Seven in 10 UK adults have been contacted by a claims management firm without permission in the past year, new data from the financial regulator shows.
Commuters who've suffered severe disruption on Great Northern, Northern, Thameslink and Transpennine Express trains during a major timetable shake-up will be able to claim extra compensation by the end of July.
Universities say students and prospective students need clearer and better-targeted financial advice on the full implications of taking out a student loan - a call which is backed by founder Martin Lewis.
E.on is to increase average dual-fuel prices for around 1.8 million customers on its standard tariff by 4.8% in August - just months after it hit them with a backdoor price hike by scrapping a number of discounts.
The best savings account rates have barely risen since November's base rate rise, can reveal, suggesting savers are not being given a fair deal.
CYBG, the owner of Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks, has agreed to buy Virgin Money for £1.7bn in a deal that will eventually see all of its retail customers moved to the Virgin Money brand - but there are no changes yet for existing customers.
Travellers who snapped up bargain British Airways flights to the Middle East have had their tickets cancelled, after the airline claimed it got the fares wrong.