rent that was increased. So really pick up the phone, have that conversation, if you want to then follow it up with an email to just go this is what we talked about. So, you've then got it in writing, that makes it even more secure."

    Martin: "Okey dokes."

    Ben: "So this, I think there's an element of this, which is relevant to our previous discussion as well around challenging a rent rise, which is that so this person asking this question, started paying the new rent and if they did actually want to challenge the rent rise later down the line, they couldn't do that now, because they've already paid the higher rent. So, if you get a rent increase, and you don't think it's fair, and you want to challenge it through the tribunal, don't pay the higher fee, because that's seen as accepting it."

    Martin: “But you should notify your landlord, you should say, I'm going to continue to pay my fee without prejudice or something in that level, I presume, that you're not going to pay the higher fee. Don't just keep paying your old fee, because then they will assume it's rent arrears. Is that right?”

    Julie: “Yeah. So, the issue you've got here is timeline. When you want to challenge your rent increase, you've only got a month to do that. So that's basically the month’s notice that the landlord has given you, you've got that month's notice up until the new rent due date to make that challenge. So it doesn't actually allow you to carry on paying and paying and paying your old…"

    Martin: “Although I'm still listening to your first answer, which is basically challenging rent rises is a really tough thing to do.”

    ‘My rent has increased by more than the maximum stated in my tenancy agreement’

    Martin: "Lucy Pritchard, last one we’ll do on rent rises. “I had a tenancy agreement that stated a maximum 5% per year increase and got one over four times that, what can I do?” So that on the surface looks like a breach of contract. But of course, it depends how long the contract was lasting, and how you enforce it."

    Ben: "I think go to your local renters union and get them to go through the contract with you. It depends what's written in there, really. If your tenancy agreement is for five years, with a preset level of rises it’s quite likely, you could enforce that I think and, whether through a court or whether through the court of public opinion, make it known what's happening and make sure that you get a reasonable settlement at the end of it."

    Julie: “The only thing I'd add to that is that it depends on the type of contract you've got. So, with an Assured Shorthold Tenancy when it comes to its natural end at fixed term, it can either be a contractual periodic meaning it carries on month by month with all the original terms, or it becomes a statutory periodic, which means the law takes over. So, any original clauses you have don't follow through. So even if she had a 5% rent increase clause in there, if it turns into a statutory periodic, that thing goes in the shredder and no longer exists.”

    Martin: “But I presume, going back to the fact that these are not necessarily big companies doing this, they might not have the legal advice either.”

    Julie: “Absolutely."

    Martin: “So I mean, it isn’t a question - when a bank tends to do this, while they can often be wrong, but it takes big resources to fight them as well which I’ve spent my career doing but this isn't necessarily some big industrial conglomerate who's got its own in-house lawyers. So, they may not even remember they had the clause in the contract.”

    Julie: “Quite possibly.”

    Martin: “I want to move on to repairs now. Again, after rent rises this was the next biggest one. General unsuitable conditions… the amount of people who have damp in their homes, it is staggering the number of messages we've had on that."

    'What can I do about a landlord who won't do the necessary repairs?'

    Martin: "Pam says: “My son is a private renter. The house is basically falling down around him. It's an old terrace. It's full of damp and the walls are cracked. He's told the landlord multiple times, and they say it's because it's an old building. What do I do?”"

    Ben: "Well, one thing you can do is go to the council and complain to environmental health basically, and the council can ultimately issue an improvement notice. Again, there's a problem with this process is the same as the other one really, there's a bit of a theme here that it takes a long time, and you can get evicted while you're doing it. Once the council has issued an improvement notice you are protected from Section 21 ‘no fault’ eviction but they usually give them a window before the improvement notice is issued in which to make the repairs and it's in that window when they can issue a Section 21, get you out and get someone in who they think will be less trouble.”

    Martin: “But once you've complained to the council and the council are investigating, would the council not follow through? Is it tenant dependent, the council following through? Or is it once a complaint’s been made?”

    Julie: “The answer is yes, it is tenant dependent because once the tenant is evicted, and the property is no longer tenanted, then there is no longer a breach of legislation because the property is empty. So, it would need a new tenant to move in and make a complaint of their own."

    Martin: “So that's why it is worth the landlord, on a tactical basis, getting rid of them. It's really interesting listening to this, this isn't a subject I follow. It must be very frustrating for renters who are having problems with their landlords to be dealing with all these, because you're pretty impotent, aren't you?”

    Ben: “This is why we exist at Acorn, this is exactly the problem that we've identified in society is that the very few protections we have don't really function anyway. So that's why you need strength in numbers, you need the community to back you up. And you need to use whatever pressure we have available to us to make landlords, unscrupulous landlords that do exist, make them act properly, because the law’s really not that useful."

    Martin: “Tell me things are a bit better in Scotland, Emma?”

    Emma: “Repairs are a big issue here as well. We did some research here last year. And many of the issues that we've been discussing have been bubbling up. And it's really important that people know where to go and get advice. So, through your local CAB, organisations like Living Rent. It's really critical that renters know that they do have rights, that they can advocate for themselves, and they can speak up because having a safe, affordable, secure home is vital for everybody. It's like the foundation of all of our lives. And that equally applies to tenants as much as homeowners or those in Social Security. So, whether it's repairs or rent increases our message over and over again at Citizens Advice is Get advice, know your rights, get that support to challenge."

    Martin: “I know but I don't mean to knock you. But it's slightly frustrating, because I'm hearing the advice is: “you're struggling - even with the advice - you're struggling to have much behind you, it's tough as a renter, this is not a balanced situation, particularly at the moment. I'm going to move on. So, I'm not meaning to knock you. I mean, you're absolutely right in your sentiment."

    Emma: "For us, I think maybe where we see some hope, Martin, is we have a housing bill that's moving its way through the Scottish Parliament. There are seven key parts, a lot of it is focused on renters. So rent controls, keeping pets, increasing homelessness prevention. And that's where we see we can really strengthen some of the areas that people are struggling with. But you're right, there's absolutely more that can be done.”

    Martin: “Let's do this question. We’ve got a voice message here.”

    ‘Has it become more common for landlords to allow pets?’

    Martin: "“Hi, Martin. It's Claire from Suffolk. I remember seeing ages ago that the law was changing and that landlords would have to allow pets. My daughter is currently looking for a rental and would like to take a dog. But the vast majority of adverts still state no pets, can you let me know what's happening please and when - or even if - it will be changing.”"

    Julie: “So what happened was the government introduced a model tenancy, which they put on their website for people to use so that everyone had a standard document. And in there, it was much more pet friendly. But there was no legislation that set in stone that landlords have to accept pets. The Renters Reform Bill that's currently going through Parliament is again a bit more pet friendly, but it does still give the landlord the right to refuse if it's a reasonable excuse to do so. So, for example, in a block of flats where the freeholder says no pets, that's against the superior lease if then the tenant does have a pet. So, there's still going to be options for landlords to refuse pets if they want to.”

    Martin: “Do you think generally the changes will mean it will be more acceptable to have pets, and it will be easier?”

    Julie: “I think overall, it is actually more acceptable to have pets. I know more and more tenants in properties that do have pets, smaller pets, obviously, so cats, smaller dogs. But with the Renters Reform Bill, they're also going to be looking at the welfare of animals. They're going to be looking at the welfare of the animal. So, if you've got a one bedroom flat, they're not going to be accepting a Great Dane because that's not fair on the dog."

    Martin: "Correct."

    Ben: “It will make it so that everyone’s playing by the same rules and it no longer depends on the goodwill of your landlord. So if you have a reasonable request for a pet, it can't be refused. Whereas now a landlord can arbitrarily say no, you can't come here with a dog. It almost puts it on the same level as like putting up posters and redecoration and things like that. So the landlord can refuse if you want, say, a horse in a bedsit, but realistically I think it will make life a lot easier for pet owners.”

    Martin: “So you may be able to have a budgie but it doesn't mean your rent will be cheap. Sorry. That was the best I had, I'm allowed one in the programme.”

    Do you have more rights if your council is your freeholder?

    Martin: "TK @moggiecat, interestingly. So @Moggiecat asks, “Wonder how many rental leasehold properties have a council as freeholder. We as leaseholders have had a problem with a gutter pipe leak going on for years. Black mould and wet walls. Council takes ages to do anything. Says it's fixed then the issue is back. The tenants have suffered.” Do you have any more rights if your council is your freeholder?"

    Julie: "You do have a few more rights because it comes under different legislation to ordinary AST or Assured Shorthold Tenancy tenants as we know them. So this is then leaseholder and freeholder legislation. So to answer the number question, there's actually around 300,000 properties that are freehold by the council. What they can do is make a formal complaint to the council first of all. When that's not satisfied, then they can go to the housing ombudsman, which then governs the councils and housing associations in England."

    Martin: "So you do have a bit more punch?"

    Julie: "Yeah, you do."

    ‘What are my rights in regards to the mould in my flat?’

    Martin: "Let's go back onto damp. I'll just do a couple together here. Helen proud. “Are you entitled to compensation for issues of severe damage which arose prior to occupation, but the landlord took seven months to repair and move out tenants. Environmental health had to tell the landlord what to do.” And Cecilia Allen, “Is it okay for my landlord to tell me that I need to just keep the window open when I complain about black mould?”"

    Julie: "I think realistically, it's about understanding how the mould and damp is actually being formed. I mean, sometimes they are structural, which is 100% the landlord's responsibility. And sometimes unfortunately, it can be tenant lifestyle. And in those situations, yes, making sure you ventilate the property correctly would help towards those. It's not about whether it's legal to say to the tenant ‘just open the window’, it's more about actually getting to the source of what the damp or mould actually is."

    Martin: Whose responsibility is that - the landlord or the tenant - to get to the source?

    Julie: It will be the landlord's responsibility, because that comes under his repairing obligations as the structure of the property. So that's his starting point. And then from there, once you know where the source is, then you can decide…

    Martin: So if it were to be the tenant that was causing the damage, then the landlord should tell the tenant that you need to change your behaviour in a certain manner. But if it's structural, then it's for the landlord to sort. And how quickly does this need to be done?

    Julie: That's another beauty that comes with all the legislation. We don't actually have timescales. The Fitness for human habitation Act says the landlord must act in a ‘reasonable’ time, but nobody has actually defined ‘reasonable’ in law. So it's open to interpretation.

    ‘What should I do about a letting agent who’s acting illegally?’

    Martin: "Just a quick one now for you on letting agent fees and deposits, Francesca Hood: “A letting agent states that the holding deposit is fixed. It's more than one week rent and is non-refundable.”"

    Ben: "Illegal."

    Martin: "Illegal, right. We’ll come a bit more detail. But that’s a good start, or a bad start.
    “A letting agent states that they're offering an assured tenancy, that they're exempt from the Tenants Act 2019, which prohibits fees, application, referencing.”

    Julie: Illegal.

    Martin: Illegal. That's not a good agent. I think so there's two questions that come. First, what do they do about it? And second, who do they report this agent to?

    Julie: The first thing they do is report the agent to Trading Standards. They're the ones that get involved in actually governing how agents behave, especially with the Tenant fees act, they'll get involved with that as well. They can also report it to the local council, the local council will do enforcement when it comes to the Tenant fees act. It can also go to the first tier tribunal, which is the same place that you do your rent appeals. When you don't like your rent increases trading

    Martin: But, trading standards. If I'm right, we'll deal with the agent being a bad actor. But they won't deal with your individual case, will they?

    Julie: It depends on the severity of the case. So in this situation, there are multiple breaches. So for a start, the holding deposit can only be a week's worth of rent, it can be less, but it can't be any more. And it is refundable. There are certain aspects…

    Martin: What’s the difference between a holding deposit and a normal deposit?

    Julie: “So a holding deposit is literally a piece of money that you hand over just to secure the property. So they take it off the market while they're doing your referencing and everything like that. The actual security deposit is a larger sum that’s secured against your behaviour as a tenant.

    Martin: And has to go with a third party.

    Julie: Yeah, one of the three deposit schemes out there.

    Martin: Yes, fine. So the holding deposit can't be more than a week. So the fact that it's more than a week, that's the bit that's illegal.

    Ben: And they have to refund it to you if they don't let the property to you. Otherwise, it's a fee, which is what was banned.

    Martin: Yeah, fine. So it sounds like you have a bad actor there. You need to report them to Trading Standards. We wish you the best with that. Francesca, maybe you could let us know how you get on with it, please.

    ‘Why can't my renting record help me get a mortgage?”

    Martin: "I'm going to move on now to one that comes a little bit more into my purview. “Why can't my renting record get me a mortgage?” Wendy Ryecraft: “If you can prove that you've paid rent for years never missing a payment, why can't you get a mortgage?

    "Well, the honest answer is because the system doesn't work that way. Mortgages are governed based on affordability and governed on your credit score. Now there is a mortgage from Skipton Building Society that will give you 100% deposit using your renting record as a track record towards a mortgage that can help some, but the terms and criteria are a little bit difficult.

    "The other thing I would suggest to people - I'm going to let you guys come in on this, but hey, I'm allowed to answer one aren’t I? - is that paying your rent on time can help boost your credit worthiness, your credit rating. There's the Rental Exchange initiative. That's one that's signed up to by landlords and social housing providers. If your landlord doesn't have that, you can use Canopy which uses open banking to add payments free to your Experian credit file (that's one of the three big ones), and CreditLadder that reports for free to one of the credit reference agencies. So use Canopy for Experian, and then use Credit Ladder for one of the others. You can then pay them more to get the third credit reference agency. But frankly, if you're covering Experian, and Equifax, you're doing pretty well to start off with.

    "It won't fix everything. But improving your credit score can help and speaking to a mortgage broker to see what's available can help. Getting yourself a lifetime ISA where, as long as you're buying a property under £450,000, and you're a first time buyer, you get a 25% boost towards anything you're saving on a deposit, will help. But nothing completely solves the problem. Acorn, I bet you have issues in this area."

    Ben: “We deal with largely renting issues, though, what we want to see ultimately, is the private renting sector diminished and homeownership and social housing increase. So we would support any measures which would make it easier for people to get out of the private rented sector and own their own home for sure. But this is not particularly my area of expertise."

    Martin: "Private rented sector, I mean, it does have some benefits for people who want to move from area to area and have flexible… and want to go through that. I mean, it's not an ‘all bad’ is it?"

    Ben: "I would say that most people in it now probably would rather be in another type of tenure. From my experience. There's massive advantages to either being in social housing where you pay less rent, and you get more support in various ways, or in homeownership with obvious benefits. Not many people want to be paying someone else's mortgage and be in very insecure housing to boot."

    Martin: “Julie, where are you on that?”

    Julie: “I do have to disagree on that. Ben, to be honest with you, I mean, I’m a private renter myself, as well as being a landlord, so I'm on the fence. But I think private renting does have a place in society. Ultimately, there's 4.6 million people that currently rent in the private sector, that must be for a reason. We know there's not enough social housing, don't get me started on that topic."

    "But it helps for people that need to be nomadic, and people that move for jobs, people that only need to be in an area for a short space of time. It does help with certain people's lifestyles. And I think there will always be a place for the private rented sector, because it suits a certain sector of people. There will always be landlords, there will always be private renters. Yeah, absolutely. I think people owning their own home is a fantastic goal. It's not achievable for everybody, unfortunately, and social housing is there to pick up those that are unable to do either, which again, is absolutely how it should be. But I don't think we should eradicate the private rented sector. I'm still 100% behind that."

    Emma: "Just to add to that, that this is about choice. It's about people choosing what's right for themselves, what's right for their families. And if banks and credit providers can do things that will enable people to take that next step forward for them that's the right choice for them, then that's a good thing. We need a diverse housing ecosystem, there is a place for the rented sector, for social housing, and then there's a place for homeowners as well. And we just need to keep that diversity in the housing system.”

    Martin: "I’m gonna go back to the practicals, although it was fascinating. Thank you."

    ‘My landlord sold off some of my garden without telling me – what are my rights?’

    Martin: "Emma Shepherd: “My landlord sold off a chunk of my garden to developers a couple of years ago without telling me. They've offered no rent rise this year as compensation. What are my rights here? Also, they keep coming round to do or look at things in the garden without notification or permission.” Well, that shouldn't be allowed, surely? That isn't allowed?"

    Ben: "No, you have to give notice. A landlord has a right to access their property. But the tenant has a right to peaceful enjoyment and notice and the landlord should arrange a time that's suitable for the tenant. And if they're not, that is a violation of a tenant’s right."

    Martin: “And the claim on the no rent rise. You know, they sold off the garden, but they'd rented the garden, they sold off the garden. You probably got more than the no rent rises here, haven't you?”

    Julie: "Yeah, absolutely. Ultimately, that's a breach of tenancy, because the four corners of that tenancy agreement tell you everything that you're entitled to and what you're paying your rent for. So if the landlord has sold off some of the garden and hasn't altered the tenancy agreement to show that, then absolutely she's entitled to take that to a solicitor and see what they can do for her."

    ‘My letting agent won’t give me a tenant reference – what can I do?’

    Martin: "Okay, I've got one final question for you. Let's see if we can try and get a positive answer. You guys have all been brilliant, but I do find the situation rather depressing. Maura McNally: “I'm 57. I private rent from letting agents. They point blank refused to give me a tenant reference so I can apply for social housing. Without it. I can't complete my application. Are they allowed to do this? I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm terrified of being stuck in private renting as I get older.” So it's coming onto your point earlier, Ben. “Yes, I work full time and I could afford to live without any financial support.” So can they refuse to give her a tenant reference?"

    Ben: "I don't know about the law. But I know that if this was one of our members, we would do everything we can to get that reference for them. It sounds malicious, it sounds unwarranted. And it sounds like it's having real impact on that person’s life, so we would campaign to get that reference. I'm confident we could secure it."

    Martin: "Is there another way to get a tenant reference from someone else? Or?"

    Julie: Yeah, absolutely. Ultimately the tenancy agreement is between landlord and tenant, not letting agent and tenant so I'd bypass the letting agent and I'd go straight to the landlord and say, Can I have a reference, please.

    Martin: Very depressing. Very depressing to hear that. Fingers crossed that works. Emma in Scotland. Anything to add on that one?

    Emma: “Yeah, I think building on that point of talking directly to the landlord and maybe getting some advice from another organisation there just to really communicate the very human element in this and just how important it is in this woman's life to be able to move into social housing. And yeah, it's a really difficult tough one to hear.

    Martin: Maura, we hope it goes well for you. And you get that reference, and you make the right choice for yourself of what's right and do let us know if it works. I wish you the best. Thank you so much. To everybody who's asked questions today. It really has been enlightening for me, I've enjoyed it very much. And special thanks to Ben Leonard from Acorn community bass union, Julie Ford, from Gothard Rowe Landlord Services, and Emma Jackson from Citizens Advice Scotland. Thank you, all three of you, so much.

    How do things differ in Wales?

    Martin: "Now, all the questions so far has been focused on England and Scotland, and indeed, many of the answers for Wales and Northern Ireland are similar. But I want to take a look specifically at the legal differences. Let's start with Wales. Here's Ceri Murphy from Shelter Cymru."

    Ceri: "Hello, shwmae, Martin and podcast listeners. So just picking up on the questions that you received into the podcast and the key differences in Wales. Just like England and Scotland rent increase is a big problem here in Wales as well. So, landlords can increase their rent here once a year under the terms of the contract, but must do so using the correct prescribed form. So, via notice. However, there is no cap on that rent increase level.

    "Additionally, there was a question on holding deposits taken by agents. Again, the Renting North Wales Act has banned certain fees and deposits which agents can take and fortunately holding deposits can still be taken here. And much the same as in England that's one week maximum and it has to be given back if the property is not taken up by the contract holder.

    "The other thing in Wales is Rent Smart Wales. This was introduced back in 2015. It's a governing body that oversees landlord registration and licensing in Wales. ‘No fault’ evictions, much like in England, this is still a problem here, but much more strictly governed in Wales, meaning landlords cannot issue a ‘no fault’ notice within the first six months of occupation, and that notice must now be a six-month notice. So, what that means practically is that renters in Wales have increased security of tenure compared to those in England.

    "Also, another question there on landlords or anyone working on behalf of the landlord having to give 24 hours’ notice - that's the case here in Wales. According to the act, you must give 24 hours’ notice in order to inspect or carry out repairs in relation to the property. Not doing so would be a breach of contract.

    "Fitness for human habitation and disrepair. There were some disrepair questions. Again, big problem here in Wales. Landlords have got to ensure though here that the property is fit for human habitation on the day of occupation and for the duration of the contract. Interestingly, failure to abide by the statutory obligations can lead to a ‘no fault’ notice being invalid, so slightly different to the system in England and in Scotland."

    How do things differ in Northern Ireland?

    Martin: "And now Northern Ireland with Faith Westwood from Housing Rights, Northern Ireland."

    Faith: "Hi, Martin. Thanks so much for having me. In Northern Ireland, tenants who've signed a tenancy agreement are protected from rent increases during the duration of that tenancy. Tenants who haven't signed a tenancy agreement are called periodic tenants here and they're protected from rent increases for the first six months that they live in a property. But if a tenancy agreement has expired, and a new one hasn't been signed, or the first six months of the periodic tenancy have passed, landlords can increase the rent. They do have to do that in a particular way. So, we've got to fill in a form called a Notice of Variation and they've got to give 28 days’ notice of that change in the rent. There's no limit on the amount that they can increase the rent in Northern Ireland and, unlike some other areas in the UK, there's no formal way of challenging a rent increase, unfortunately. But landlords and tenants can use the housing mediation service in Northern Ireland to resolve disputes about rent increases.

    "There were also questions then about ‘no fault’ evictions. So, ‘no fault’ evictions also exist in Northern Ireland, but only after a fixed term tenancy has ended, or again after the first six months of a periodic tenancy where there's no tenancy agreement in place. So, for tenants who have lived in their home for less than a year a landlord has to give them four weeks’ notice. Between one and 10 years, a landlord must give eight weeks’ notice. And if you've been living in the property for more than 10 years, the landlord has to give 12 weeks’ notice before they bring that tendency to an end. So, the longer you've lived in the property, the more protection and security in your tenure you have.

    "Two interesting things that come into Northern Ireland that are a bit different than the rest of the UK that come in in April 2023 are control over the amount of deposits that a landlord can charge. So, from the first of April 2023, landlords can only charge the equivalent of one month's rent for a deposit. And that's really to try and limit the practice of charging two or three times the amount of one month's rent. And if they don't comply with that, they can be fined up to two and a half thousand pounds. And just like the rest of the UK deposits have to be protected in an approved scheme within 28 days of taking that deposit.

    "Another interesting change that came in April of 2023 is a requirement that landlords provide a receipt for any cash payments that are made during the course of that tenancy agreement. To try and protect tenants who are trying to prove that payments have been made, it’s a requirement that that receipt is provided within a reasonable time. Failure to do that is an offence and could lead to a fine of up to £2,500 as well."

We've made every effort to ensure this guide's accuracy, but it doesn't constitute legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances. If you act on it, you do so at your own risk. Huge thanks to Crosse + Crosse SolicitorsClarke Mairs LLP and all forumites who suggested tips. The below is written with English and Welsh law in mind, though much of it will apply to Scotland and Northern Ireland. See the Scottish Government and NIdirect sites for more.

  1. Get help if you're struggling to pay rent

    cartoon of a row of houses in the background with a for rent sign in the foreground

    The cost of living is soaring, leaving many struggling to afford their bills. But there's help available if you find you can't pay your rent:

    • Check if you're eligible for universal credit. Do a 10-minute check with our Benefits Calculator.

    • Apply for a discretionary housing payment. If you receive the housing element of universal credit (or housing benefit), your council may be able to help with rent or a deposit for a new property. Shelter has full info on how to apply if you're in England, Wales or Scotland. If you're in Northern Ireland, there's help on the Housing Executive website.

    • Apply for a charity grant. Some charities may offer help to people in your situation. You can search for grants available in your area via Turn2us.

    Speak to your landlord as soon as possible to let them know your situation

    Don't ignore letters from your landlord. Let them know you're struggling and try to work out a repayment plan.

    Do be mindful of your landlord's situation here too – if they have one extra property, and use the income from rent for living expenses, you paying less will have an impact on them too. When you talk to your landlord, be sensitive to their circumstances, and try to find a solution that suits you both.

    See your eviction rights below, and check out our full Cost of living help if you're struggling with your monthly bills.

    Rent increase rights around the UK... The rules are different throughout the UK – see our guides for England Northern Ireland | Scotland | Wales

  2. Check your deposit's protected

    In England & Wales, if you have an 'assured shorthold tenancy' (the most common type), the landlord MUST put your deposit into a protection scheme within 30 days of getting it. 

    This applies to all assured shorthold tenancy agreements that started on or after 6 April 2007. If you're not a lodger or renting from a council, you've probably got an assured shorthold tenancy, but you can double-check with Shelter's tenancy checker.

    If a landlord fails to protect your deposit you can go to the small claims court, which can order the landlord to either repay the deposit to you, or pay it into a deposit protection scheme if you're still in your tenancy, within 14 days. It may also order the landlord to pay you a penalty of up to three times the value of your deposit within 14 days.

    Shelter has a short guide on making such claims, and though it's far from guaranteed, it does happen, as MSE Jenny found:

    My landlord didn't protect my deposit and didn't give it back so I went to court and got back £4,850 (including court fees) from a £1,020 deposit. It was easy.

    If your deposit is in one of these schemes, it means:

    • You'll get the full deposit back at the end of the tenancy provided you've met the terms of the tenancy agreement.

    • If you agree with your landlord how much of the deposit you're due, it'll be returned to you within 10 days of the tenancy ending.

    • If you DON'T agree with your landlord, a free dispute resolution service will investigate and decide how much of the deposit you should get back.

    How to check your deposit is protected

    To ensure your deposit's protected from the outset, ask the landlord or letting agent which scheme it's with before you sign the contract. If you've already moved in and the scheme isn't named on your contract, ask the landlord and get it in writing.

    There are different schemes in Scotland and Northern Ireland and the rules vary. For example, in Northern Ireland your landlord has just 14 days to protect your deposit after receiving it.

    What to do if your deposit isn't protected

    If you find your deposit was eligible for the scheme, but your landlord hasn't put it in a deposit protection scheme, you can go to a county court and ask it to intervene.

    It can order your deposit to be repaid, or paid into an official tenancy deposit protection scheme. Plus it may also order the landlord to pay you up to three times the deposit's value. See Gov.ukNIdirect or the Scottish Government.

    Quick questions

    • What is an assured shorthold tenancy?

      In England and Wales, you'll have an assured shorthold tenancy if the following things apply – you've a private landlord, the tenancy started on or after 15 January 1989, the property is your main accommodation and the landlord isn't living there.

      Other types of tenancy do exist, but they're far less common. Your tenancy agreement should state what type it is or you can use Shelter's tenancy checker to find out.

      There are different names for tenancies in Scotland and Northern Ireland. To find out what yours is called, Shelter also has a tenancy checker tool for Scotland, and you can try Housing Advice NI for Northern Ireland.

    • If a previous landlord didn't protect my deposit, how far back can I claim?

      In England and Wales, you can go to the small claims court for up to six years after the end of the tenancy in question.

      If the tenancy is still ongoing, you can claim regardless of when it started – so long as you paid the deposit after the legislation came into force on 6 April 2007.

    • Help! My landlord's withholding my deposit unfairly – what can I do?

      If you don't agree with your landlord's decision on your deposit, the tenancy deposit protection scheme has a free dispute resolution service to help. It'll investigate your case and rule on how much of the deposit should be returned to you and how much should be given to the landlord. See Gov.uk (England and Wales), Scottish Government or NIdirect for help on how to start the process.

    • What if I don't qualify for deposit protection?

      If you have a different type of tenancy – such as a tenancy with the council – you won't have the same level of protection. In this case, it's a question of negotiating the return of your deposit, or you could consider court action if this fails (see How to go to court). See Gov.uk for more info.

    • What if my tenancy started before 6 April 2007?

      Whether your landlord is obliged to protect your deposit depends on whether you've had a "periodic" (rolling) assured shorthold tenancy since before 6 April 2007. If you have, your landlord isn't obliged to protect it with the scheme (though they won't be able to serve a notice to regain possession unless the deposit is protected).

      If your tenancy started before 6 April 2007 but became periodic (so the initial fixed term ended) after this date, the landlord is subject to the rules above and had until 23 June 2015 to put it in a deposit protection scheme. Make sure you check – if they didn't do this, you could get compensation.

    If you feel your deposit's being unfairly withheld at the end of your tenancy, it's well worth fighting for. Here's one Forumite's story to inspire you – see the Deposit help forum discussion for more and see below for extra tips on getting your deposit back.

    Fought tooth and nail to get deposit back... AND WON!!! Our tenancy ended three months ago. I have been fighting to get our deposit back. Today I received an email telling me they will release the full amount.

    So there is hope for all of you who are in a similar situation. Just be persistent, be reasonable, and remain professional.

    – Forumite DJ MPH

  3. Tricks to boost storage and improve the look of your home

    If you can't afford to live in your dream home just yet, don't despair. There are lots of nifty MoneySaving tricks to make the most of the one you're in right now, from low-cost ways to make your bathroom sparkle to raising your bed to create storage space underneath. 

    Folk at MSE Towers know a thing or two about making the most of a smaller pad – after all, many of us live in central London, where accommodation can be decidedly cosy. So we asked the team what they've learned over the years. See our Tricks to boost storage and improve the look of your home.

  4. Most renters should be able to switch broadband and home phone – and can often save £100s/year

    Unless your tenancy agreement explicitly bans switching, you should be able to switch broadband provider at any point. There are a few exceptions:

    • If you need a new line, such as switching from the Openreach network (which most firms use) to cable, you'll likely need permission from your landlord as it's classed as a modification to the property.
    • If you're stuck with the same provider due to your tenancy agreement, you can still haggle a better deal. Check out our guide to haggling.
    • If your broadband is included in the rent, you can't switch yourself as the landlord is the account holder. Consider asking them to switch to a cheaper provider though.

    Millions are overpaying on their broadband – see our Cheap Broadband guide for the top deals.

  5. You're allowed to switch energy provider – but it may not be worth it right now

    save money by switching energy

    Energy prices are desperately high, and despite the Government capping a typical bill at an average £2,500 until July, many people are still struggling.

    Households are still likely to be better off doing nothing, as there are no fixed deals to switch to right now – see our Energy crisis help for more info on the current situation.

    If you do decide to switch energy provider...

    You don't need to own the property to switch. Even if your tenancy agreement says you can't, the energy regulator Ofgem says you shouldn't be unreasonably prevented. The exception is if you pay via your landlord for any bills (for instance, as part of the rent). Some tariffs require you to have smart meters installed. If so, you should check with your landlord first and get written permission.

    If you're worried because your landlord says you can't switch, we've designed a factsheet to give to landlords to help explain the situation to them. Please tell us if it helps you switch.

    Preventing a tenant from changing energy suppliers may be viewed as an unfair term in a tenancy agreement. Talk to Citizens Advice to see if it can help and see our Cheap gas & electricity guide for more info.

  6. You can still switch energy supplier even if you have a prepaid meter

    This works in the same way as described above. Even if you rent and have a prepaid meter, you can still switch your supplier providing you pay the energy company directly (check your tenancy agreement too – though if it says you can't switch, challenge it).

    If you want to change the physical meter to a billed one, you'll need to get written permission from your landlord first.

    This is because it could be seen as changing the property from its original condition, unless you arrange to change the meter back at the end of the tenancy. The supplier may charge to do this, so check first. See the Cheap prepaid gas & electricity guide for more info.

  7. You CAN switch to a water meter if renting

    For some in England and Wales, switching to a water meter could save hundreds. A quick tip can help you work out if you could be better off with a meter:

    Plus as stated in the Water Industry Act, if you've a fixed-term tenancy agreement of six months or more you DON'T need your landlord's permission – though it's best to let them know first if you can.

    For full info on water meters versus standard billing including free calculators, see the Cut water bills guide.

    Sadly, in Scotland it isn't free to have a water meter installed (it's quite expensive) so, unless you live alone in a manor-type property, stick to billed payment. There are no domestic water charges in Northern Ireland, so no need for a meter.

  8. Know your eviction rights

    There's a strict process landlords need to follow to evict you. The first part is to serve you notice of eviction. But the notice they need to give you varies:

    • In England and Wales, they usually need to give you two months' notice.
    • In Scotland and Northern Ireland, they usually need to give you 12 weeks' notice.

    If you've not left by the time the notice period is up, your landlord can then choose to start court proceedings (or tribunal proceedings in Scotland) to evict you.

    If the court agrees you can be evicted, then your landlord can appoint bailiffs who can gain entry to the property to take possession of it, or to remove your belongings and change the locks. You could also be expected to pay towards your landlord's legal fees. However, it can take weeks or months for the eviction to happen after the court allows it.

    What to do if your landlord tries to evict you

    Even if your landlord applies to the court or tribunal for a hearing date, you won't have to leave your property immediately – it's still a process and, from hearing until actual eviction (if granted), can take weeks or even months. Each case is different, so if your landlord's trying to evict you, try:

    All of these sites have lots of helpful information on what to do next, plus many have advisers who can speak with you about your rights and potentially even help in court.

  9. Don't under-insure your home's contents

    When you're renting, contents insurance can give useful protection if there's a break-in, or your stuff gets damaged. Yet don't under-insure – this could lead to insurers not paying out when you need it.

    For example, say you're insured for £12,000, but actually have £24,000 of contents, and then £6,000 worth is stolen. The insurer could then assess your property and only pay out in proportion to your cover, meaning you'll get just £3,000 back.

    Or worse still, the policy could be cancelled for being underinsured. If this is the case, you must disclose it in future, hiking insurance costs – and making it more difficult to get cover at all.

    To work out the correct amount, walk from room to room, noting down what everything would cost on a new-for-old basis, including smaller items like clothing. It soon adds up. For a full list of best buys, see the full Contents insurance guide.

  10. Check if you're eligible for a council tax discount

    Depending on who lives inside your rented property, you could be due a reduction off your council tax bill – anywhere from 25% off to being entirely 'disregarded for council tax purposes'. Discounts include if:

    • You're a single person or live only with under-18s
    • You're a student household or non-student living with students
    • You're on a low income / get pension credit

    See council tax discounts for the full list of potential reductions and how much you can save.

    What about students who live with non-students?

    This is a common dilemma. If you're a full-time student living alone or sharing with other students, you DON'T need to pay council tax, no matter how many of you live in the house.

    If you're sharing with one or more non-students though, it gets more complicated. You still won't be charged council tax, but you may want to consider how to best split the household's council tax bill.

    • Live with a non-student?

      If a student lives with one non-student, the student won't be taxed and council tax will be charged as if a single person lives there (so long as the student's full-time, otherwise check). That means the non-student can apply for the 25% single person's discount.

      However, this poses a moral dilemma. Should the non-student pay the 75% due? Or should the student contribute? Our suggestion is to split the 25% difference between the two people, so the non-student pays 62.5% and the student 12.5%.

      From the student's perspective, they wouldn't pay anything if their housemate was also a student. From the non-student's perspective, they'd only pay 50% of the bill if their housemate was also a non-student.

    • Live with more than one non-student?

      The student is still exempt, but because there are two non-students the house has to pay the full 100% charge. So it gets complex – the student hasn't added to the council tax bill, but nor has their presence resulted in a discount.

      You'll need to decide if and how you want to split the tax bill, though the legal stance is that full-time students aren't liable for the bill if non-students can't or don't pay.

  11. Use a free app to track and split bills

    Keeping track of bills and who's not keeping up with their share of the costs in a house of four or five can be a complete nightmare. Fortunately, the free app Splitwise makes a less stressful job of it.

    To get started, download the iOS or Android app, or create an account on its website, and add the property you want to manage the bills for. You can invite others to the account from your phone's contacts.

    All those with access can then add bills or expenses that they've either paid or are coming up (including due dates) – these might be utilities, council tax or just home supplies. You can record one-off and regular payments, and add attachments and comments for any particular expense.

    Using this information the app will work out who owes whom how much. You can then request payments within the app, and keep a record of those made.

    You can make payments via the app, using PayPal, if both users have a PayPal account. If you'd rather though, you can make payments outside the app as you would normally and simply record them in Splitwise.

  12. Grab FREE sofas, beds, TVs, fridges and more

    furnish your place for free

    If you've gone for an unfurnished or part-furnished rental, this is a handy trick to help furnish your pad for nowt. Hundreds of top-quality goodies are available daily for free.

    It's all about web communities, and the big names are Freecycle and Freegle.

    What's the catch? Well, there isn't one. Instead of dumping goods or eBaying them, people harness the internet's power to offer them to their local communities. So as well as kitting up for nowt, the environment benefits as unwanted items aren't flung into landfills.

    Of course, there is some moth-bitten tat out there. But there's also top-quality stuff people just don't use anymore. Bagging the best is all about the etiquette – you need to give stuff yourself and keep your eyes peeled.

    While Facebook Marketplace is not always free, there are often bargains to be found there, too, so it's also worth a look if you're on Facebook.

    Today I got a brand-new espresso machine from Freecycle, it goes well with the juicer and bread maker I got on other days!


    We are a single parent family, and have had lots of goodies from Freecycle, including a chest freezer, a sofa bed, various plants, two chooks and a Warhammer. And we've donated a table, telly, bits of bikes, football boots and a couple other random things. It's great at teaching that whole ethos of stuff being 'worth' something to someone.


    For a full step-by-step guide, see Freecycle & Freegle Tips.

  13. Letting fees are banned in England, Wales and Scotland

    Landlords and letting agents are now banned from charging letting fees in England, Wales and Scotland (they still apply in Northern Ireland however).

    Previously you could have faced stumping up £100s in fees on taking out a new tenancy, including tenancy set-up and checkout, and referencing and credit-check fees, before you'd even stepped through the door.

    the only fees a landlord or letting agent can charge tenants

    The only fees a landlord or letting agent can now pass on to a tenant are:

    • Rent.
    • Utilities and council tax if included within the tenancy.
    • A refundable deposit capped at five weeks' rent if your annual rent is less than £50,000, or six weeks' rent if annual rent is more than this.
    • A refundable holding deposit to reserve the property, capped at a week's rent.
    • Changes to the tenancy requested by the tenant, capped at £50 (or "reasonable costs", backed up by written evidence from the landlord or agent).
    • Early termination of the tenancy requested by the tenant.
    • Defaults by the tenant, such as fines for late rent payments or lost keys. Fines for lost keys must be "reasonable costs", with evidence given in writing by the landlord or agent (you don't have to pay the fee until you've received this evidence).

    Before the new rules came into effect we'd heard of some shocking incidents where fees were charged, like £120 for permission to have a dog or £60 for photocopying a contract.

    Extortionate fees from agencies – almost £700 in fees and £250 for the cat!

    – @MandaJenko4

    • I'm already in a tenancy – can I still be charged fees?

      The fees ban in England applies to all new tenancies entered into on or after 1 June 2019. You can't reclaim fees paid before this.

      If you signed a tenancy before this which included agreements to pay further fees – for example, checkout fees or tenancy renewal fees – you would still have had to pay these up until 31 May 2020.

      But since 1 June 2020, any term in a tenancy that requires you to pay fees is no longer binding, so you won't need to pay them regardless of what your agreement says or when you signed it.

    • I've been wrongly charged a fee – what can I do?

      If your landlord or letting agent charges you a fee they aren't supposed to, here are the steps to take:

      • First, write to your landlord or agent asking them to return the fee. You can use the template shown on page 80 of the Government's guidance.

      • If that doesn't work, you can complain about a letting agent to a redress scheme. All letting agents must belong to a Government-approved redress scheme, which will offer a free and independent dispute resolution service. Details of which redress scheme your letting agent belongs to should be available on the agent's website – or you can ask directly.

      • If that doesn't work (or it was a landlord who charged the fee), contact your local authority. The authority can take formal enforcement action against your landlord or letting agent and order them to repay the fee, possibly with interest.

      • As a last resort, you can go to the First-Tier Tribunal to recover the payment. The First-Tier Tribunal, which is part of the courts system, can also order a landlord or letting agent to repay fees.

        You may have to pay a fee to use this service (although you could be eligible for financial help), so only try this if you're confident you were wrongly charged and you've exhausted the other options.

      If you're challenging a banned fee, make sure you have evidence you were asked to pay – for example, emails or letters from your landlord or agent, or notes from conversations.

      If you've already paid the fee, keep evidence such as written confirmations from the landlord or agent, receipts or bank statements.

    • What are the rules in Scotland?

      In Scotland, letting agency fees have technically been illegal since 1984, though the law was 'clarified' in 2012 to ensure agents stopped charging tenants.

      So if you're charged, you should write to your letting agent. If this doesn't work, consider going through the courts. Find more information from Shelter Scotland.

    • I've been unfairly treated by my landlord – what are my options?

      You can complain to an official body – such as the Property Ombudsman, the Association of Residential Letting Agents or the National Residential Landlords Association – if you think you're being unfairly treated by a landlord or letting agent. This can be for a number of reasons, for example, if the landlord isn't keeping appliances to a safe standard, not just unfair fees. Check which organisation your letting agent or landlord is registered with before you complain.

      These organisations can look into disputes, but they don't have any real power to force landlords or letting agents into acting. You can also speak to your local authority for help, Citizens Advice or Shelter.

    • How much can I be fined for a rent default?

      Fines for late rent payments are capped at an annual percentage rate of 3% above the Bank of England base rate, calculated based on the number of days the payment has been outstanding. They can be charged once a payment's been outstanding for 14 days.

  14. Paying your rent on time can boost your credit score

    Do you always pay your rent on time? If so, there are free schemes that private renters and social housing tenants can use to boost their credit ratings.

    Typically you'll need to be signed up to these schemes for at least six weeks for your rent payments to actually start appearing on your credit file, but the longer you stay signed up for, the bigger the impact paying your rent on time should have on your file.

    Some users of these schemes have reported seeing significant improvements in their credit reference agency credit scores, including one person who reported a 250-point jump over four months. It's hard though to say what the average improvement to a person's score with a credit reference agency is, as it'll depend on your personal circumstances.

    It's worth noting that the only way you'll potentially reap the benefits of this is if you always pay your rent on time. Miss a payment and it'll show up in your file and could be off-putting to lenders if/when you apply for a credit product. 

    There are three free options to choose from – one which your landlord has to sign up to and two that you can sign up to yourself.

    Scheme that your landlord can sign up to

    • Rental Exchange Initiative. This is the most well-known scheme. Launched in March 2016 by Experian and The Big Issue Group, Rental Exchange Initiative records your rental payments by adding them to your Experian credit file. Lenders which use Experian can then see that you've been paying your rent on time. This is how to sign up:

      - If you're in social housing. Ask your social housing provider if it's part of the scheme. If it is, your rental payment information should be automatically recorded (if you don't want to be part of the scheme, you'll need to opt out). If it's not, ask your social housing provider to join the scheme and add your payment information.

      - If you're a private tenant. Ask your landlord or letting agent if they're part of the scheme. If they are, request your landlord or letting agent to add your payment information to the system.

    Schemes that you can sign up to

    • Canopy. By signing up and connecting Canopy to the bank account from which you pay rent, Canopy will use Open Banking to verify and monitor rent payments and then add them to your Experian credit file for FREE. You can get them added to both your Experian and Equifax files, but this costs £5 a month.

    • Credit Ladder. Alternatively, you can use Credit Ladder, which reports your rent payments for free to either Experian, Equifax or TransUnion (you choose which one). For £5 a month, it'll report your rent payments to all three of these credit reference agencies. With the £5-a-month option, you'd actually need to sign up for a year (meaning you pay £60 up front). Alternatively, you can pay £8 a month without the need to sign up for a year.

    As lenders sometimes check two credit reference agencies when deciding which borrowers to accept, you might find it's worth paying so that your rent payments are reported to more than one agency.

  15. Save 60%+ on rent – become a property guardian

    become a property guardian

    Fancy living in a church, school or fire station? In return for babysitting empty premises to deter squatters, property guardian companies charge their 'guardians' as little as a third of local rents.

    Buildings include everything from monasteries to mansions, so you could end up living it up in a sprawling country pile for less than a flat.

    Since the law changed in 2012 to make squatting in residential, but not commercial, properties illegal, building managers have seen a rise in squatters in commercial properties and are increasingly turning to guardianship to combat this. This may lead to more opportunities to take up property guardianship in the future.

    Here's what Ex-MSE Becky made of the experience: "I lived in guardian properties for three to four years and paid a third of normal London rent. Places can be huge but you often don't know how long you've got, and facilities can be basic."

    What's the catch?

    You must be employed and need to be flexible – here are a few things to consider.

    • Guardians have fewer rights than tenants. You may have to up sticks at two weeks' notice. So this is good for those with flexibility, for example, people who can kip at their parents' home. The firms usually try to find alternatives, but it's not guaranteed and you have to pay a transfer/admin fee of about £70ish. Many guardians live in the same place for years though. See more on limited rights and what to watch out for.

    • There are fees involved. You must pay a deposit. It varies, but it's typically between £350 and £500, or £600 in London. Most charge a £100ish admin fee when you sign up, plus you need to buy a fire safety pack (about £60). Rents usually include bills and council tax.

    • Accommodation can be basic (and eerie). Most places need work doing and are unfurnished, so it's more suited to adventurous types. You often share with others, depending on the property size, but usually get your own room. Many of the buildings don't have central heating, so woe betide you if it's winter and you don't have a heater (oil-filled only, usually).

    • You may need your own furniture. It will generally say on the advert whether the room includes any furniture but it also worth checking what's included in the communal areas too. Check out our Freecycle & Freegle guide for some ideas.

    This Forumite's story sums it up. If you've done it, please share your experience.

    My boyfriend and I were guardians for a huge country estate for eight months. Good points were cheap rent and incredible location. Bad were limited security, and being at the mercy of the property owner.

    I liken the experience to camping, but in an old property. You have to be flexible and get on with the other guardians. But if you've no commitments, are not spooked by old properties, don't mind roughing it and want to save money, it's worth considering.

    Forumite MissFox1973

    Where to find guardian properties

    • Ad Hoc has guardians across the UK, but is especially strong in northern England, the West Midlands and Scotland. Currently has 35+ properties available, including a former care home near Bristol. Prices start from £165/month. Utilities are usually included but you may have to pay council tax on top.

    • Dex Property Management currently only lists five properties in the south of England. Prices start at £325/month.

    • Live-in Guardians manages a number of buildings in central London. As an example, it has a five-bedroom house in St John's Wood, priced at £500/month per room (significantly less than average rents for a room in that area).

    • Lowe Guardians offers guardian properties across London, and requires guardians to be aged 21 or over, in full-time employment and willing to be interviewed. At the time of writing, there are 10 vacant properties listed on its website, including a former police station in Hornsey. Utilities are included with some properties, and the firm says it doesn't charge any admin fees.

    Quick questions

    • Anything to watch out for?

      The point about limited rights compared to tenants is an important one to bear in mind. While some companies advertise a four-week notice period, we've heard of cases where guardians have been evicted with as little as 24 hours' notice.

      We've also heard that it can be be difficult to get the companies to carry out repairs, and guardians need to be fairly self-reliant in this regard. It won't be the same everywhere and many guardians live happily in their properties, but it's something to be aware of.

    • Who can do this?

      You usually need to be 18 or over, employed with no criminal record. You're not allowed to have children or pets.

    • What responsibilities do guardians have?

      Don't worry, you're not expected to patrol the building, fighting off intruders, but you will need to keep it secure and report any security issues. Parties are off limits, and you'll have to keep your area clean and tidy. 

      You need to tell the property management company if you're going on holiday, or away for more than a few days.

    • What do you need to register?

      As with normal property rentals, you must provide ID, proof of income and references.

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  16. Your landlord has responsibilities too, plus how to get help if you're in a dispute

    If you're renting your property, you're not responsible for everything and there are several things your landlord needs to take care of.

    Full details of this will often be set out in your contract, but as a minimum it should include: organising and paying for buildings insurance, putting in fire alarms, checking plug sockets, making sure wiring and electricals are safe and generally maintaining the property to a safe and liveable standard.

    There's also certain documentation they're required to provide when you move in:

    • A Gas Safety Certificate (see below).
    • Deposit Protection Scheme paperwork (see above).
    • A fire safety label on any furniture that's been provided.
    • An Energy Performance Certificate.
    • A copy of the Government's How to Rent guide (either a link or printed copy), as of 1 October 2015.

    Dispute with landlord? How to get help

    If the landlord isn't doing any of the above, and you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you can ask your council's environmental health department for help. It must take action if problems can harm you or cause nuisance to others. If you live in Scotland, you should contact the Housing and Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland for help

    Alternatively, if you think you're being unfairly treated during your tenancy, you can complain to an official body – such as the Property Ombudsman, the Association of Residential Letting Agents or the National Residential Landlords Association. Check if your letting agent or landlord's registered with one of these first.

    Yet while they can look into disputes, they don't have any real power to force landlords or letting agents into acting. You can also speak to your local authority for help, Citizens Advice or Shelter.

  17. Warning – joint accounts with flatmates can affect your credit rating

    Credit scoring is a system used by lenders to check how financially attractive you are to them, using your past actions to predict future behaviour. Yet if you're 'financially linked' to someone on a financial product, it can have an impact. Even a joint bank account with housemates from which to pay house bills theoretically means you could be co-scored.

    However while it's technically possible joint utility bills could be reported on credit files, current practice is not to do so. Similarly we've also confirmed being jointly named on a utility bill with a flatmate shouldn't mean you're jointly credit scored.

    Bear in mind though that if there are two (or more) names on a utility bill and there's a default, it's likely to be reported on both (or all) credit records.

    If you move out and no longer live with housemates who you had joint finances with, once the accounts are separated or no longer active, always write to the credit reference agencies and ask for a notice of 'disassociation' to stop their credit history affecting yours in future. See the Credit scores guide for full help.

  18. Rent in London? Check if your landlord needs a licence –  you could be owed £1,000s

    Tenants in London can use a tool to check whether their landlords need to license their homes – and some could be owed £1,000s in rent refunds if their landlord doesn't have the right documentation.

    Some privately-rented homes need a property licence before they can be rented out to tenants, to show that the property is suitable to be lived in and managed to an acceptable standard. But confusingly, different London boroughs have different property licensing rules, which can make it difficult for tenants to know whether their landlord has the right licence.

    To help, the Mayor of London launched a property licensing checker in 2020 that lets you see if your rented home needs a licence – though you may still need to do some legwork to find out if your landlord actually has that licence.

    For full details, see our New tool lets you check if your landlord needs a licence – and you could be owed £1,000s MSE News story.

  19. Max your interest if you're saving to buy a house

    There's no shame in renting – and a fifth of households in the UK do it. Yet if you're lusting to own, ALWAYS save for your deposit the right way to reach your goal sooner. In a nutshell...

    • The Government launched the Lifetime ISA in April 2017. You can earn interest tax-free and then the state will add 25% free cash (up to £33,000) on top of what you save. For full info see our Lifetime ISA guide.

    • If you've put the maximum in your Lifetime ISA, go for a top-paying easy-access savings account. Full best buys are in Top savings.

  20. Ensure you've contents cover from as soon as you move in

    If you rent, your landlord is responsible for buildings insurance, so you should only be getting contents cover (essentially, it's for stuff that'd fall if you turned your home upside down).

    As buildings insurance generally covers the building itself (unsurprisingly), this is usually the property owner's responsibility. Generally, this means you're unlikely to need building insurance if you're renting. There may be exceptions, for example, if the contract says you need buildings insurance – check with your landlord if unsure.

    How to get the cheapest contents cover will vary depending on whether you're house-sharing or not.

    • To find the cheapest cover, combine comparison sites MoneySupermarket*Confused.com*Compare The Market* and Gocompare to bag the max quotes in the minimum time. Then check Direct Line*, which they miss.

      Better still, try the full Cheap contents insurance guide – you could even get PAID for cover.

    • Getting cover from mainstream insurers can be tricky. The comparison sites above say they provide flat-share quotes, but some can be very flaky on this – while they should all ask you the right questions about who you live with (meaning the result should cover you), before you get a policy, make sure you check the T&Cs for any specific stipulations, for example, it'd only cover you if you've got a lock on the door to your room.

      Always let your insurers know you live with others and not on your own (even if your housemates won't be covered by the policy), otherwise you could risk invalidating your insurance.

      While it's worth using the comparison sites to get a benchmark price, it might be better to check out a specialist such as Homeprotect* or Endsleigh. You may also find it easier going down the route of finding a local broker via BIBA, as these will specialise in tailoring a quote for you.

      See the Renters' insurance guide for full info.

  21. Tricks to help ensure you get your deposit back

    tips to get your deposit back

    When it comes to checking your property at the end of your stay, landlords can develop better microscopic vision than Superman, but there are ways you can improve the chances of getting your deposit back.

    You can't be asked to pay for professional cleaners

    The Tenant Fees Act 2019 brought in new rules, which mean landlords and letting agents can no longer insist tenants pay to get the property professionally cleaned at the end of a tenancy. But that doesn't mean you don't need to clean it yourself before you move out.

    Your tenancy agreement will usually state the property needs to be put back into the same condition it was when you moved in. So if it was cleaned to a 'professional standard', you're going to need to give it a good scrub.

    To help stop them zapping your deposit, here are a few tips:

    • Check your contract. Dig it out and give it another read. Does it say all picture hooks need to be removed and filled in? If so, make sure these are sorted.

    • Check the inventory. If an inventory was done when you moved in, noting any existing damage to the propery, check it again before you move out. You can't be charged for anything that was already damaged. It should also note the cleanliness of the property when you moved in, so you know what state you need to return it to.

    • Patch up any damage. Fix it properly – covering up a hole in the wall with a picture may seem like a good idea at the time, but leaving it like this when you move out is practically asking for your deposit to be docked.

    • Ensure nothing's missing or broken. Check the inventory thoroughly to make sure everything's as it should be, and replace or fix as needed.

    • Take photos as proof you've left it in good order. These could be useful evidence later if a dispute arises over your deposit.

    • Have a proper deep-clean and ask for a second opinion. Get a scrupulous friend or family member to check the place over to check there's nothing you've missed, and remove all rubbish. See the Save zillions on cleaning products forum thread for tips to help.

    Here are a few handy tips from our forumites to help:

    Bicarb of soda, soda crystals, vinegar, newspaper and Oven Pride are pretty much all anyone needs to clean a house. I've always got the deposit back and have never spent more than £5 and 1/2 a day.

    – Forumite Mrsbmartin

    Sugar soap removes emulsioned wall scuffs that no other cleaning product shifts without taking paint too. Wipe gently, don't rub.

    – Forumite Fire Fox

    Lie on your back in the middle of each room, you would not believe the snagging found just looking from a different angle. It works!

    – Forumite Whalster

    What if you don't agree with your landlord's decision on your deposit?

    The tenancy deposit protection scheme has a free dispute resolution service to help. It'll investigate your case and rule on how much of the deposit should be returned to you and how much should be given to the landlord. See Gov.uk (England and Wales), Scottish Government or NIdirect for help on how to start the process.

  22. Grab free apps to check rentals on the go

    There's a plethora of sites and apps which let you quickly search for property to rent in your chosen area. They won't all come up with the same listings, so it's best to try a few if you can. These are the best we've found:



    The mack daddy of home search sites, Rightmove lists a huge number of rental properties.

    • Apps available for iPhone and Android.
    • Slick and tidy website, clear and easy to search with a good amount of filters to refine your results.
    • Its 'draw a search' feature lets you literally, er, draw where you want to live on a map – good if there are streets you're keen on (or want to avoid).



    Zoopla also lists a huge amount of rental pads.

    • Apps available for iPhone and Android.
    • Clear and simple to use, it also has a similar 'draw search' feature, plus this allows freehand drawing for extra speed.
    • Its nifty heat map view shows average property values at a glance (click 'Heat' on top right of map). Useful if you want to find areas likely to be pricey.



    OnTheMarket.com launched in 2015 after six leading estate agents clubbed together to challenge the dominance of Rightmove and Zoopla.

    • Apps available for iPhone and Android.
    • It's shaken up the online home-selling market with rules for members restricting the number of portals they can list their property on, making it somewhat 'exclusive'.
    • It'll let you filter by when the property was added to the site, to make sure you're only seeing rentals hot off the press.



    MoneySavers also rate lesser-known Home.co.uk. It says it lists over 150,000 houses, flats and rooms to rent at the time of writing.

    • Can be clunky and lacks the charm of the other sites, but includes extra info, including how the rental price compares with others nearby.
    • Lets you set the exact search radius you want to use, for example, search all properties in a radius of 0.219 miles – good for nerds.

    Forumites find these apps strangely addictive:

    I check it when on a street I like. I get excited when they send me an email. I probably check it every 24 minutes. (Rightmove)

    I've not even considered moving and all of a sudden I keep looking! Can someone talk me out of this odd behaviour please? (Zoopla)

  23. Live with and help vulnerable people to help cut rent costs

    Share and Care is a home-sharing scheme company which brings together homeowners – generally older and/or disabled people – with 'sharers' happy to live with them and give a little help around the house in exchange for low-cost rent.

    Sharers agree to give 10 hours of help a week, and must spend the majority of evenings in the home. 

    Sharers and homeowners are both asked to sign a Home Licence Agreement – these generally last for a year, with a 30-day notice period on both sides. Share and Care says it keeps in regular contact with both parties to ensure the arrangement's working.

    There's a page of current listings to apply for on the website. The locations advertised at the time of writing include Birmingham, Brighton, Dorset, Northampton, Perth and a number across London.

    Accommodation varies from single to double rooms, both furnished and unfurnished, and some include a separate bathroom and living room for the sharer.

    How much does it cost?

    You'll pay £150 to £180 per month to Share and Care (not the homeowner, who also has to pay fees to the company) – you may have to contribute to council tax and other household expenses on top.

    Quick questions
    • What's expected of me?

      Arrangements are flexible, but sharers are typically asked to help out with shopping, cooking meals and taking out bins, or accompanying the person they're sharing with to appointments or social events.

      The companionship side involves things like sharing some meals, playing a game, watching TV together or just enjoying a chat over a cuppa.

      You WON'T be expected to provide nursing or personal care – in fact, it's prohibited under the rules of the scheme.

    • Is it going to take up all my time?

      Shares must agree to provide 10 hours of practical work a week, plus the "natural friendly company that comes from sharing a home".

      You must be in the property at least four evenings a week to give help and provide company, and you must sleep there at least six nights a week. Of course there are allowances for holidays and the occasional weekend away.

      You'll also have to keep the homeowner notified of what you're up to – for example, if you're having a night out.

    • Do I need any qualifications?

      You must have a high level of spoken English, but beyond that, there's no fixed criteria. The scheme's website says sharers are normally aged 24+ and are either working or studying – some in the health, social services or education sectors. But it takes applicants from all walks of life, including mature students and graduates, artists, musicians or experienced carer-companions.

  24. Your landlord should ask before entering

    landlord should give notice before entering

    When you rent a property, your landlord may well need to come in from time to time for repairs, as well as to inspect the property (for example, to check you haven't turned a 'no pets' tenancy into an indoor farm).

    If your landlord wants to access the property, they should give you notice and arrange a time with you first. Government guidelines on private renting says landlords need to give you at least 24 hours' notice and visit at a reasonable time of day unless it's an emergency.

    If your landlord or letting agent comes in without asking, you've a right to ask them to stop. If they continue to enter without permission, this could be considered as harassment – a criminal offence. Contact Citizens Advice or a solicitor for help, or even the police if you feel threatened. See the Shelter website for more info.

  25. Make sure you know where your stopcock is

    find where your stopcock is

    Your mains water tap, or stopcock, is the off-switch for all the water in your home. Hopefully you'll never need it. But if you don't know where it is and a pipe bursts, you'll be powerless to stop it flooding your home.

    If you don't know where yours is, check NOW. It could be under the kitchen sink, by the boiler, in the airing cupboard or elsewhere in the property. If you don't know where it is, ask your landlord to show you. See Martin's blog: Stopcock tips – can you find yours?

    One MoneySaver's tip:

    Stopcocks should be turned a couple of times a year to minimise 'seizing' due to scale. Never open fully, or they're more likely to jam.

    Some homes also have an outside stop valve fitted. The Thames Water website has handy videos on how to find your inside stopcock and outside stopcock.

  26. Vet the landlord

    If a prospective landlord strikes you as unreliable or unreasonable (for example, they turn up an hour late), think twice. After all, it's easier to walk away now than be stuck with a landlord who won't carry out essential maintenance and repairs as needed – or worse.

    • Renting direct from a landlord: Don't hand over any cash until you've got the landlord's full name and a contact address in the UK for them. If you're concerned, Forumites also recommend checking they own the property via the Land Registry website (costs £3) – for more info, see the Check out your landlord discussion.

    • Renting via a letting agent: This is a firm that rents out properties on behalf of the landlord. Check they're a member of a professional body such as Propertymark, Safeagent or the UK Association of Letting Agents.
  27. Check whether you need your own TV licence

    check if you need your own TV licence

    If you rent, whether an entire property or a room in a shared property, you must be covered by a valid TV licence to watch or record live TV, or watch BBC iPlayer. (You don't need one to watch other catch-up services though – see Do I need a TV licence?)

    Usually you'll have to organise this yourself (or between yourselves if in a shared house). But speak to the landlord first, as they may already have a licence for the property. If you live in self-contained accommodation, such as a separate flat or annex, you'll need your own licence.

    I'm in shared accommodation – will one TV licence cover it?

    The answer to this depends on whether you have a separate tenancy agreement for your room, or a joint tenancy agreement with others you share with.

    If you've separate tenancy agreements, each of you must have your own TV licence if you watch or record TV. These individual licences will also cover any communal areas.

    If you've a joint tenancy agreement, one TV licence may cover the whole house. Yet bizarrely, there may still be other reasons, such as if you have your own toilet and sink, why you need your own separate licence, so it's best to contact TV Licensing to check your circumstances.

    If you're a lodger and have a relationship with the homeowner (a family member, partner, nanny, au pair, housekeeper etc), you'll be covered by the homeowner's TV licence, provided you live in the same building. But if you're a lodger and you have a separate tenancy agreement for your room, you'll need your own licence.

    I'm a student – do I need my own?

    Generally speaking, yes, though there is a loophole that will allow you to be covered by your parents' licence under some circumstances. See Student TV licence trick for details.

  28. Get your landlord's permission if planning to redecorate

    get landlord permission before decorating

    When you rent a property, you generally need to return it in the same condition as you found it, though some unavoidable wear and tear should be allowed (think slight wearing of carpets, not destroyed furnishings).

    Bear this in mind if you want to redecorate, as any changes will need to be put back. It sounds obvious, but the key point to remember is the property isn't yours. So you can't just put up shelves, for example, without permission. If you want to make permanent changes, it's best to get it written into the contract from the outset.

    Otherwise, if you plan to repaint the walls a different colour or make any other changes, first get your landlord's permission in writing. Otherwise it's likely you'll need to paint them back to the original colour before you move.

  29. Try special picture strips instead of nails

    Check your tenancy agreement before you get hammer-happy, as many won't let you put any holes in the walls to put up pictures. Yet there's a quick trick to help.

    It's possible to get specially designed removable strips that promise to hold up pictures without damaging walls. To find them, ask at your local DIY store, or try searching for 'picture hanging strips' on Amazon's DIY & Tools section or eBay*.

    Forumites recommend Command Strips. They usually cost a few pounds for a pack of four, though other types may be available too.

    Feedback is generally good, ranging from "used these in all three sizes and they have worked brilliantly" and "they're my new favourite product" to "if you're lucky they work well, but haven't found them reliable". If you've used them, please leave feedback in the forum.

    Forumites also warn to check the pack for the weight limit they can take, and not to exceed this. Otherwise, you could wake to find your Mona Lisa broken on the lino.

  30. Note down any flaws – and use 'em to haggle

    Once you've found the place you want, don't think you always have to pay the asking price for the rent. Ask if they're open to reasonable offers, and put in a lower price that you think is reasonable. Don't forget, it's a negotiation – they don't have to accept, but it's well worth asking, particularly if you think it's overpriced.

    A good way to help you get leverage here is to note down any flaws in the rental. For example, the carpets may be worn in patches, or the bathroom ceiling could do with repainting. Point this out, and ask if they'll take a lower price because of it. If not, see if you can get the repairs thrown in (always get this in writing with the contract).

    See the How to haggle guide for more tips to help. It's well worth a try – even £10 off the monthly rent may not seem like a lot to a busy landlord, but it's an extra £120 in your pocket each year.

  31. Key 'dud rentals' checklist

    While small issues such as a dripping tap or squeaky floorboard needn't be a deal-breaker, use this list to help you check the rental out when you visit. It's worth taking an eagle-eyed friend or family member to help. Ask the landlord to fix any problems before you move in.

    Or if you can live with it, use it to help you haggle on the rent:

    • Spot damp. Case the joint for wet spots, mould, peeling wallpaper and condensation. Does it smell musty?

    • Look up at ceilings. Look for cracks, brown stains, slow drips and leaks.

    • Flick switches. Turn lights on and off, especially with older switches.

    • Inspect the plumbing. Flush toilets and turn taps on. Check cupboards underneath sinks are dry. Check water pressure and that it gets hot, and that the central heating's working properly.

    • Locks are key. Ensure door locks are up to insurance standards. Some policies insist that front and back doors be fitted with a five lever mortice deadlock. Check windows for locks and the front door for break-in signs.

    • Turn on your phone. Check for a signal to see it's not a mobile dead zone.

    • Avoid kitchen nightmares. In the kitchen, mime preparing a dinner. Is there enough room? If white goods are included, check they're working.

    • Take a compass. Check if estate agents' promises of a sunny south-facing garden are true.

    • Pry next door. If renting a flat or terrace, alarm bells should ring if neighbours' properties are rundown. Their problems can quickly become yours. Listen for noise from neighbours and roads. If you can, try to get a second viewing at a different time of day.

  32. Never, ever wire the money

    Once you've found your dream gaff, alarm bells should ring if asked to pay rent or deposit by an instant money transfer service such as Western Union or MoneyGram. While you've no protection when you pay by bank transfer, at least these are usually more traceable – which means banks or police could use this to help get your money back.

    Instant money transfer payments cannot be traced at all in cases of fraud, so are highly popular with scammers. So if someone asks you to pay by MoneyGram or Western Union, be highly suspicious.

    Never pay this way. Landlords should be happy to take a bank transfer or cheque.

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  33. Protect your family from gas leaks

    gas safety checks

    Sadly, thousands are affected each year by carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that has no colour, taste or smell. Yet there are simple steps to help protect yourself and your family.

    Always ask for a copy of the gas safety record. By law, your landlord must provide you with this at the start of your tenancy. If your landlord refuses, complain to the Health and Safety Executive – failure to follow gas safety requirements is a criminal offence.

    Under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, landlords must do a gas safety check every 12 months to ensure gas appliances and fittings are safe, and keep these maintained. All checks must also be done by a qualified engineer that's on the Gas Safe Register, the official gas registration body for the UK.

    One Forumite's experience is a case in point:

    Just after we moved in, I had to call Transco in the middle of the night. We thought we had flu. We had carbon monoxide poisoning and were alive due to a faulty cat flap venting out most of the gas.

    The system was condemned. It was a very lucky escape – it never occurred to me to check the gas certificate.

    – Forumite november

  34. Some broadband contract lengths are longer than others

    Be aware many contracts are 12 months, and some even longer. If you move out before the contract is up, you'll still have to pay for remaining months, unless you can change the name on the contract to someone who's still going to be living in the house (check with your provider).

    See the Cheap broadband guide for the full list of best buys, including unlimited and superfast broadband, plus how to work out how much data you'll need.

  35. Get first dibs on properties on your favourite streets

    If you want something in a specific area or street, set an alert on Rightmove or Zoopla and it will email each time a vender lists a property. Simply type in your location and click 'Create an alert' on Rightmove, or 'Create email alert' on Zoopla.

    See Use the right 'rent a property' finders above for more on how to make the most of these (and other) sites.

  36. NEVER sign a contract you aren't happy with

    read the contract before signing

    Once you get the contract, read it carefully before signing. Check it includes how much the deposit and rent are, when it's due, and what it covers (such as council tax, utility bills, and other dos and don'ts, such as whether you're allowed to smoke or sublet).

    Discuss points you disagree on, or don't understand, with the landlord or letting agent. If they agree to change it, don't just take their word. Ensure the contract's changed too so you've proof. Katy Rushworth from legal firm Clarke Mairs LLP told us:

    "Tenancy agreements will often have things in there that simply do not apply to that particular property. They may have the wrong person stated as the landlord, wrong property address, refer to a garden that doesn't exist – the list goes on.

    "There's no reason tenants should sign up to something they are not happy with. Equally, the agent is being paid to get these things right. So don't just accept 'it's the standard document' – who knows what the standard document relates to!"

    One MoneySaver's experience is a reminder to check what you're signing up to:

    Our letting agent went right over the top pasting rules into the contract. It tells us to clean the shower head for one hour in vinegar each week, after every shower we must use a towel and squeegee to clear all water from the cubicle to prevent drying marks etc.


  37. Take a meter reading when you arrive

    It's easy to forget this when you've a ton of unpacking to do, but do meter readings for your gas and electricity when you move in. This way, you can pass them on to the suppliers to ensure you aren't charged for energy that the previous occupants used.

    It's also worth noting you should do a meter reading every time you get a bill. Don't rely on your energy provider's estimate; these are often way out. If they're underbilling, you'll have a big whack to pay at the end of the year. If they're overbilling, then they've unfairly got your cash.

    If your direct debit is way off kilter, call up and ask for it to be changed. You've a range of rights to ensure it's correct. See the Energy direct debits guide for help.

  38. Squeeze 'em for info

    top rental questions to ask

    Before you sign on the dotted line, ask as many questions as possible, and get important answers in writing. Even if they don't tell the truth, you may notice them squirming when you broach certain subjects.

    Even better, if the occupants are in during your viewing, use the opportunity to ask about the best and worst things about living there.

    Here are our top 10 rental questions to ask:

    1. How long is the contract? Are there scheduled rent increases?

    2. How long has it been up for rent?

    3. Can I see electrical, boiler and gas installation checks/reports?

    4. Is the deposit in a deposit protection scheme? Which one?

    5. Is maintenance of communal areas expected (eg, the garden)?

    6. Is it furnished, part or unfurnished? Which items are included?

    7. Who lives upstairs/next door? Have there been any disputes?

    8. How long were the previous renters living there?

    9. Is a parking space included, or is a parking permit needed?

    10. What's the council tax band? (You can also check this yourself.)

  39. Your tenancy type affects your rights

    The type of tenancy agreement you have, and when your contract started, will affect your rights, so check what you've got. In a nutshell, 'assured shorthold tenancy agreements' in England and Wales are generally the most common type if renting with a private landlord (there are different names in Scotland and Northern Ireland – see below for help checking yours).

    Assured shorthold tenancy agreements generally last six to 12 months, and mean your landlord must provide some repairs (plus other criteria too). When an assured shorthold tenancy ends, it becomes a 'month-to-month' tenancy. So unless your landlord ends it, you can stay on.

    How to check what tenancy type you've got

    Finding which tenancy type you've got can be tricky. It depends on a huge amount of factors, including when you moved in, how you pay rent and who you live with.

    To help, housing charity Shelter has useful Tenancy Checker tools for England and Scotland. Just answer a few points on where you're living and when you moved in, and it'll quickly tell you which type you've got, plus your rights for each. Shelter also has info on tenancy types in Wales, or try Housing Rights for Northern Ireland.

    It's also worth reading Forumite G_M's useful posts on rent increases if you're on an assured shorthold tenancy, and what happens when a fixed term ends.

  40. Warning! You could be held responsible for the actions of other tenants

    If it's a joint tenancy, each tenant will be responsible for the actions of the others. So be careful who you sign up to these with – if one person doesn't pay their share of the rent, the others will need to fork out for them.

    Joint liability clauses in shared tenancies mean you're responsible for the actions of your co-tenants in certain areas, as stated in the contract. If they accidentally set fire to the sofa, you may have to pay for the repairs.

  41. Once you've found the perfect place, make sure you get in ASAP

    tips to get your place

    Once you've found your place and you're itching to get in, there are tricks that can help bagging it.

    • Know your budget. Don't be pushed past it – letting agents are experts at doing this. For help use our free Budget planner.

    • Make a good impression. Don't forget, you're being checked out too. They're more likely to want a tenant that's professional, prompt and polite.

    • Get your references lined up. If your landlord will need references (eg, from your employer), ensure you ask your referees in good time.

    • Be prepared to go fast. Good rentals are often snapped up, especially in sought-after city areas. Once you've decided, move quickly with your offer. Yet don't be irrational – stick to your budget and don't be pressured.

    • Go through the contract ASAP. Raise any issues as soon as you can with the landlord, so there's time to get them changed before you move in. Also check who's managing the property (for instance, the landlord or letting agent).

    • Have the rent and deposit ready. Make sure you have enough cash set aside for the first month's rent and deposit (usually about six weeks' rent). This can be a lot more than you think, so work it out early. For example, £200/week rent could mean you'd need to put down about £2,000 to cover these.

  42. Pack an 'essentials' box to help when you arrive

    Put key items you'll need immediately in a clearly labelled box, and pack it last (so it's the first box you'll get to when you're unpacking). A box with a kettle, mugs, tea, biccies and loo roll can be a godsend when you've no idea where everything is.

  43. Double-check the inventory and report any defects

    If you're given an inventory when you arrive, ensure you fill it in and carefully check for any existing damage in the property or its contents. Don't worry about being too specific – note down anything you can see, be it a cracked tile, damaged paintwork or a chipped mirror. If you can, take photos as evidence too.

    Even if they don't give you an inventory to fill in, list any defects in writing to the landlord as soon as you can. Ensure it's signed and dated, and keep a copy so you can see what's on it when you move out.

    This way, if the landlord tries to eat into your deposit for any of these when you leave, you'll have hard proof the damage was already there where you moved in. Similarly, take photos when you move out so you've proof it's in good order – see above.

  44. Save your landlord's number in your phone for emergencies

    The time you lock yourself out is exactly the moment you realise you should have done this earlier. So don't just keep this pinned to a notice board or in the back of a diary – save your landlord or letting agent's number to your phone now if you haven't already. You might just be glad you did.

  45. Remember to redirect your mail and update all your addresses

    When you move, it's always a good idea to get your post redirected to your new address. This can be very helpful as it will avoid you missing an unexpected bill being sent to your old address.

    You can set this up via the Royal Mail website. For UK redirection it currently costs £36 for up to three months, £53 for three to six months and £76 for six to twelve months.

    It's also important you make sure you update your address with everyone who needs to know it. This can avoid hefty fines – for instance, if your driving licence is out of date you're risking a £1,000 fine.

    • Here's a quick checklist for updating your address:

      - Bank accounts
      - Blood donor agency
      - Broker/IFA
      - Car tax 
      - Council tax
      - Credit cards
      - Dentist 
      - Driving licence
      - Electoral register 
      - Employer
      - Gyms
      - GP (although this may need to change)
      - HMRC
      - Immigration (if you have a visa)
      - Insurance provider
      - Library
      - Loan provider
      - Loyalty schemes, for example, Clubcard, Nectar, Avios, frequent flyer membership
      - Mobile phone provider
      - Mortgage lenders (if you own a different property)
      - Nurseries
      - Online delivery address (for accounts including eBay, Amazon and supermarkets)
      - Passport
      - Pension providers
      - Savings providers
      - Schools/university
      - Sports clubs (if you're a season ticket member)
      - Subscriptions (for example, to magazines, newspapers or membership schemes like Tastecard)
      - Train firms if you've a season ticket
      - TV licence
      - Utility companies (energy, water, digital TV, broadband and phone)
      - Vet
      - Wills

  46. ... and to register to vote

    register to vote

    When you move, you don't automatically get registered to vote at your new address. If you aren't registered, you don't get a say on who represents you.

    It can also help boost your credit score as if you're not on the electoral roll it's unlikely you'll get accepted for credit. This is because credit reference agencies use the register to confirm where you live in order to counteract fraud.

    The registration process now requires that, rather than one person registering all members of a household, each individual needs to register themselves. You can register on Gov.uk.

    You'll also need to keep an eye out for the Household Enquiry Form, which is sent out every year to check people are registered to vote. Don't ignore it, or you risk a possible fine.

  47. Check out the neighbourhood

    No matter how plush the pad, MoneySavers are unanimous that location counts. After all, you can add your own touches when you're renting, but you can't move it to another spot. So prowl the neighbourhood on foot, hunting for clues.

    Of course, if it's only temporary rented accommodation for a month or so, you may be happy to put up with a less-than-glowing area. But if you're planning to rent there for a while, a little research can go a long way:

    • How safe is the area? Steel yourself and take a look at the Police.uk crime mapping website for England and Wales. It breaks down recorded crimes by street, including burglary, robbery and anti-social behaviour (gulp!), all of which mean dearer insurance premiums.

    • Get info on noise levels, air pollution and transport links. You can get oodles of free information online on school league tables and even noise level checks. See Free house price valuations for a full list – though our guide's designed for buyers, it has useful tips to help renters too.

    If you're a total newcomer and you're planning to rent there for a while, you could even stay in a local bed and breakfast to get a real feel for the area. Get the lowdown from locals and ask a local bobby or Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator.

  48. Top 10 moving day questions to ask the landlord

    With all the stresses of moving, it's easy to forget simple, practical questions you'll wish you've asked. Worrying about when the dustmen come is easily forgotten when you're humping boxes upstairs, but even less fun when you're left with overflowing bins for a week. So we've put together some key questions to ask:

    1. Where's the mains water stopcock (see stopcock tips above)?

    2. Where's the fuse box?

    3. Where are the gas and electricity meters?

    4. Which days are rubbish and recycling collected?

    5. Are there instruction manuals for any electrical items?

    6. Who supplies the gas and electricity?

    7. Where is the thermostat?

    8. What's the landlord or letting agent's number?

    9. Where are the TV aerial and phone line sockets?

    10. Which provider supplies the home phone and broadband?

  49. Scope out transport links and travel costs

    When choosing an area to rent in, don't forget to factor in public transport if you or your family will need it for work or school. How frequent are buses and trains, and how much are they? If a season ticket's expensive, savings had by renting in the sticks can quickly be swallowed by the cost of the commute.

    For London commuters, CommuteFrom shows which areas are the quickest hop from the office. Select a central London rail or Tube station, pick a maximum journey length, eg, no more than one hour, and it brings up the best commuter routes.

    Sadly there isn't a similar version for the rest of the UK, but try searching test routes you'll need on the National Rail journey planner, or for bus routes and frequency, check your council's website – Gov.uk has a handy tool to find yours.

  50. Instantly compare removal costs

    compare removal costs

    If you're moving from your parents' with no furniture, a car and a couple of mates will likely suffice. If not, many people choose to enlist extra help from a removal firm.

    To get five local quotes instantly, head to Reallymoving.com and fill in an online form. Also check that the company belongs to the British Association of Removers.

    If you decide to use a local 'man and van' service, watch out as they may not have insurance for any damage caused in transit (always check). So here, it's a question of balancing a lower price against service, and only going with what you're happy with.

    If hiring a van to do the move yourself, do note you may need to be 25 or over – always check the contract. Also consider extra insurance to cover the excess (the amount you'll pay towards a claim). Otherwise small scrapes can cost large, and may be more likely if you aren't used to driving a van. See Cheap car hire.

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  51. Give yourself a money overhaul

    Moving into a new place is the perfect time to get tough and overhaul your finances. You'll be signing up to new services anyway, so could save £1,000s on your previous bills by ensuring you grab everything cheapest.

    For starters, find Cheap broadband, then try Digital TV haggling and Cutting your water bills. But those are just the start.

    For a detailed checklist of over 30 quick ways to cut bills, see the full Money makeover guide.

  52. Take snaps when viewing

    Take photos of the property on your mobile if you can. They'll be a useful reference point later, when all the places you've seen start to blur into one. Though of course, bear in mind it's private property, so don't post them online.

  53. Can you do council tax rebanding if renting?

    check if you're in the wrong council tax band

    Up to 400,000 homes in England and Scotland are in the wrong council tax bands. Yet in 10 minutes, at no cost, it's possible to check 'n' challenge your banding, not only potentially slashing what you pay now, but getting a backdated rebate from as far back as 1993.

    Thousands have already tried this and succeeded. Plus as you pay council tax regardless of whether you're the tenant or owner, if you're renting, it's certainly worth going through the system to see.

    Before you challenge your band, courtesy dictates you should discuss it with your landlord first though. This is also because it's a good idea to agree on who gets the cash from any payouts, particularly if the claim's backdated to before you lived there, or if you pay the landlord for council tax (ie, their name's on the bill).

    Note a reassessment means your band could be moved up as well as down. See the Council Tax Bands guide for the full step-by-step details.

  54. Get free advice if disputes arise including joining a renters union

    If you're having problems with your landlord, or you need extra advice with any issues while you're renting, there are several places that can offer free help.

    Housing charity Shelter has specialist housing advisers that can help you negotiate, as well as free advice helplines – see its sites for EnglandWalesScotland and Northern Ireland for contact details for where you live.

    You can also look into joining a renters union. There are various ones for example the London Renters Union, Living Rent and Acorn, which has local branches.

    You can also contact Citizens Advice for free advice and support.

  55. Not having locks for each room may affect insurance claims in shared accommodation

    If you're renting shared accommodation, such as in uni halls, your insurance won't cover you for theft unless there's been a violent or forced entry. So always make sure you lock your room's door when you leave, even if you're just popping out briefly.

    If you're in a house share that doesn't have locks on each room, be aware this may adversely affect any home insurance claims. As there won't be any signs of forced entry (after all, a burglar could just walk into your room) they may not pay out. You could get tenants' home insurance – see our Contents insurance for tenants guide for more.

  56. Consider carefully whether you should really buy instead

    when and if you should buy a property

    If house price mania had a World Cup, Britain would lift the trophy. Yet there's still the question of what, when and whether to buy. See the Mortgage schemes guide and Pros and cons of renting forum discussion to help, as well as Martin's Property warning blog.

    Martin's warning

    While it's wonderful to plan, budget and buy a home you can afford, too many have unhealthy 'must own, must own' mentalities.

    I met some scorn talking about this back in the 2006 property boom. Yet now after price dips in many parts of the UK and the still-looming spectre of monster mortgage deposits, maybe it's time to reappraise attitudes and bust myths.

    Too often non-homeowners are depicted as an underclass. It's why I've met 21-year-olds desperate to overstretch their tentative first pay packets and risk financial ruin just to buy.

    Owning is a nice goal, but you're no loser if you don't immediately clamber onto the housing ladder. Bigger-picture financial security is more important.

    Some say: "Property prices may fall but not in [insert where they live]." Yet the only way to know that is with a crystal ball.

    Hot demand now could change if interest rates rise, and existing mortgages become less affordable – not a prediction, just a possibility.

    The money-savvy should always hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

  57. Get a FREE first-time buyers' guide

    Of course, we aren't saying you should rush out and buy a property. But if you are making the jump from renting to buying, we've a detailed free PDF guide to help you get the very best mortgage deal possible.

    The MoneySavingExpert.com First-time buyers' guide is a fully detailed step-by-step guide to getting the best possible mortgage deal.

    For every 1% you can cut off your mortgage deal, you'll save £1,000 a year on a £100,000 repayment mortgage. So it's well worth taking the time.

  58. Add your tips for renters on the forum

    tips for renters

    The House buying, renting and selling forum board is a great place to share your experiences of renting with others, from hunting for the perfect rental to moving tips 'n' tricks you've learnt along the way.

    Whether you want to ask about the landlord not emptying the houserenting with pets or having a pigeon stuck in the chimney (!), it's well worth a visit. And if you've tips to help others, share them in the Renting tips discussion.

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